Subject Evaluation By Students ( 3rdand 4thYearClinical subjects)

Batch: Year: Subject:

 Please tick the box that best represents your opinion about each item

Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree/ disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree
1 / They were scheduled in an appropriate order
2 / All lecturers delivered their lectures as scheduled
3 / The lecture schedule give sufficient details
4 / The clinical significance of each topic was clear
5 / I understood all the lectures well
6 / All the lecturers highlighted the important points/ clinical applications
7 / All the lecturers summarized their lectures at the end
8 / ILOs were delivered before the lecture
9 / Lectures gave time to ask questions/encouraged to ask questions
10 / The relevant references were given
Clinical training
11 / They were well-organized
12 / There were adequate facilities for the required training
13 / They helped me to gain new knowledge and skill
14 / The time allocation for each roster was sufficient
15 / There was sufficient guidance from junior clinical staff during training
16 / There was sufficient guidance from senior clinical staff during training
17 / I had adequate opportunities to practice clinical skills stipulated in the skill book
18 / I had adequate opportunity to participate in use of diagnostic aids (X-ray, Ultrasound Scanning, endoscope etc) and interpret results
19 / The number of students in each group was too many
20 / I was able to improve my oral and written communication skills including telephone conversations in interacting with clients, peer/ seniors, clinicians and support staff.
21 / Support staff was helpful in learning clinical skills
22 / I improved written communication skills with reference to record keeping, report and referral letter writing etc
23 / There was a conducive (friendly and comfortable) environment to learn and practise clinical skills
Tutorials and problem based learning
24 / They were well organized by giving adequate preparation time, reference material etc
25 / They helped me to gather new information
26 / The time allocation was adequate
27 / The number of students in each group was too many
28 / Adequate guidance was given prior to and during learning
29 / They were discussed and evaluate constructively
30 / They help to understand the important/ difficult areas
Time allocated for self-directed learning (SDL)
31 / I was able to use this time well
32 / I used this time to refer e-learning material
33 / I used this time to use/ refer e-learning materials
34 / I used this time to study alone or with friends
35 / Time provided for SDL was adequate
36 / There were constructive advice/ guidance from teachers
Learning objectives
37 / Give at the beginning of each lesson/ practical
38 / I have referred to them while studying
39 / I found them a useful guide to understand this subject
40 / I have been able to achieve all of them

I g confident in advicment skillsrs in current curriculum?ese common points CA /FA into one

General Comments

Please identify any area that you found

Difficult or were badly organized





Clinical Training:-








(2) Well-organized and interesting (that you enjoyed learning)





Clinical training:-





