COURSE TITLE AND NUMBER: Comprehensive Algebra I (M311)
SEMESTER/YEAR: Full year 2011 - 2012
TEACHERs: Ms. Rocheleau & Ms. Anthony
This two-credit course meets every day for a full block. It includes necessary skills for success in algebra I that allow students to build relevant and meaningful connections to math content and concepts. It is designed for students who need comprehensive work with fractions, decimals and proportional reasoning in order to support achievement in algebra I. This course is intended to allow students to achieve proficiency in this and subsequent math courses.
Various topics covered include fractions, decimals, ratio, proportion, percent, the development of the language and structure of algebra, the real number system, a study of first degree equations and inequalities, operations with algebraic expressions, factoring, polynomials, radicals, and an introduction to quadratic functions. Lessons integrate the use of technology, including graphing calculators.
Textbook: Introductory Algebra, Lial, Hornsby & McGinnis, Addison Wesley (2010)
Teaching methods will include lecture, hands on activities, guided and independent practice, Accelerated Math, individual and small group instruction.
1.17 - Students interpret and communicate using mathematical, scientific and technological notation and representation
2.5 – Students produce solutions to mathematical problems requiring decisions about approach and presentation, so that the final drafts are appropriate in terms of these dimensions
7.6 – Students understand arithmetic in computation, and they select and use, in appropriate situations, mental arithmetic, pencil and paper, calculator and computer.
7.8 – Students use function and algebra concepts.
7.9 – Students use statistical concepts
7.10 – Students use concrete, formal, and informal strategies to solve mathematical problems, apply the process of mathematical modeling, and extend and generalize mathematical concepts. Students apply mathematics as they solve scientific and technological problems or work with technological systems.
Homework can be expected on a daily basis and will be collected. Assignments are due the next class.
Class Materials:
You should have a 3 ring binder with 7 dividers for class notes, homework, tests, quizzes and other materials.
A calculator is not required, but you may find it useful to have one. A graphing calculator will be supplied on those occasions that we need them in class. You do not need to have a graphing calculator, but if you plan to take advanced courses in mathematics or science you may find it useful to own a graphing calculator.
Attendance is important. Please be here promptly at 11:26 AM each day. Any late arrival without a note is considered an unexcused tardy. We will make you aware of a first unexcused tardy. On the second unexcused tardy of the quarter, we will call parents so they are aware of the situation. On the third unexcused tardy you will need to see one of us to work on a plan for reaching class on time.
If you are absent you should see one of us when you return to get assignments for the day you were absent. If you are to be absent for a field trip or other planned absence you should get your assignments in advance. You have one day to make up work for each day that you are absent. You are responsible for finding out what work you have missed.
Classroom Behavior:
It is expected that all work you submit will be your own. There is a difference between seeking help with an assignment versus simply copying someone else's work and turning it in as your own. Academic honesty is also expected in all testing situations. A student who "cheats" on an assignment, quiz or test will receive a grade of zero for that assignment.
Please respect others and their property at all times. No food is permitted in the classroom. Beverages should be in an unbreakable and reclosable container.
Electronic Devices:
Electronic devices are prevalent in today’s society. However, it is important that these devices are used for educational purposes and do not take away from learning taking place in the classroom. As such, the following guidelines apply in all CCSU schools:
· Students may use electronic devices in designated areas. The uses of camera functions are strictly prohibited in all restrooms and / or locker rooms.
· Electronic devices may be used in academic classrooms at the discretion of the teacher.
· Any electronic device that is brought to school must be the responsibility of the student, and the school is not liable for its safe keeping. Students are expected to use electronic devices appropriately, if a student fails to do so, then the student will be asked to relinquish the device to school personnel. The device shall be returned to the student / parent at the end of the school day. Any student who fails to relinquish an electronic device upon request shall be considered insubordinate and disciplinary actions can occur.
Designated areas for Essex High School students: Hallways during class passing times, lobbies, and cafeteria (s).
Student Evaluation: Your grade will consist of the following parts.
*Quizzes: 100 points each
Tests: 200 points each, one or two every quarter.
Class/homework: 100 points each unit of study, one or two every quarter.
Projects: 100 points each, one or two every quarter.
Notebook: 200 points per quarter
*Students may retake a quiz once under the following conditions (strongly recommended for quiz grades below 80%):
· The retake must be completed within one week of receiving their grade
· The retake takes place during academic support time
· Retake is allowed only after one help session during academic support time
Study Hints: Students should take full advantage of the Academic Support Time (AST) from 2:17 PM to 2:35 PM each day. Preparation Periods: A 7/8 and B 7/8 for Ms. Rocheleau and A 3/4, A 7/8, and B 3/4 for Mrs. Soltau
You may reach Ms. Anthony at 857-7000 ext. 1524 or by e-mail: and Ms. Rocheleau at 857-7000 ext. 1540 or by e-mail: .
Please feel free to contact us at any time with your questions or concerns. Please sign and return the attached piece of paper indicating that you have read and discussed these expectations with your parents. Please ask your parents to indicate the best way for us to contact them, whether that is by phone or e-mail.
We have read and understand the Algebra 1A course expectations.
Student: ______Parent/Guardian: ______
Date: ______Date: ______
Name: ______
Address: ______
Father’s/Guardian’s Name: ______ACTIVITIES/SPORTS:
Mother’s/Guardian’s Name: ______
Home Phone: ______
Father’s Work Phone: ______
Mother’s Work Phone: ______
Parent(s) Email Address:
Date Contact Notes