HDA Travel Grants 2017

Round 2: July – December Conference Travel


To enable final year PhD students and Early Career Researchers (up to 5 years post PhD):

(i) to present their research at an international conference

(ii) to seek advice about their research from other senior international researchers

(iii) to seek international career opportunities


  • PhD students must be currently enrolled in a South Australian university and to have been a member of HDA for at least 6 months at the time of their application
  • Early Career Researchers must be current HDA research members: applicants must be members of HDA for at least 1 year at the time of application
  • Applicants must be presenting either a research poster or an oral researchpresentation at the conference
  • Previous recipients of travel grants will not be excluded from consideration, but preference may be given to first-time applicants

As a general rule, support to attend overseas conferences is the aim of this particular scheme. Applicants must demonstrate the international statusof the proposed conference, if they are seeking support to attend a conference being held in Australia.

Selection Criteria

Applicants will be judged on the basis of:

(i) The quality of their application (see attached application form)

(ii) The extent of their contributions to HDA (e.g. participation in HDA events)

Funding Conditions

Travel Grants of $1,000 each will be awarded to up to sixsuccessful applicants.NB: Less funds may be available to participants attending a conference held in Australia.

The HDA logo must be displayed on posters or slides presented by the applicant at the conference.

500 word report tobe submitted to HDA within four weeks of return from the conferenceoutlining the benefits of the conference and how it related to healthy development.

Payments will be made to the successful applicants on receipt of the travel expenses, conference abstract acceptance and conference report.

Application Process

Applications will close at 5.00pm Tuesday 30 May2017.Late applications will not be considered.

Applicants will be notified of the results after the selection meeting.

Email the following documents: application form (in both docwith font in Arial 12, and pdf format must be signed), abstract or summary of intended presentation/poster, and a short CV(1-2 pages) to:

Anne Jurisevic, HDA ExecutiveOfficer:

HDA Travel Grants 2017

Round 2 Application: July – December Conference Travel

Closing date: 5.00pm Tuesday 30 May 2017

It is your responsibility to contact HDA immediately in the event that you are no longer able to attend the conference, this will enable HDA to offer (if applicable) the travel award to someone on the reserve list.

Submission Date:
Surname: / First Name:
PhD Student / PhD commenced in:
Early Career Researcher / PhD awarded in:
Department, and Organisation
Telephone: / Email:
Supervisor: / Telephone:
Date commencing: / Country:
Conference description:
Presentation: Oral or Poster
Please state how you expect to benefit from receiving the HDA Travel Grant in attending the conference (150-200 words)
Involvement and/or Contribution/s to HDA
Please state yourparticipation and/or contribution to HDA
Conference Abstract
Submitted: Yes/No Accepted:Yes/No
Intention to Submit: Date of Outcome:
You must contact HDA as soon as you know of the outcome of your submission
In signing this form applicants and supervisors agree to indemnify Healthy Development Adelaide (HDA) against any loss or liability incurred. Applicants must ensure that their organisation’s public liability, personal accident and travel insurance policy will cover their attendance at the conference.
Applicant’s Statement: I have read and accept the conditions of funding:
Name of Applicant / Signature of Applicant / Date
Supervisor’s Statement: I confirm that the applicant will be presenting or intends to present at the conference as specified above:
Name of Supervisor / Signature of Supervisor / Date