Curriculum Vitae

Sami I. Serhan


1.  Personal:

Date of Birth & Nationality

/ : 4/5/1957, Jordanian
Marital Status / : Married
Languages / : Arabic, English, Russian
Address / : Computer Science Department, Jordan University, Amman, Jordan
Tel. No. / : 5355000 ext. 4505 (office) ,
5150225 (Home)
Fax No. / : 5330704
E-mail / : [email protected]

2. Education: ( I had a scholarship from the MOHE)

Institution /
Kiev Polytechnic / Ph.D. / 1985 / Compiler Design
Donetsk Polytechnic / M.Sc.& B.Sc. / 1981 / Computer Architecture

Interests: Compilers, Architecture, Networks, Operating Systems.

3. Employment:

1985-1987 / Ministry of Higher Education (Lecturer).
1987-1988 / Jordan University / Computer Science Dept (Lecturer).
1989- Now / Jordan University / Computer Science Dept
2000- 2003
2008-2009 / Vice Dean of Faculty of King Abdullah II School for Information Technology.
Chairman of Computer Science Dept.
Applied Science University (Sabbatical Leave)
Applied Science University (Sabbatical Leave)
Princes Sumaya University for Technology (Sabbatical Leave)

4. Teaching Experience:

a-  Undergraduate Courses:

Compiler Design, Computer Architecture, Systems Software, Computer Logic design, Operating Systems, Fortran Language, Cobol Language, Introduction to Computer Science, Basic Language, Assembly Language, Pascal Language, C++, Data structures.

b- Graduate Courses:

Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Compiler Design

5. Committees:

¨ Member of the Committee for Accreditation of Certificates at Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Jordan.

¨ Member of Technical Committees for Establishing Accreditation Measures for B.Sc. in Computer Science for Private Universities at Ministry of Higher Education, Jordan.

¨ Member of Academic Committees for Establishing and Evaluating Curriculum Proposal for B.Sc. and M.Sc. Degrees in Computer Science.

¨ Member of Committee for Community Colleges Accreditation.

¨ Member (Chairman) of Committee for Community Colleges’ Comprehensive Exam.

¨ Member of Committee for Evaluating Books for Ministry of Education.

¨ Member of Other Committees.

Member of Board of Directories in:

·  Faculty of Science 1989, 1990, 1992, 1998.

·  Jordan University (2001).

·  King Abdullah II School for Information Technology (2001,2002,2003,2004,2005).

·  Faculty of Graduate Studies (2001,2002,2003).

6. Research:

6.1. Publications:

1.  The realization of interactive mode in parametric translation system adjusted for the semantics of high-level languages, 1983.

2.  Problems of cross high-level languages for microprocessor systems and microcomputers.

3.  A sequence of expansible controllable 2n design, First Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, 1988, Proceedings vol. III).

4.  The models of a general component of a distributed computing system based on stochastic Petri Nts, Qatar Univ. Sci. J. 1994, 14 (1).

5.  Performance Evaluation of Multiprocessor systems using General Stochastic Petri Nets Models, J. Fac. Sci, UAE Univ. Vol.7, No.13, 1995.

6.  The use of learning Networks in the recognition of Arabic Numerals, Dirasat, Univ. of Jordan, Vol. 22B, July,1995.

7.  Threshold Values of the Optimum Multiprocessor System Configuration, Bulletin of the Faculty of engineering, Assiut Univ., Vol. 23, July 1995, Part 2.

8.  On-line Recognition of Arabic Numerals, Bulletin of the Faculty of engineering, Assuit Univ., Vol. 25, July 1997, Part 2.

9.  Recognition of Arabic Numerals using Fussy Logic, The Annual Conference on Statistics, Computer Sciences and Operations Research, Cairo University-Egypt, 12-14, December, 1998, Vol. 33, Part (IV).

10. Programming in Arabic Language, (The Annual Conference on Statistics, Computer Sciences and Operations Research, Cairo University-Egypt, 14-17, December, 2002.

11. Generating Cover Image Using Random Art Approach, AMSE/B Journals,Vol.47,No.1, 2004.

12. An Optimized Compression Algorithm, ABHATH AL YARMOUK Journal, Vol. 12, No.2A, 2003.

13. New Mapping Technique for Cache Memory, AMSE/D Journals,vol.9,no.1,2004.

14. Genetic Algorithms for University Course Scheduling, AMSE/D Journals,vol.24,no.34,2003.

15. Multi-Purpose Control Security System, AMSE/D Journals,vol.9,no.1,2004.

16. Compound Global and Local Two-level Adaptive Branch Predictor, AMSE/A Journals,vol.77,no.5,2004.

17. Quranic based speaker – dependant recognition using triphone/HMM model, AMSE/B Journals, vol.48, no.5, 2005.

18. Colored Image Retrieval using Normalized Cross-Correlation in the Spatial Domain, The Annual Conference on Statistics, Computer Sciences and Operations Research, Cairo University-Egypt, 11-14, December, 2004.

