Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 25, 2016

Though Jesus Christ was rich, yet he became poor,

so that by his poverty you might become rich.

ST. BERNARD’S (Moncton)





St. Bernard’s: Thursday @ 9:30 AM Saturday @ 4:00 PM Sunday @ 11:00 AM

St. Vincent: Sunday @ 9:00 AM

St. Clement's & St. Bartholomew's: Saturday @ 7 PM (alternating)

Priest is available for Confessions prior to Saturday Mass upon request.


Priest Moderator: Rev. Allison S. Carroll Social Justice: Claudia McCloskey

Assistant: (part-time) Rev. Charles Broderick Catechetics: Lorella Dunnett

Liturgy: Rick Shaw, Deb Gillespie Adult Faith: Dr. Andrew Wilson


Secretary: Darlene McGraw, Custodian: Michel Saulnier

Bookkeeper: Barb Bowes, Facilities Manager: Mike Murphy

Catechetical Coordinator: Lorella Dunnett,

OFFICE: 43 Botsford St. Moncton, NB E1C 4W9 Phone 857-0425 Fax 857-9565

Web Site:


Monday - Friday: 9 AM–12 PM & 1 PM–4 PM


Thurs. Sep. 29 @ 9:30 AM—late Neil McDonald Doreen Vautour

Sat. Oct. 01 @ 4:00 PM—anniv. late Ray Hebert Roberta, Paul, Peter, Lana & Lynne

Sun. Oct. 02 @ 11:00 AM—anniv. late Charles Gallie Lois & Gordon


Regular Envelopes (298) $ 6,847.00 Loose $ 622.36 Karing Kitchen $ 83.00

Capital Expenditure (38) $ 2,770.00 Parish Religious Education (6) $ 80.00 All Soul's Day (1) $ 40.00

Needs of Cdn Church (1) $ 10.00 Syrian Relief (9) $ 110.00 Donation (2) $ 5.00

Thank you for your generous and continued support!


·  Carmelites - 1st Sat. of Month - 10:30 - 12:30 - Church Hall

·  RCIA - resumes Wednesday, Oct. 12 at 7 PM

·  Circle of Friends - Thursdays after 9:30 AM Mass

·  Craft Group - Tue., Oct. 4 from 1-3 PM in Church Hall

·  Next Baptism Preparation - Tuesdays, Oct. 4 & 11 at 7 PM

·  Next Baptisms - Sunday, September 25 @ 2 PM

·  Marriage Formation - Thursdays, Sep. 29, Oct. 6, 13, 20, & 27

·  St. Bernard’s Holly Tea - Saturday, Nov. 5 from 2 - 4 PM

·  Sacrament of the Sick - Wed., Oct. 12 @ 11 AM @ Immaculate Heart of Mary

·  Mass for Deceased - Wed., Nov. 9, 7 PM @ St. Bernard's

Ecclesiastes 3…Under every season there is a time…


We remember in our prayers those who are sick...

Sharon Fox, Philip Barton, Mary Butler, Charlie Chamberlaine,

Gerry Bannister, Emma Arsenault, Patrick Mahoney, Ruth Sabourin,

Alfreda Cormier, Erich Kopetzky Sr., Pauletta Theriault, Louis Malenfant

and Tammy Caissie.


our sincere sympathies to the families of:

Leonce Gallant, brother of Paul (Blanche) Gallant,

Barbara Longphee, Michelle Leger, Marie Bastien, Thelma Burke, and

Thomas Pittaway.

and to all who mourn the loss of a loved one...

No Scent Policy

Out of respect for those with sensitivities, please avoid wearing scented products in the Church, Parish Office and the Church Hall. Thank you.

St. Bernard's Church is open Monday to Friday 11 AM to 1 PM. (with the exception of statutory holidays) Please feel very welcome to come and use the church at this time as an opportunity for quiet reflection, personal prayer, or simply a time of refreshment for the soul. Volunteers are required - If you are interested in helping with this please call the parish office at 857-0425.

Needed: Double bed. If you are able to donate please call Inez @ 389-3571.

