ACA Code of Ethics 2005

1)  When counselors learn that clients are seeing another mental health professional, they

a)  terminate the relationship if the client does not choose to see them exclusively

b)  respect the client's right to self-determination

c)  obtain the client's permission to inform the other professional

d)  explore the possibility that the client has attachment issues

2)  Sexual counselor-client relationships with former clients are prohibited for a period of _____ years after the last professional contact.

a)  5

b)  7

c)  9

d)  the relationships are never appropriate

3)  Counselors are never allowed to barter with clients.

a)  True

b)  False

4)  Counselors maintaining sites on the internet must

a)  establish methods for verifying client identity

b)  strive to provide translation capabilities

c)  assist clients in determining the validity and reliability of information found on the World Wide Web and other technology applications

d)  all the above

5)  In couples and family counseling, counselors clearly

a)  avoid taking sides

b)  state that confidentiality does not apply

c)  get payment up front

d)  define who is considered the client

6)  A counselor may not ask a former client for a testimonial even if the counselor compensates the former client.

a)  True

b)  False

7)  Counselors may refer to themselves as “Dr.” in a counseling context even though their doctorate is not in counseling or a related field.

a)  True

b)  False

8)  Which of the following is true regarding the diagnosis of mental disorders?

a)  Clients' cultural experiences are considered when diagnosing mental disorders

b)  Counselors recognize historical prejudices in the misdiagnosis of certain groups

c)  Counselors may refrain from making a diagnosis if they believe it would harm the client

d)  all the above

9)  Counselors may not accept as counseling clients individuals they have evaluated in the past for forensic purposes.

a)  True

b)  False

10)  All the following are true of supervisory relationships EXCEPT

a)  romantic relationships with current supervisees are prohibited

b)  supervisors may provide counseling services to supervisees if documented

c)  counseling supervisors avoid accepting friends as supervisees

d)  supervisors are responsible for incorporating into their supervision the principles of informed consent and participation

11)  Before initiating counseling services, counselors-in-training must disclose

a)  any cultural or gender biases

b)  criminal history which may impact the delivery of services

c)  their theoretical orientation

d)  their status as students

12)  Counselor educators may require trainees to seek professional help to address any personal concerns that may be affecting their competency.

a)  True

b)  False

13)  When considering engaging in a sexual relationship with former students, faculty members

a)  seek personal psychotherapy

b)  receive peer counseling and document conclusions

c)  consult with the carrier of their liability insurance

d)  foster open discussions with those students

14)  Counselors must report the results of research even if it reflects unfavorably on their institution.

a)  True

b)  False