«Emergence Innovation» call for projects - 2016
Principles of the «Emergence & Innovation» call for projects
The most important knowledge breakthroughs often stem from «risky» projects, with disruptive approaches of scientific issues. Nevertheless, given the uncertainty linked to their newness, it is often difficult for such projects to get adequate fundingthrough national and international calls for proposals. Yet supporting scientific ventures remains crucial and these innovative scientific projects should be funded, since their results may be of major impact.
The “Emergence & Innovation” Fund is the answer A*MIDEX gives to this need. It aims at acknowledging and encouraging approaches distinguished by innovation in the reasoning and/or the issue at stake, the latter being disciplinary or interdisciplinary. It covers the entirety of research themes and is open to all fields and disciplines with no exception.
«Emergence & Innovation» projects may deal with fundamental or more applied research, especially in A*MIDEX 5 priority themes: Energy; Environment; Health and life sciences; Sciences and technologies; Humanities.
The means A*MIDEX devotes to support risk-taking constitute the “Emergence & Innovation” Fund which is the subject of this call for projects (CFP).
It is intended for the scientific community of Aix-Marseille University and its partnermembers of the A*MIDEX consortium on the Aix-Marseille site.
The objectives of the “Emergence & Innovation” Fund are the following:
-Selecting and funding research projects that break with more conventional research approaches
-Promoting scientific daring and solving new issues
-Favoring the development of emergent themes, disciplinary and interdisciplinary breakthroughs, new concepts, new methods, thought progress
-Encouraging the production of innovative knowledge that may be potentially fruitful
-Maximizing the impact on the Aix-Marseille site in terms of knowledge progress and importance of the results targeted by supported projects
-Improving the positioning of Aix-Marseille University’s and its partners’ projects in European programs, especially ERC and more generally in EU’s framework programs and international programs.
Field of the «Emergence & Innovation» call for projects:
-All scientific fields, all disciplinary or interdisciplinary themes, especially in A*MIDEX 5 priority themes
-Basic or applied research
The funding awarded to laureate projectswill depend on the decision of the Steering Committee, and its amount may be adjusted according to the scientific justification of requested means and the priority goals of each project. Other funding sources requested for or granted to the project will be taken into account.The following expenses are eligible: contract staff (for doctoral and post-doctoral contracts hired on behalf of the project, they should be external to the Aix-Marseille site), operating costs, missions and investment in researchequipment.
A yearly evaluation will be scheduled, with an operational start 12 months after the labeling of the project, in order to explore the relevance of the approach and to assess whether it should be pursued, reoriented or broadened, or shall be stopped.
Term of the funding: Up to 3 years.
Admissibility criteria:
On-line submission of the complete file, conform to the model of application, on the A*MIDEX website, before the deadlines. No addition will be accepted after the closing of the submission website at the specified time.
Eligibility criteria:
To be eligible, each application should be managed by a faculty member belonging to Aix-Marseille University or its A*MIDEX partners on the Aix-Marseille site.
Selection criteria:
-Potential impact of the project, fundamental or applied
-Originality of the approach and/ or the issue
-Development potential of the project and expected impact on the discipline at national and international level
-Relevance and added value of the project for Aix-Marseille University and its partners
-Priority given to new projects. Possibility to apply for a renewal, provided that 50% of the project is co-funded (salaries of permanent staff not included).
Selection process:
International experts will be called upon to assess and rank submitted proposals.
The A*MIDEX Steering Committee will select the laureates taking into account the experts’recommendations and A*MIDEX strategic objectives.
Calendar of the call for projects:
-Launch of the call for projects: 19th October 2016 at 12.00
-Deadline to submit a letter of intent: 30thNovember 2016at 12.00 on the A*MIDEX website (
-Deadline to submit an application: 1stMarch 2017 at 12.00 on the A*MIDEX website (
-Expertise of the applications: March-June 2017
-Labeling of the laureates: July 2017
-Provisional start of the projects: September 2017
Application procedure:on-line submission of the complete application (pdf file) on the website
The application includes two parts: a letter of intent which describes briefly the project in one page, and a final application (model in annex).
