Pre-Solo Requirements

Maneuvers and procedures for pre-solo flight training in a single-engine airplane. A student pilot who is receiving training for a single-engine airplane rating must receive and log flight training for the following maneuvers and procedures:

(1) Proper flight preparation procedures, including preflight planning and preparation, powerplant operation, and aircraft systems;

(2) Taxiing or surface operations, including runups;

(3) Takeoffs and landings, including normal and crosswind;

(4) Straight and level flight, and turns in both directions;

(5) Climbs and climbing turns;

(6) Airport traffic patterns, including entry and departure procedures;

(7) Collision avoidance, windshear avoidance, and wake turbulence avoidance;

(8) Descents, with and without turns, using high and low drag configurations;

(9) Flight at various airspeeds from cruise to slow flight;

(10) Stall entries from various flight attitudes and power combinations with recovery initiated at the first indication of a stall, and recovery from a full stall;

(11) Emergency procedures and equipment malfunctions;

(12) Ground reference maneuvers;

(13) Approaches to a landing area with simulated engine malfunctions;

(14) Slips to a landing; and

(15) Go-arounds.

I ______have received ground and flight instruction in at least all the above areas and feel competent to fly solo ( as sole manipulator of the controls) of a ______, N______.

Pilot’s Signature______Cert#:______Date:______

Pre-Solo Written Test


1.  What type of aircraft are you flying?______

2.  What is the aircraft’s GROSS WEIGHT?______

3.  What documents must be onboard to be airworthy?______

4.  What documents must be with the Student pilot to fly solo?…Private Pilot?


5.  What are the runway directions and traffic pattern directions at Homestead airport?


6.  What is the Unicom frequency at Homestead?______

7.  What airports are you limited to fly out of unless additional endorsements are received?


8.  What are the following speeds for the C-172: Best angle (Vx), Best rate (Vy), Best Glide (Vg, same as Vy).


9.  What are the three steps for handling an engine failure?


10.  How much fuel does the C-172 hold? How much oil? What is the minimum oil? Fuel consumption? How long can you fly with a full tank and a 30 min reserve?
