Final Minutes for September 24, 2007

Governance Council Meeting

President’s Conference Room 2 – 3:30 p.m.

Governance Council Representatives:

Sheila Ortego – President

Meridee Walters, President’s Cabinet Rep. Ron Liss, President’s Cabinet Rep.

Jill Douglass – Dean’s Council Rep. Al Reed, Dean’s Council Rep.

Fidel Zuniga, SGA Representative Derrick Roybal, SGA Representative

Sylvia Medina, Staff Senate Rep. Susan Dugan, Staff Senate Rep.

Andre Ruesch - Faculty Senate Rep. Mechele Hesbrook - Faculty Senate Rep.

Ex-Officio (for Policy only) – Kris Swedin, Chief of Staff

Recording Secretary – Rosemarie Garcia

Anne Probst – guest

Shawn Haynes - guest


Andre Ruesch

Ron Liss

Susan Dugan

Item # 1 - Approval of Minutes from August 20, 2007

The August minutes were approved as submitted.

Item #2 – Welcome new Representatives – Sheila

President Ortego welcomed Sylvia Medina, Shawn Haynes, Derrick Roybal and Al Reed as new members of Governance Council. Jill Douglass announced that this will be her last Governance Council meeting. President Ortego thanked Jill for her service.

Item #3 – Student Fees – Ron Liss/Jill Douglass,

Jill Douglass met with the newly appointed SGA Executive Council on September 20, 2007. An alternative model is being put together to make it smoother for the Student Development Office (SDO) to administer the activities done on a yearly basis. Jill proposed to the executive council that SDO be allowed a portion of the budget ($35,000) based on the 4 categories of events: student writing competition; student expo; holiday events; entertainment/food; and awareness activities (breast cancer awareness month and alcohol/drug abuse awareness month) co-sponsored with SGA monthly. SGA will prepare a budget report. Jill reported that the student council account holds a balance of $30,000 and suggested possibly sending the SGA Executive Council to Washington DC, have an opportunity to meet with Senator Bingaman and Senator Domenici or bring in a leadership conference for the entire student body. President Ortego would like SGA to consider the Washington event. Jill will be reporting on the SGA Fees at the October governing board meeting.

Item #4 - Policy 4-20, Smoking on Campus – Meridee Walters

Meridee Walters noted that no actual policy change was made but proposed a change in practice. A strategy report was put together showing designated smoking/non-smoking areas. An allusers notification strategy should be sent out October 5th. Temporary signage including automated signage will be placed at designated areas. This is an on-going process and should be handled in a sensitive manner. Student Development and Marketing/Public Relations will print posters and SGA was asked to spread the word to the students on behalf of governance council. Specific areas designated as the only smoking areas are:

Outside the southwest lower level entrance of the West Wing;

Outside the Campus Center doors (near the ping-pong tables);

On the side of the entrance to the Fine Arts Center (near the access ramp);

Outside the Instructional Technology Center (rooms 570-587);

Outside the north end of the Early Childhood Development Center;

Outside the rear doors of the Fitness Center.

The central courtyard is to be entirely smoke free.

Item #5 – Policy 5-2, Campus Weather Closures – Meridee Walters

Meridee Walters had previously proposed three separate policies be created: weather related; emergency response situation; and limited services for functions.

Weather related: VP/FA, Safety/Security and VP/ASA should meet to make decisions regarding closure and or delays. If students, faculty or staff feel they are not able to make it in, they should use personal judgment/safety.

No changes noted regarding emergency response situation.

Concern that Staff development days have been split allowing staff to participate but also be available to help students.

Item # 6 – Policy 1-25 Board Travel Compensation Policy

Kris Swedin report that the educational benefits (board based) piece was pulled out of the Employee policy.

Item # 7 Policy 4-23 Board Policy Concerning the President and College Organization

Kris Swedin noted that this Policy was repealed at the September board meeting due to redundancy.

Item # 8 –Policy 6-7 SFCC Travel Expenses and Reimbursement Policy (Referenced in 1-25) A revised version of this policy will be sent to Governance Council within a couple of weeks. Kris and Meridee will continue to work on Policy 6-7.

A shadow system might be considered and be drafted into the policy manual. Anything that has to do with procedures does not have to go to the board (procedure language). The board approves only policy.