For more information:
Model of application
A*MIDEX – 2016 Emergence & Innovation CFP
Letter of intent (1 page, the text must be in size 11 font, with 1,5 spacing, normal margins, A4 format).
Project title:
Name of Project PI(and co-PI if applicable):
Involved partners (internal and external):
Summary of the project highlighting its innovativeaspects and its goals:
Key words(concerned disciplines):
Model of application
A*MIDEX – 2016 Emergence & Innovation CFP
Important: Apart from the letter of intent (1 page), this document should not exceed 25 pages (the text must be in size 11 font, with 1,5 spacing, normal margins, A4 format), and should be written in English for the international experts.
Cover of the application form:
The first page of the file should display the following information:
I/ Coordinateur du projet (Prénom-Nom-Courriel-AdressePostale) / Project PI (First name-Last name-Email- Postal address)
II/ Acronyme du projet/ Acronym of the project
III/ Titre du projet/ Projecttitle
IV/ Axe(s) thématique(s) prioritaire(s)/ Priority theme(s) / Energie/ Energy
Environnement/ Environment
Santé & Sciences de la Vie/ Health & Life Sciences
Sciences & Technologies Avancées/ Sciences & Advanced Technologies
Humanités/ Humanities
V/ Unité(s) de recherche impliquée(s)/ Research unit(s) involved
VI/ Type de recherche/ Type of research / Recherche fondamentale/ Basic Research
Recherche appliquée/ AppliedResearch
VII/ Financementdemandé/ Requested funding
Facultatif/ Optional:
VIII/ Experts suggérés et non-souhaités (avec justification pour les experts non souhaités)/ Experts suggested and excluded at request of an applicant (with justification for the excluded experts)
Content of the application file:
I/ Résumé de la proposition/ Executivesummary
II/ Contexte, positionnement « Emergence Innovation » et objectifs de la proposition/ Context, « Emergence & Innovation » positioningand objectives of the proposal
III/Programmescientifiqueet technique,Organisationduprojet/Scientificandtechnical program, project organization:Programme, management, tâches, calendrier des tâches, livrablesetjalons/Scientificprogramme,management,tasks,tasksschedule,deliverables and milestones
IV/ Description des équipes impliquées/ Description of the teams involved
V/ Stratégie de valorisation (le cas échéant)/ Exploitation ofresults (ifnecessary)
VI/ Impact potentiel du projet pour le site et sur la discipline/ Potential impact of the projectfor the site and on the discipline
VII/ Justification des moyens demandés (cf. annexe budgétaire)/ Scientific justification of requestedmeans (cf. budgetary annex)
VIII/ Références bibliographiques/ Bibliographical references
The CV of the PIs of the teams involved as well as complementary elements may be added if necessary in an annex. This document should be of reasonable dimensions and should not exceed the length of the file itself limited to 25 pages.
Budgetary annex
Table 1.a: Estimated budget from A*MIDEXPlease define an estimated budget of expenditures for the years ………………..
The eligibility date for expenditure is ……………..
You should try to be as precise as possible in order to receive a grant that will cover your needs as accurately as possible.
All the staff costs are calculated according to the rules of the human resources vademecum, please have a look at
Type of expenditures / A*MIDEX total requested grant (€) / A*MIDEX grant
1 / A*MIDEX grant
/ Comments
Investment costs
Operating Costs
Staff costs
Table 1.b: Estimated budget for other funding source
Beneficiary of the funding / Co-founder / Name of the Cofounder / Nature of the cofunding* / Amount committed by the cofounder for the project duration (€) / Amount collected (€)
** / Choisissez un élément.
* Nature of the cofunding: please specify whether the funding is monetary, a contribution in kind (ex: premises, facilities…) or human resources.
- ForFEDER funds,pleaseallocatethe amounts between"PUBLIC – LOCAL AUTHORITY” and "INTERNATIONAL – EUROPEAN COMMISSION «depending to the source of the funds.
- For CPER funds, please allocate the amounts between “PUBLIC – LOCAL AUTHORITY’ and “PUBLIC –LOCAL GOVERNMENT” depending to the source of the funds.
**Please insert additional rows as necessary.
TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE PROJECT: …………………………..€A*MIDEX requested grant: …………………………..€