Use of Vehicles on Company Business

Any employee asked to drive any vehicle on Company business is first asked to read and sign our vehicle policy.

Valid Driver’s License: You must have a valid current driver’s license. If your driver’s license has expired, or has been suspended, you may not drive any vehicle on behalf of the Company until your license has been brought current or reinstated.

Insurance Coverage: You must carry valid liability and physical damage insurancecoverage beyond the minimum state requirements.

Safety: You must wear a seat belt at all times when operating any vehicle on Company business. You must drive safely and obey all traffic laws. You must not drive on the Company’s behalf with a controlled substance in your system or while under the influence of alcohol.

Cell Phone Use: If a cell phone call must be made while driving, follow these basic dos and don’ts:

♦Use a hands-free device and speed dial to place all calls

♦Never take notes or look up phone numbers while driving

♦Never use your wireless phone in heavy traffic, severe weather or other hazardous conditions

♦Let voicemail pick up a call if you can’t easily reach your phone

Traffic Violations: You are solely responsible for any fines or court costs resulting from infractions or violations while driving on Company business.

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

I, ______, acknowledge that I have read and understand the Company’s Personal Vehicle Policy and I voluntarily agree to its terms.


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Notice To Employee Drivers

This notice is distributed as part of Daitron, Inc.’s risk management activities to clarify the Company’s formal position on the following issues.

Automobile Insurance Requirements: Your mileage reimbursement is intended to compensate you for the cost of operating your personally owned or leased vehicle while on Company business. This includes the cost of insurance and is based on IRS standards. Therefore, if you receive a mileage reimbursement, you are required to purchase and maintain liability and physical damage insurance on the vehicle(s) you use on company business. The Company requires employees to carry liability insurance above the minimum required state limits. State requirements are often minimal and are not sufficient to pay for the damages and/or injuries the other party may suffer. For Combined Single Limit coverage, the Company requires you to purchase at least a limit of $300,000.

It is very important you advise your insurance company that you are using your vehicle for business use. Many personal insurance policies exclude coverage for business use unless the proper classification is assigned.

Insurance Coverage: It is important to note that the Company does not maintain any insurance coverage on employee’s vehicles. There is no Company coverage for your liability or physical damage arising from your operation of your personal vehicle on Company business. This reflects the long-standing legal environment for any operator of a motor vehicle. The Company will maintain a record of evidence of your current coverage and current driver’s license on file.

April 17, 2008