/ 1814 Clay Drive, Crozet, VA 22932
800-213-3392 (P) 866-885-0158 (F)

Placing a Co-construct login FORM

on your website

Adding a login form for Co-construct on your own website makes it easy for your team, clients, and partners to log into the system. It can also serve as a great marketing tool for potential clients who view your site.

Marketing Text

Of course, you can write your own marketing-focused text for the log in page on your site, but you may want to write something like:

As a service to our clients, O'Neill Construction uses Co-construct – a secure, easy-to-use online service that allows you to make selection decisions, approve change orders, reply to messages, check progress information, review project files, and more. Wherever you have internet access – at home, at work, or on vacation – we keep you informed about your new home.

Copy and Paste Instructions

The following “Copy and Paste” instructions can be used to place the Co-construct login form on your site, which will appear as follows:

When you have a login on your website, your client’s information will be securely transmitted to Co-construct’s web servers, even though you may not have the “padlock” icon showing in your web browser.

If the user enters incorrect login information, he or she will be taken to a page on Co-construct’s site, showing your logo and colors, to ask them to either reenter the information or request that the password be reset.

In a text editor, such as Notepad, open up the HTML page from your website where you wish to have a Co-construct login.
In the spot on your page where you want to insert the login box, copy and paste the following text:

<form name="ccloginform" method="post"


<table cellpadding="2" style="width: 225px; border: solid 1px black; background-color: #ebebeb; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 11px; font-family: Arial;">

<tr valign="middle"<td colspan="2" align="center" style="text-align: center; background-color: #606060; color: white; font-weight: bold;">User Login</td</tr>

<tr<td style="font-weight: bold;">Email:</td<td<input type="text" name="email" style="width: 150px; font-size: 10px; border: solid 1px #606060; background-color: white;"</td</tr>

<tr<td style="font-weight: bold;">Password:</td<td<input type="password" name="password" style="width: 150px; font-size: 10px; border: solid 1px #606060; background-color: white;"</td</tr>

<tr valign="middle" align="center"<td colspan="2"<input type="submit" value="Log In" style="font-size: 10px; border: solid 2px #606060; background-color: white; width: 50px;" onClick="rememberMe();"</td</tr>

<tr valign="middle"<td colspan="2" align="center"<input type="checkbox" name="rememberMeCheckBox" value="true" style="border: none;"<span class="SmallFormLabel"> Remember e-mail</span&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="https://www.co-construct.com/skins/ONeill/default.aspx?forgot=1" class="CCLink">Forgot password?</a<br />

<a href="http://www.co-construct.com">Web-based construction software</a</td</tr>



<script type="text/javascript">

function rememberMe()


if (document.ccloginform.rememberMeCheckBox.checked == true)


var expirationDate = new Date();


document.cookie = "ccemail=" + document.ccloginform.email.value + ";path=/; expires=" + expirationDate.toUTCString();




var expirationDate = new Date();


document.cookie = "ccemail=;path=/;expires=" + expirationDate.toUTCString();



function getCookie(name) {

var dc = document.cookie;

var prefix = name + "=";

var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix);

if (begin == -1) {

begin = dc.indexOf(prefix);

if (begin != 0) return null;

} else {

begin += 2;


var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);

if (end == -1) {

end = dc.length;


return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));


var ccemail = getCookie("ccemail");

if (ccemail != null)


document.ccloginform.email.value = ccemail;

document.ccloginform.rememberMeCheckBox.checked = true;



When you view your page, you can now enter your login information for the Co-construct site. To change the colors in the form, edit the "style" values listed above. You can also change the layout of the form and have it work properly, as long as the field and form names remain the same.

Copyright 2010 Co-construct, LLC. Revised 7/20/2010