"Onward, Christian Soldiers!"

Eph. 6:10-18, 2 Cors. 10:3, 4

INTRO. There is a battle that is raging today between two opposing armies. One is the Army of God and the other is Satan's army. We all belong to one of the two sides, either we are on the Lord's side or we are Satan's side, because there is no neutral ground. Jesus said in Luke 11:23-"He that is not with me is against me: And he that gathereth not with me scattereth."

If we are saved by God's Grace, we are a soldier in His Army. But if you haven't accepted Him as Savior, Satan is your Commander-in-Chief. If you are lost today, whether you realize it or not, you belong to Satan and you openly are denouncing God and His work.

But there is still time to come over to the winning side; if you'll only accept Him as your Savior. Christian, we are in a raging battle. We must keep our eyes on the Lord and keep fighting for he has already promised us the Victory. But, remember, it won't be easy, Satan will fight us at every turn! So, We must go onward to victory!


(1) The Warrior's Power is Unsurpassable

Text: Eph. 6:10--It is an Unlimited Power Source

God's Power: a) Saves us-i Cor. 1:18

b) Strengthens us-Phil. 4:13

c) Gives us Hope--Rom. 15:13

(2) The Warrior's Armor is Indestructible

Text: 2 Cor. 10:3,4

Eph. 6:11-17

(v.14a)- a) The Belt of Truth-The Believer's integrity

and faithfulness

(v.14b)- b) The Breastplate of Righteousness-Christ's

Righteousness displayed in us

(v.15)-- c) Feet Shod with the Preparation of The Gospel

means a believer is grounded in the scripture

and is not swayed by every wind and doctrine

(v.16)-- d) The Shield of Faith-the believer's faith

shields Him from Satan's attacks

--1 John 5:4

(v.17a)- e) Helmet of Salvation-our eternal gift from God

(v.17b)- f) The Sword of the Spirit-God's Word

--Heb. 4:12

(3) The Warrior's Resources are Inexhaustible

Text: Eph. 6:18

a) Prayer-James 5:16b

b) The Word of God- 2 Tim. 1:13

c) The Holy Spirit-2 Tim. 1:6,7

d) Separation from Vessels of dishonor-2 Tim. 2:4

e) Faith--2 Tim. 1:5

f) The Lord's Sure reward-2 Tim. 4:7,8

g) The Lord's Faithfulness and Power-i Tim. 6:12-19

CLOSING: We, Children of God, are in a war. We must keep fighting until Christ comes!!

We have a mighty artillery and resources available to us if we will

only use them! The victory has already been won, don't let Satan

win any battles!