Thursday, November 2

2 to 4pm Regional EPA-NEP meetings, EPA Region 1 headquarters Boston

Agendas TBD by each region; Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 have expressed interest

6 to 8pm ANEP Board meeting, location TBA

Agenda TBD by ExComm

6 to 8pm Group dinner options provided

8pm to ? NEP-EPA meet-up

Friday, November 3

EPA Region 1 headquarters Boston

7:30 to 8:30am Women of NEP breakfast

9am Welcome, Introductions

Stan Hales, ANEP Chair

Regina Lyons, Region 1 Ocean and Coastal Protection Unit

Deb Szaro, Acting Region 1 Administrator

9:30 Technology Transfer Theme: Expanding and Strengthening Connections

Proposed format: For each topic, a local “expert” will provide a 10-minute overview of the issue, followed by 3 or 4 lightning talks by NEP or EPA staff describing relevant activities and results in their planning area (5 slides x 5 minutes). Finally, 30 minutes of discussion will generate potential cross-NEP initiatives to consider in the final discussion, and/or a list of needs to facilitate broader implementation where relevant.

9:30 Return on investment and/or economic valuation as means for describing the value of the National Estuary Program

Setting the stage: Porter Hoagland, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (suggested)

Presenters: TBD

Facilitator: TBD

10:30 Break

11:00 State of the Bays/NEPORT/CCMP integration: measuring progress toward goals

Setting the stage: Emily Shumchenia, EPA Narragansett Laboratory (suggested)

Presenters: TBD

Facilitator: TBD

12pm Lunch

1:00 Meaningful engagement of stakeholders from underserved communities & populations

Setting the stage: Climate Ready Boston staff (suggested)

Presenters: TBD

Facilitator: TBD

2:00 Innovations in NEP operations

Setting the stage: Third Sector New England organizational development (suggested)

Presenters: TBD

Facilitator: TBD

3:00 Break

3:30 NEP themes of the future: what have we heard today?

Review of discussion: Pam DiBona, MassBays

Facilitator: TBD

4:30 Wrap-up

5:00 Adjourn

Saturday, November 4

EPA Region 1 Headquarters, Boston

9am Welcome back, thoughts from Friday

9:15 Breakout discussions

1.  Scientific staff Facilitator TBD

·  coastal acidification monitoring + implications

·  new approaches for habitat restoration: thin-layer deposition, storm barriers for seagrass...others?

·  developing a monitoring plan

2.  Communications staff Facilitator TBD

·  strategic joint communications (#IHeartEstuaries, King Tides, e.g.)

·  communications plan development & evaluation

·  best practices for sharing research outcomes

3.  Administration/grants staff Facilitator TBD

·  project tracking tools and tricks

·  recent changes in grant applications & administration

·  lobbying rules

4.  Directors Facilitator TBD

·  strategic planning

·  what about adding more NEPs?

·  how is our brand coming along?

12pm Lunch, report out

1-4pm Field trip: Boston’s waterfront

6-8pm Science Café, MIT Sea Grant (suggested)

Sunday November 5 – 9am to 2pm field trips, details TBA