
General Information for Applicants and Participants

of the Programme "Master Trainer in TVET for South Caucasus" in Georgia and Germany

GIZ is delighted that you submit your application for the Programme "Master Trainer in TVET for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia".

On the following pages we offer you more detailed technical information about the programme. Please understand that the information we offer you in this document at this stage of the programme is quite general. More detailed information will follow until your departure to Germany.

(1)Personal Date File

We kindly ask you to update your personal data on the personal data file sheet. Please fill in the blanks and make sure that you hand in/send the completed list to the GIZ office in either Armenia, Azerbaijan or Georgia (as indicated in the Course Announcement for "Master Trainer in TVET") or send it to: .

If diplomas/certificates are not written in English, French, or German, a translation in one of these languages is required.

(2)Language proficiency

The programme "Master Trainer in TVET" will be held in English language. Good proficiency in English language is a necessary pre-requisite to not only follow but actively participate in training courses, study tours and internships/professional studies.

Participants lacking adequate language competence in English are required to participate in the pre-departure English course in their home country. If the agreed language course level is not achieved before the start of the programme in Germany, GIZ may cancel the scholarship agreement.

(3)GIZ Services and Support

3.1GIZ Services during the preparatory phase

GIZ offers, and covers the costs of a pre-departure English language course during the preparatory phase. Further costs associated with the language course may be reimbursed after consultation with GIZ.

3.2Services during the training phase in Germany

GIZ will take over the following costs during the training phase in Georgia and Germany

•training costs, teaching materials of the programme "Master Trainer in TVET",

•national and international travel costs related to the programme "Master Trainer in



•scholarship as a contribution to individual living expenses (see below),

•health and liability insurance (see below)

3.3The scholarship

A scholarship is granted up to the amount of the (domestic, i.e. German) per diem allowance stipulated by Section 4 para. 5 sentence 1 no. 5 sentence 2 of the German income tax code. Hence, the scholarship slightly varies according to the number of advanced training days and type of board. The financial benefits for participants of the programme "Master Trainer in TVET" provided by the German Federal Government allow decent life conditions in the

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German environment. The scholarship, however, is NOT sufficient to support other persons. For this reason, family members may not come along with the participants to Germany. The living conditions of the participants' families in the home country must be secured for the period of the advanced training in Germany.

GIZ will provide the participants with a self-catering accommodation and offer an increased daily allowance of 24 Euros. At the beginning of the training, participants shall open a bank account with the help of GIZ, into which the scholarship will be paid on a monthly basis.


Throughout their stay in the Federal Republic of Germany, participants hold an insurance against acute illness, accident and personal liability; claims held against third parties shall be ceded. The costs for the insurance are covered by GIZ.

During the training phase, the following standard national procedures apply: if the participant is absent for more than one calendar day, she/he must present a medical certificate no later than the third day.

Please note, that the insurance will NOT cover chronic diseases, e.g. diseases that are already known to the participant before taking part in the programme. In addition, new glasses, (removable dental or other) prosthesis, beauty surgery etc. will not be covered by the insurance.

3.5Premature termination of the advanced training

The programme "Master Trainer in TVET" is financed from public funds of the Federal Republic of Germany. GIZ has the right to terminate the advanced training programme for important reasons:

a)failure to achieve the programme goals;

b)due to bad health conditions of the participant;

c)violation of the "Conditions for Participation" (available after final selection of participants);

d)violation of laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

3.6Claim to refund of scholarship

If participants decide to drop out for personal reasons, GIZ may claim for refunding the scholarship.

(4). Support of the partner organisations or sending institutions

As a contribution towards the participant and the advanced training, the sending institutions/partner organisations will support the development and the implementation of transfer projects agreed with the participants.

(5). The participants' duties

The participants shall make the most out of the advanced training in the sense of the agreed goals. They shall contribute to a good working atmosphere within the course group, and towards GIZ and her professional partners.

5.1 Obligation of active participation

The programme courses are divided into three phases: introductionary phase (in Georgia), a training phase in Germany and transfer phase (in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia). Participants in GIZ training programmes are requested to actively participate in all modules and events of the whole course. Splitting the programme in parts, and attending only specific modules is not allowed and will lead to the expulsion from the programme. ECTS points will not be granted.

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The information given in the course description shall apply.

Details about the contents of the training programme as well as a detailed schedule of the training period in Georgia and Germany will be finalised only after the selection of participants. The programme should be as much tailor-made as possible according to professional or technical background of the participants.

A temporary drop-out for personal reasons must be requested in advance and approved by


Participants are not legally entitled to holidays during the training period.

5.2Financial obligations

Participants are not entitled to accept other scholarships for the duration of the programme, nor to enter any form of employment, part- or full-time. All the time at their disposal should be dedicated to the programme "Master Trainer in TVET". If the programme is terminated by a participant without severe reasons, or if she/he does not return home after completion of the advanced training, the scholarship may be claimed back by GIZ. Prior to their departure back to their home countries, participants are required to settle all outstanding financial obligations in Germany.

5.3Obligation to return home after completion of the training phase in Germany

Participants commit themselves to return to their country of origin upon completion or termination of the programme "Master Trainer in TVET" in Germany.

5.4Privacy policy

Participants agree to having their individual data stored, evaluated and forwarded to third parties insofar as this is necessary for the training and the follow-up programme. For the duration of the advanced training, participants authorize GIZ to contact third parties (e.g. training institutions, authorities, schools) for pertinent information. In case of health problems that might affect the successful completion of the advanced training, participants release doctors and hospitals from their duty to maintain confidentiality.


The participants shall make constructive contributions to the regular evaluations of the programme "Master Trainer in TVET".

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