Rexton Catholic Church's AnnualFall Turkey Supper will be on Sunday, Sep. 25, 4-6 PM at the Rexton Catholic ChurchHall on 10 School St. Cost - $12 for adults & take outs $6 for children under 10. Everyone Welcome!

First Saturday of the Month Mass will be celebrated at the St. Bernard's Church on October. 1 at 9:30 AM. Doors open at 8:30. Rosary at 9:05. All are welcome.

From the Offices of Faith Development, Liturgy and Youth Faith Development

To contact us:

Ellen - 857- 9952 or ;

Trevor - 857-4879 or and

Deb at

Jubilee for Catechists - Who are catechists?

They are people who keep the memory of God alive; they keep it alive in themselves and they are able to revive it in others.” Pope Francis, September 29, 2013

Holy Mass on the Occasion of the ‘Day for Catechists’ during the Year of Faith.

Young Adults Board Game Night: Our young adult group meets for board games on the last Tuesday of the month at Unplugged in Riverview. We will gather again on Tuesday, Sep. 27th. Please contact Trevor for additional information.

Books for Breakfast - Rescheduled. Our next Books for Breakfast for young adults will take place on Saturday, Oct.1, 11 AM at St. Louis Wings Bar & Grill (1405 Mountain Rd.). We will be looking at the book StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath. Those participating will complete the StrengthsFinder 2.0 online strengths assessment prior to our meeting. Contact Trevor for more information

Theology on Tap: Our first Theology on Tap for young adults 19-39 for this pastoral year will be Monday, Oct. 3, 7 PM at House of Lam (951 Mountain Rd., Moncton). Our guest speaker will be Sandra Perkison of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish and her talk will be entitled House Building 101: An Experience with Habitat for Humanity. Please contact Trevor for additional information.


This month (Sep. 26-30) the Canadian Bishops are scheduled to meet in plenary session. All are invited to pray throughout the month asking the Spirit of God to guide the Bishops in their deliberations and decisions for the people of God.

Rummage Sale: St. John's United Church, 75 Alma St., Moncton - Basement Entrance, Saturday, October 22, 8:30 AM - 1 PM. Clothing, Books, Toys, Linens, Electronics, Household, plus much more for sale. You Don't Want To Miss It!

CWL 2017 dues are currently being received. If paying by cheque, make the cheques payable to St. Bernard’s CWL.



It is important that those who are sick and those around them understand the significance of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick as a sacrament of healing. Who should celebrate this sacrament?

Those who are elderly and whose frailty is becoming more pronounced

Those adults and children who are suffering from a major illness. Illness comes in many different forms - physical, mental, psychological, emotional, spiritual.

Those who are facing or recovering from surgery or serious medical tests

Those suffering from a serious accident

Those who suffer from chronic illness such as arthritis or diabetes

Those who care for the sick, especially those who are closely bound in love to them.

The English churches of the Moncton Diocese work together to offer this communal celebration two or three times a year. Join us on Wednesday, October 12 at 11 AM for mass and the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to be held at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 5 Fatima Drive, Riverview. All parishioners within the three English pastoral units are invited and encouraged to participate in this celebration.

Crossroads for Women Inc. is inviting you to their Annual General Assembly, Thurs., Sep. 22, 6: 30 PM at the Centre of Arts & Culture, 331 Acadie Ave, Dieppe. They would like to extend an invitation to their partners, collaborators, as well as the members of the community. Marc Albert, DPL CEO, will present the impact that Crossroads has had on his life and that of his family. During his childhood, Marc stayed at Crossroads while his mother was receiving the means to permanently break the cycle of family violence. During this Annual General Meeting, a presentation of the financial statements and various reports will be made and it will be a good opportunity to review the progress made by Crossroads for Women Inc. in 2015-2016. For more information or to confirm your attendance contact Isabel Pereira, Crossroads for Women Inc., (506) 857-8028,

Knights of Columbus Council - 1310, 84 Broadway St. will be hosting a breakfast Sunday, October 2, 2016, 8 AM - 12:30 PM. Adults $8, Children $3, and 5 yrs & under are free.

