September 4, 2014
MRE FFA Board Meeting
MRE- Teacher’s Lounge
Suzanne Lawson, Lori Whitley, Gerry Mclean, Carolyn Coglianese, Regina White, Amber Brazell,Christine Huddleson, Lane Vance, Tracy Jewell, Greta Suydam, Mary Corbett,Guy Winters, Jacqueline Morgan, Linda Hoover, Chrissy Rosenfeld, Jillian Frisbie, Angela Franz, Melissa Lenain, Cynthia Pacal, Diana Stift, Dannie Wortz, Jennifer Leader, Michael Gates, Natalia Moorhead, Heidy Herway, Korey Thouhmavong, Ellen McIrvin, Peggy Crane, Yesenia Robinson, Eric Morgan, Tammy Brown
The meeting was called to order at 7:59am by President Mary Corbett.
1-Opening Mary Corbett
Mary welcomed everyone to the FFA meeting and introductions were made.
2-Secretary ReportSuzanne Lawson
VOTE: The Board approved the June 6, 2014 minutes.
3-SpeakerJulia Bernier
Sing and Speak Spanish will be offered at MRE this school year.
Two groups will have one 50 minute class per week from Sept 29-June 1. Registration information can be found on the MRE website.
4- President ReportMary Corbett
A A/C-carpet- The AC and carpeting have been installed.
B Marquee- Installation will be delayed until November due to the
materials chosen for the marquee. The tree and shrubs will be planted after
the marquee has been installed.
C Introduction- The new Vice Principal, Yesenia Robinson, was introduced.
D Volunteers- Volunteers must complete a purple form and turn into
the office. Please adhere to all school rules when on campus. TB testing
will be offered at the school 9/9-9/25. Jen Leader passed around volunteer
sign up sheets for TB test days and one time helpers. A list of volunteer
positions available is on the MRE website.
E- Newsletter/Website/E-blast- All submissions must be pre-approved by
Lori Whitley and Mary Corbett. Submit on a Monday for approval for
the Wed e-blast.
F Child Safety kits to record important information aboutchildren provided free of charge. See attached
VOTE: The Board approved the distribution of the safety kits to the MRE students.
5- Treasurer ReportJacqueline Morgan
A. Please see attached report.
B. Reimbursement –Check requests form can be made online and paper copy is also available. Please submit all expenses for reimbursement to reflect actual costs associated with an event/committee.
6- Committee ReportsMary Corbett
A. Family Restaurant Night
Today Thursday 9/4 from 4-9pm at Wahine Kai Shave Ice- Flyer required.
15% profit to the school.
B.Spirit Wear Mary Corbett for Lecia Haas
VOTE: The Board approved $1000 to restock MRE spirit wear.
VOTE: The Board approved $300 to purchase bling items for MRE spirit wear.
C.Pledge DriveTracy Jewell
Bridging the Gap brochures will go home with students on 9/10. The FFA video will be shown in each classroom at Back to School night 9/11 and prior to the movie at the Ice Cream Social on 9/19.
D. Ice Cream SocialEllen McIrvin
Friday night September 19 at 6pm. Teachers will be scooping ice cream in the MPR and the movie will be held on the playground. The Class of 2015 committee will decide on the movie. Volunteers are needed.
E. Halloween CarnivalJillian Frisbie
Clowning Around at the Ranch Saturday October 18 from 12-5pm. A
committee meeting will be held Thurs 9/11 at 8am. Volunteers are needed.
Class of 2015 is in charge of the Haunted House.
VOTE: The Board approved $500 to purchase an ad in the SRCA October newsletter.
F.FundraisingAngela Franz
Halloween carnival silent auction baskets will not be created by each class.Instead all items will be donated by businesses and corporations. The best themes are date nights and kids games. There may be opportunity drawings for big items. At Back to School Night on 9/11 families can donate $5 towards baskets and receive a free raffle ticket.
7- Program Updates
A .AssembliesMary Corbett
Diane Hunter has arranged assemblies for the students.
$897-Drawing Secrets Revealed on Dec 8-9
$1250- Literature Comes to Life on March 9-10
$0 – Giving Back with Ronald McDonald Nov 13
$0 – World of Jazz on Nov 3
$300- Internet Safety
VOTE: The Board approved $2447 for 3 assemblies at MRE.
B. Green Team/Garden CorpsJennifer Leader
Garden Corps will be held at the same time as running club. The nature trail has been revamped. A garden volunteer is needed for each classroom with
the intent of offering a lesson in the garden once a month. (volunteers needed to develop the curriculum). The irrigation will be installed by a Boy Scout as his Eagle Scout project. Campus Clean up day is Saturday Sept 27th from 9-11am. An Earth Day tree planting event is planned to establish the orchard.
8- School Service Updates
A. SRCA Newsletter- All submissions due to Catherine Melis on September 5 for the October newsletter.
B. FFA Supply Room- Please take a tour and find out what is available to use before making purchases. Notify Suzanne Lawsonif items need to be ordered.
Next meeting is FRIDAY OCT 3- Teacher’s Lounge
Respectfully submitted-
Suzanne Lawson, FFA Secretary