Beormund Primary School
Crosby Row
London SE1 3PS
Tel: 020 7525 9027
Fax: 020 7525 9026
Headteacher : Mr Andrew Henderson
Dear Parent/ Carer
In line with national Government guidelines, we will be delivering a Growing and Changing project in the summer term. The lessons will be age appropriate and taught throughout the school. Children will therefore build on their knowledge gradually during their time at Beormund this term.
Each class will receive at least 8 lessons taught by the class teacher this term. These lessons will focus on aspects of sex and relationships education that are featured in best practice Government guidance and include aspects of the statutory science curriculum.
Children at different stages will for example learn:
- that household products, including medicines can be harmful if not used properly.
- about their bodies and how they work.
- about babies and birth and about the process of growing from young to old.
- be able to judge what kind of physical contact is acceptable, comfortable, unacceptable and uncomfortable and how to respond.
- about the emotional changes they may experience as they grow.
- about the effect of smoking and alcohol and how to make informed choices.
As a school we will follow the Christopher Winter project which provides us with detailed plans and resources for each age group, however teachers will personalise these lessons and only deliver sessions that are appropriate for the emotional needs of your child.
One of the schools main duties is to keep children safe and these lessons will help us to achieve this in a sensitive manner. Our SRE policy outlines why we feel SRE in an important part of our PSHE curriculum. This policy can be found on our new school website, please take a look.
If you have any questions please contact Nichola and Charanjit, our Pastoral Support Team, who will be happy to support you.
Kind Regards,
Kristan Engmann
PSHCE/ RE Leader