Yard & Bake Sale: St. James Anglican Church, 101 Fairview Dr. Moncton) is having a Yard & Bake Sale on Fri., Sep. 30, 6 - 8 PM and Sat., Oct. 1, 8:30 to 1 PM. BBQ Lunch on Sat.. Call 854-5499 or


Join us for the annual Life Chain on Sunday, October 2,2:30-3:30 in front of Champlain Place. We stand in silence and prayer to end abortion in our country. For Sister Cecile 857 9414.

The RCIA team at St. Bernard’s exists to welcome individuals who are wondering about the Roman Catholic Church and to help them in their search for spiritual guidance and a sense of church community. We also welcome those Catholics who haven’t yet completed their preparation for Confirmation and Eucharist and wish to do so. Also, parishioners may not be aware that children who have not been baptized are not placed in regular catechism classes. Instead, if their parents want them to have some religious education and will help them, they are welcomed into the RCIA process adapted for children. When ready, they receive the three sacraments of initiation at one celebration. Whether adult or child inquirer, candidate or catechumen, the team provides the elements for preparation including prayer, reflection on the Sunday liturgy of the Word, education about our faith and mutual support during the ups and downs of our individual journeys of faith.

If you know someone who is thinking of becoming a member of the Catholic Church, please invite him or her to call the rectory at 857-0425 for more information on RCIA.

St. Bernard's Catechism Registration

For more information and registration forms you may go to:

àMinistries & GroupsàFaith FormationàChildren's Catechism

Please note: Catechism classes for levels 1-2-3 Sunday morning (9:15-10:45 sessions) are full. However, there are still spaces available Tuesday evenings 6:00 PM for this level.

Giving Back To Our Community Milk Bags for Beds

St. Bernard's parish will be collecting the 4 liter milk bags for our servicecomponentfor our confirmation class this upcoming fall. Our youth will beinstructedon how to weave these bags onto a loom to make light,waterproof sleepingmatsfor the homeless. Boxes are placed at both entrances of the church for you to drop off the bags. Thank you to all who have contributed bags so far!!

Provincial Forum: Basic Income? More more citizens are asking if there is a better way to address income disparity poverty in our society. Many community faith based organizations, unions businesses are searching for new ways to address these issues. In NB, we want to broaden expand this conversation. That is why a number of organizations have come together to organize a Provincial Forum. The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you to the Provincial Forum: Basic Income, held at Legends Restaurant, Agrena Complex, 377 Killam Dr., Tuesday, Sep. 27- 9:30 - 4:15. The Forum will help deepen participant’s understandings around reducing inequality through a Basic Income or Guaranteed Annual Income or via Enhanced Public Programs. For more info. & to register call 858-8600 or e-mail us at

St. Bernard's bookkeeper, Barb Bowes, will be leaving St. Bernard's at the end of September. Heartfelt appreciation for all her hard work and dedication. Wishing her all the very best with God's Blessings on all future endeavors. She continues to serve St. Vincent's in Sackville.

At the same time we would like to extend a warm welcome to Louise Tardif, St. Bernard's new bookkeeper.


New Hope Ministries is sponsoring an interfaith conference to be held on Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016. This conference is entitled Longing For The Light and it is a journey through discouragement, grief and depression. We will be using the facilities at Whitepine Baptist Church, Riverview. Conference is from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM. Speakers: Sharon Fawcett - Finding Light in Depression, Carolyn King - Finding Light in Discouragement, Ruth & Kevin Culberson - Finding Light in Grief, Berys Richardson - Tools to find the Light. This conference is for both men and women. The cost is $30.00 at the Door or $25 for pre-registration. All priests, pastors and spouses are invited to attend free of charge. For further information or for registration forms please call 506-383-3165 or email us at or For further information or for registration forms please call 506-383-3165 or email us at or

Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada

September 25, 2016

Every year, the Bishops of Canada make an appeal for financial assistance to support their work and the work of each diocese by means of the Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada. This collection helps support the work of the Episcopal conference by providing each diocese the means to make its annual per capita contribution to the CCCB. Any amount exceeding this contribution is then put at the disposal of the diocese for their own pastoral needs. The CCCB is the national assembly of Catholic Bishops in Canada, including the Eastern Catholic Churches in Canada. Contributing to the collection is an action of collaboration with the Bishops in their ministry to teach, sanctify and govern.