19. Hybrid Facial Recognition System, AMSE/B Journals, vol.51, np.4, 2008.

20. Network Fault Diagnosis Using Conversational Case-based Reasoning, AMSE/D Journals, vol.11, np.2, 2006.

21. Facial Recognition System: New Classifier Scheme Based on the Cluster-Value and the K – Nearest Neighborhood, AMSE/B Journals, vol49, no.4.

22.Improving WEB Server Performance using Database Service

Broker,The Annual Conference on Statistics, Computer

Sciences and Operations Research, Cairo University-Egypt,

3-6, December, 2005.

23. A Robust-Fragile Dual Watermarking System in the DCT

Domain, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference,

KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 2005,

Proceedings, part 2, pp. 548-553, 2005.

24. Image Retrieval using Cross-Correlation applied on the Coefficients of

Daubechies' Wavelets on the Basis of Sub-Image Matching, Proceedings

of the 6th Jordanian International Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Conference, Amman, Jordan, March 2006, vol. 1, pp. 107-114.

25. Fractal Image Compression using Biological Model,

AMSE/B Journals, vol.51, np.4, 2008.

26. Enhancement Technique for Positron Emission Tomography(PET)

Imaging, AMSE/B Journals, vol.51, np.4, 2008.

27. Digital Watermarking System in the DCT and Hadamard Domain for the

Proof of Ownership, AMSE/B Journals, vol.51, np.4, 2008.

28. Improving the Effectiveness of Web Caching at Client's Site, Accepted for

publication in ABHATH AL YARMOUK Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, 2006.

29. Empirical Performance Evaluation of TSR-82 Oriented Bluetooth Piconet

Systems, Accepted for publication in ABHATH AL YARMOUK Journal,

vol. 16, no. 2, 2007.

30. Improving Cache Memory Utilization, Enformatika, vol.4, no.2, 2007.

31. Performance Evaluation of a Multiprocessor System with Real Time Unit,

WSEAS Transaction on Systems, vol. 6, no. 6, 2007.

32. Improving Cache Hit Ratio in the presence of Jump Instructions, AMSE/D

Journals, vol.13, np.3, 2008.

33. An Infrared Based Facial Recognition System Using Eigenfaces

Approach, AMSE/B Journals, vol.51, no.2, 2008.

34. Block-separated replacement algorithm(BSRA), AMSE/D

Journals, vol.13, no.4, 2008

35. A Histogram Based Speaker Identification Technique, Applications of

Digital Information and Web Technologies, 2008.

36. A Heuristic Distributed System Load Balancing Technique with

Optimized Network Traffic. Accepted for publication in AMSE Journals.

6.3. Supervision of M.Sc. Thesis in Computer Science:

·  Performance Analysis of Dynamic Load Balancing

Algorithms in Irregular Distributed Computing Systems.

·  Dual Recognition of Multi Script Car License Plates.

·  A New Technique for Secure Position Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks.

·  Improving Trace Cache Performance by using a

Matching Table

·  Evaluating the Efficiency of Trace Cache Parameters

·  A New Mechanism in Routing Security over Wireless Ad Hoc


·  Using Ant Colony Optimization to Locate Radial Basis Function Network Centre Points

·  Improving Trace Cache Performance using Indexability.

·  Collective Communication Transposed Interconnection System Mesh using Extended Dominating Mode Approach

·  Branch Prediction in Pipeline Computer Systems

·  Deadlock Detection in Distributed Systems

·  Real-Time Scheduling for Multiprocessor Systems

·  Automatic Speaker Identification Using Critical Features

·  Fractal Image Compression for Colored Images

·  Digital Watermarking in Transformed Domain

·  Enhancement Techniques for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging.

·  Content Based Image Retrieval

·  Biometric Signature Based Watermark for the Proof of Ownership and Document Authentication.

·  Arabic Speech Recognition via Hidden Markov Model Based on Tri-Words.

·  Performance Evaluation of JAVAm-Based Bluetooth Piconet Management System .

·  Handling of Branch Predictions in Pipeline Computer Systems.

·  Routing Algorithm in ATM Networks for Multimedia.

·  Handling of Precise Interrupts in Pipelining Systems.

·  Annealing Techniques and Genetic Algorithms for Academic Course Scheduling.

·  Using Artificial Neural Networks And Fuzzy Logic For Controlling The Compression of Digital Images.

·  Monitoring Temporal Changes In Real-World Images.

7. Workshops:

IT Primer Workshop on Basic Web Technology Skills For Courseware Development, Bahrain, October 14-18 , 2001

8. Projects

E-Commerce in Jordan, Higher Council for Science and Technology, Jordan, 2006.