Board Meeting Minutes

September 17, 2014

In Attendance: / Maureen Becker, Ron Parisi, Bob Clinage, Linda Jones, Irv Greene, Nicole Booker, Athena Peterson, Thomas Seneca, Tracy Emerson, Nicole Lynch, Renee Valentino, Lisa Hughes, Pete Andrich, Bruce Edgerton
Meeting Start: / 6:30 pm
Meeting End: / 8:42
Quorum: / Yes / No

Treasurer – Bob Clinage

·  Paid $3,500 for concession stock so far

·  $3,000 balance on Sam’s club

·  Balance same as last year at the time

·  Capital purchase on shelving

·  Added a line item in the reserve balance for the scorer’s table

·  Chipotle fundraiser $1,071 – designated for scorer’s table

·  Following teams have committed to the scorer’s table - Boys’ basketball - $1,000 and Volleyball - $1,500

·  Owe Fairfax County for the turf field $15,000

·  $25,700 profits from summer camps – that monies goes into their team account

Secretary’s Report – Maureen Becker

·  August meeting minutes were approved and seconded

·  Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 22th at 6:30 pm in Career Center at SLHS.

President’s Report – Ron Parisi

·  Info from Linda on Parking Lot use for Christmas Tree sales

·  spoke with Colleen Burke regarding scholarships

·  Idea from Booster’s President meeting was a letter writing campaign – which football has tried and it didn’t work.

·  Speaking at coaches meeting and idea from West Falls Church was that athletes went into the community and offered to rake leaves. All the teams would participate. Donations are then taken for the Boosters.

Director of Membership – Margie Hodas-Walsh and Nicole Lynch

·  Sold 488 passes - $28,108 - $14,000 short of last season

Director of Concessions – Tracy Emerson

·  Stand is stocked – the next home football game is homecoming.

·  Margie is ordering $150 Chik-fil-a sandwiches.

·  Tracy will create signs for meal deals $6 sandwiches/hamburger/2 hot dog, chips, soda or water.

Director of Volunteers – Kelly Kroll – (unable to attend emailed her items)

·  Volunteers fortomorrow- anyone have an issue with letting the cheerleaders work the satellite stand and sell programs. They will need Margie to help get them setup (i.e., just tell them what to do) and Pete to give them the programs and starter cash.

·  Volunteers forSeptember 30thCheer Fest - The coach has been really helpful this year and sent my signup link to her parents. As a result the first shift is now almost full and the second shift has at least one volunteer. We need a Booster lead for this event.

·  Need a booster rep at the last home game on Oct. 31. Pete said he would do it.

Director of Apparel – Nicole Brooker –

·  $6,700 with online sales. Below last year’s numbers.

·  Fall Sport parent night only $93

Director of Activities - Linda Jones

·  First round of conference golf

·  Interviewing for the baseball position

·  Interviewing for the softball position

1st Vice President – Fundraising – Irv Greene

·  Scorer’s table –

o  Ordering middle section since that can be ordered right away. Waiting on side panels since those require art work that will take time to produce.

o  RCC has been paid to reserve space.

·  Casino Night

o  Has contract from the gaming company. Reducing tables to 8 tables for black jack, 1 roulette table, and 2 craps tables.

o  RCC has been paid to reserve space.

2nd Vice President – Seahawk Weekly and Marketing – Sjaloom Stringer (unable to attend)

Publicity – Bruce Edgerton and Tonya Hutson

·  Working on copy for fundraiser page.

·  Updated Reston Now

·  Update the boosters passes page

·  Got trained by Ellen and launched the booster passes form with discounted pricing

·  Changed the booster passes form to non-discounted pricing on 8/30; in doing so, had to troubleshoot a Wufoo problem so a bit risk averse of making too many changes

·  Put a new option on the Donate page for the scorers table until we make a dedicated page

·  Updated the home page for the Chipotle fundraiser night including download of the flyer; will take that downon Thursday

·  Fixed the About Us page for Apparel only

·  Window of moving to new website is between now and December 1st.

Sponsorships – Pete Andrich/Thomas Seneca

·  Programs are finished and selling for $8 – started with 150 copies and has gone to a second print.

·  A couple new banner sponsors and will put them up before the game tomorrow.

·  Will be making a push for the brick wall.

ACTION ITEMS from last meeting

Irv Greene & Bob Clinage on Scorers Table:

1.  Payment Plan - payment in full at 30 days after delivery

2.  Price reduced - FCPS discount

3.  Write to Grant Hill - Bob wrote a letter

4.  Bob has spoken to two vendors for bids waiting for details on each

5.  Put together fundraising campaign

Tonya Hutson & Bruce Edgerton

1.  Put together webpage for donations – working on this.

Jeanmarie Yuenger

1.  Verbage for scorer’s board fundraising page.

Linda Jones

1.  Will check on how much extra the bird will be for the athletic booster’s polo.

2.  Check with school on where to sell trees

ACTION ITEMS for next meeting

·  Linda Jones to find out what the rules are for branding equipment.

·  Bob Clinage is going to ask questions of scorer’s table vendors.

·  Irv Greene will make purchase once Bob has questions answered

·  Pete will be the Booster Rep at the Oct. 31st football game

·  Linda Jones will talk with county about using Christmas Trees on school grounds where they can be secured.


·  Ron will get the “About Us” page updates

·  Pete needs to get website update sponsors pricing and get an updated list of new sponsors.

·  Nicole needs to get updates to apparel page.