Bayshore Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

TuesdayJuly 14,2016

Board Members present: Powers, Kraemer, Miller,Cannin,and Bischof

The Chairpersoncalledthe meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. and distributed the agenda.

The Bayshore By-Laws, Article 2 was read to the Board: “The purpose of the corporation is to lessen the burdens of government by attempting to alleviate community tensions, discrimination, deterioration, juvenile delinquency, and other community problems through education, counseling, social functions, and community projects.”

President Powers made the opening statement

Secretaries Report:The minutes of the June meeting were accepted as written.

Treasurer’s Report:The treasurer’s report on the association’s finances was distributed. The ending account balance was $26,561.44.

Committee Reports:

  • LakesidePark:
  1. Powers stated that he had “good news regarding the crosstie replacement project.” The Boy Scout leaders in our neighborhood (Vic Shelburne, Tom Overcamp, Bill Eister and Hoke Hill)agreed to do the replacement for material costs. The board voted for the start of the project in the fall.
  2. Tom and Lynda Overcamp the chairpersons of the 4th of July picnic reported that over 90 members and guests attended. A sincere thank-you by the board was given to the chairpersons and their team for such a successful gathering.
  3. A discussion continued for the suggestion that a Horseshoe pit be erected at the pavilion park. A concern about the limited amount of spaceand corps of engineers restrictions were discussed. The board made a few suggestions of other locations in the park for the pit but thought it would be a challenge to erect one.
  4. Larry Kraemergave an update concerning the storing of canoes. He sent an email and received replies from three members who are using it still as only temporary storage for on lake recreation. He suggested a numbering system for the racks.The board expanded the idea that the numbering system be rotated every year so the lakeside park coordinator knows whose boats are still in use. President Powers suggested resending an email to those who did not respond to see if the boats have been permanently abandoned by the owners.
  5. A park cleaned up was organized following last week’s storm. President Powers extended a thank you to Larry Kraemer, Terry Cregar, Dick Domiguez and Richard Warner. The clean-up crew picked up one tree top and filled 2 trailer loads of branches which was scattered throughout the park.
  6. The board voted to get quotes for replenishing the sand on the beach.
  • Tennis Park:
  1. Larry Kraemer agreed to empty the trash cans before the weekend.
  • Website
  1. A link to the Ripple of One Newsletter was addedto the Bayshore Association website.
  2. The board agreedthat giving to the Ripple of One and participating in the Adopt-A- Highway projects represent our purposewritten in Bayshore By-Laws, Article.
  • Membership
  1. Non was given
  • Government Liaison
  1. Bob Miller called the Roads Department to get an update concerning the placement of the confusing one way directional sign on Longshore Avenue and Bayshore Drive and on Baypoint and Longshore Avenue. The signage has been removed.
  • Newsletter and Neighborhood Watch –
  1. A request for articles for the Labor Day newsletter was given. The picnic is on September 5th, 2016.
  • Special Projects:
  1. No report was given.

Unfinished Business:

  1. No unfinished business
  • New Business:
  1. No new business reported

Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.