U.S. Senate Candidates' Views on Marriage
Following are the views of Greg Brannon, Mark Harris and Thom Tillis, three of the most conservative candidates challenging U.S. Senator Kay Hagan, as stated on the candidates' web sites.
Greg Brannon

As a Christian, I believe marriage is between one man and one woman. For years, activists have tried to force individuals and states to accept same-sex marriage, and they have attempted to use the federal government to impose their agenda. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has acquiesced and has stopped enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act.

The Defense of Marriage Act was enacted in 1996 to stop Big Government in Washington from redefining marriage and pushing its new definition on the States. The Defense of Marriage Act prevents places like San Francisco and New York City from imposing their ideas about marriage on North Carolina.

The Obama Administration’s actions not only are an assault on traditional marriage, but show a profound lack of respect for the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
If elected to the U.S. Senate, I pledge to do everything I can to stop bureaucrats and unelected judges from imposing their definition of marriage on the people of North Carolina.

Mark Harris

I believe marriage is between one man and one woman, and I will not support any definition to the contrary. I am an ardent proponent of life and believe every human life is precious and should be protected. For America to be the "great city on a hill" that President Ronald Reagan spoke so passionately about, we must recommit to those values which made America great: the traditional values of faith and family. On the issues of life and marriage, I make no compromises. Our elected officials must be held accountable for the oath they take or be removed from office. We must hold fast to strong family values and reaffirm America's commitment to them. Federal programs that undermine these values must be eliminated.

Thom Tillis

Thom believes the traditional family is the bedrock of America's culture and a driver of our nation's well-being. Thom is committed to defending the institution of the traditional family. He believes that marriage is between one man and one woman and believes in protecting the rights of the unborn. Thom believes all life is sacred and as Speaker, he promoted pro-life policies and helped reverse the pro-abortion state policies Democrats had put in place for decades. In the Senate, Thom will promote a culture of life and he will champion the appointment of qualified pro-life judges.