Some Harder Electromagnetic Spectrum Questions:

The number of available marks is indicated at the end of each question.

What type of electromagnetic radiation radiates from warm objects?



Describe surfaces that are good absorbers of radiation and those that are good reflectors of radiation.

Good absorbers = dark, matt surfaces

Good reflectors = light, shiny surfaces


A good absorber is also a good emitter – true or false?

True. Dark, matt surfaces are good at both emitting and absorbing radiation


A good emitter is also a good reflector – true or false?

False. Dark, matt surfaces are good emitters, but light shiny surfaces are good reflectors.


Which type of wave has the highest frequency in the Electromagnetic spectrum?



Which type of wave has the lowest frequency in the Electromagnetic spectrum?

Radio waves


Which 2 Electromagnetic waves are adjacent (next to) Visible light in the Electromagnetic spectrum?

Ultraviolet and Infrared


Which 2 Electromagnetic waves lay between Visible light and Gamma waves in the Electromagnetic Spectrum?

Ultraviolet and X-rays


How fast do Electromagnetic waves travel?



Which of the Electromagnetic waves is used in sun beds?



List 2 uses of Microwaves.

Cooking and Communication


How can Electromagnetic waves cause, detect and cure cancer?

·  Energetic Electromagnetic waves may cause damage to cells, leading to cancer

·  X-rays can be used to detect tumours

·  Gamma waves and X-rays can be used to destroy cancerous tissue


Which of the Electromagnetic waves is used in optical fiber communication? Give other uses for these waves.

Infrared; can also be used in TV remote controls, heat lamps, thermal imaging and night vision.


What is meant by the frequency of a wave?

The number of waves passing a particular point in 1 second


Wavelength can be described as the distance from 1 wave crest to the next. Give a more general definition than this.

Wavelength is the distance from a particular point on the wave to the equivalent point on the next wave


If you measure the height of a wave from the trough to the crest, how does this relate to the amplitude?

Twice the amplitude
