The 2nd European Students&Youth-under-26 Championship

1. Under the auspices of the European Draughts Confederation (EDC), Lithuanian Draughts Federation organize the 2ndEuropean Students&Youth-under-26 Championship.

2. The tournament will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania from 3 (arrival day) to 10 of November 2011.

3. There are following 2 separate tournaments in the context of the 2nd European Students&Youth-under-26 Championship will be played:

- Boys – players born 1985or younger

- Girls – players born1985or younger

There are separate classifications for students will be determined in each of tournaments if more then 3 students will play.

4. Only membersof european national federations affiliated to the FMJD can participate. Players must have the citizenship of the Federation they represent or be members of this federation according to FMJD rules. EDC has the right to invite some players from new countries (never been members of FMJD).

5. There are no limits of number of players from one federation.

6. Applications (only from national federations!) should be sent by e-mailto EDC (and) before 3rd of October and contain the list of players in order of tournaments with full name, surname, date of birth and universities (institutes, colleges, academies etc.) – for students. Organizing federation (Lithuanian Draughts Federation) also send application to EDC. In case of any problems the national federation should contact EDC directly.

7. The lists of players will close by EDC at 4th of October.

8. Before the beginning of the tournament a preliminary meeting will be held by the Chief Referee who will expound the present regulations to players, directors and journalists.

9. Depending on the Chief Referee decision swiss or round robin tournaments will be played. In case of unequal number of participants in tournament other tournaments’ systems can be used according the Chief Referee decision in consultation with EDC official representative. Chief Referee have the right to determine, that players from the same national federation have not to play between each other in a few last rounds depending on tournaments system and number of participants.

10. Time control 80’ + 1’ per move (Fisher system).

11. Final places determine according FMJD rules applying to corresponding tournaments system. Barrages should not be played. Only in case of all criteria of challengers for champion’s title will be an equal, barrage should be played(2 games with the time control 5’ + 3” per move (Fisher system) and if champion will not specified, then – games with time control 3’ + 2” per move till the first winning). Details will be announced by a Chief Referee after the consultations with EDC official representative.

12. On the last day of the competition the Blitz Championship will be played (time control – 5’ + 3” per move (Fisher system). Details will be announced by a Chief Referee after the consultations with EDC official representative.

13. Prizes:

13.1. medals for the 3 first places in each tournament (including Blitz Championship)

13.2. medals for the 3 first places among students in each tournament (including Blitz Championship) – if separate classifications for students will be determined

13.3. cups for the 3 first places in each tournament (including Blitz Champions)

13.4. cups for the 3 first places among students in each tournament (including Blitz Championship) – if separate classifications for students will be determined

13.5. diploma for all participants

14. Financial conditions

14.1. Inscription fee is 20 euro for each player;

14.2. Inscription fee in blitz championship is 10 euro for each player;

14.3. Inscription fees has to be paid before the beginning of the Championship;

14.4. If player putted on the list of players will not participate, the national federation, which put this player into the application, pay the penalty for EDC amount 20 euro per player.

14.5. All hospitality costs all players also accompanying persons pay themselves.

14.6. Hospitality in hotel “GILE”,Sevcekos str. 16,Vilnius (in centrum).Prices:15-20 EUR per person per day in a triple and double room included ecologishes breakfast/

15. Program:

Nov, 3 – arriving

Nov, 4 – opening ceremony and round 1

Nov, 9 – last round and closing ceremony

Nov, 10 – departure

16. The Chief Referee – Aleksei Domchev (Lithuania).

17. In any other cases – FMJD rules decide.

18. With all hospitality and visa questions contact: Romualda Šidlauskiene +370-687-43468


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