Community Partners Director Meeting
August 3, 2011

·  DCS Finance

o  Michael Sturm was invited to discuss claim vouchers and the billing procedure.

o  Generalized timeline of Billing Process:

§  Data is entered in Datatude, subjected to a review and items are identified as being billable units per month based on given criteria. Datatude sends the provider a paper invoice to print and sign which is sent to DCS Finance unit and forwarded to auditor office for payment.

§  The terms of payment are 35 days from the date of invoice or last day of service, but use the most recent date.

§  Datatude submits a final file of all providers approved invoices. Finance processes these invoices 2 to 3 business days after receipt of file. To finalize the payment for final submission to pay the providers will be processed within 7 to 10 business days. The 7 to 10 days to process payment allows for corrections of errors to the claims.

§  Remember to send the complete and signed invoice copy to Finance unit otherwise the payment will be detained. Send by mail the original inked signature invoice to DCS Finance and please do not fax or email this document.

·  A region has some June expenses unpaid. Consultation will be made Kristin Mena-Cotter and communication will be sent regarding how to remedy this issue.

o  Submit to Matt Gooding issues and questions regarding the billing process for Matt and Michael Sturm to solve.

·  NCFAS (North Carolina Family Assessment Scale)

o  Definition of improvement for the NCFAS

o  Kristin Mena suggests families improve on at least two items throughout any one of the domains.

o  Kristin will prepare reports with the new improvement definition for the NCFAS along with the other quarterly reports

·  Referral Wizard Update

o  The referral wizard is working well statewide.

o  Matt noted the regions having issues with Referral Wizard and will work on solutions.

o  Referral wizard referrals will show the ICWIS number.

·  Hotline Screen Outs

o  Need to brainstorm for ideas of what types of hotline calls to screen out to community partners.

o  Current procedure is for a hotline call to refer the family to a community partner’s resource.

o  Region 16 noted they use a two hour cap for services to families weekly per each referral, so number of incoming referrals and the money spent can be managed.

o  Another provider provides short term service and a referral will be made for long term service when needed. A consent date is not issued for short term care to families.

o  Some regions are using bi-weekly appointments and triage cases. When a sizeable group of families are gathered, then families with the highest needs are serviced.

o  Please share at our conference calls strategies being used to cope with the budget reductions.

·  Parent Involvement

o  Need to place focus on parental involvement with CBCAP by offering the following: training, conferences for parents and workshops

o  Goal is improve the CBCAP program, so forward names of parents who will help with this goal.

o  Will be presented at April 2012 Healthy Family Institute.

·  September Healthy Family Institute

o  The Healthy Family Institute will be held from September 19, 20 and 21. The Institutes location is at the Hilton Hotel 8181 North Shadeland Avenue in Indianapolis. All program managers will attend a managers meeting held during the Institute. Expect future communication notifying which providers should attend the provider managers meeting.

·  Crisis Response Update

o  The crisis response initiative for Community Partners is on hold, while an assessment is made of how the crisis response initiative is performing for the Homebuilders program providers.

·  Fundraising Reports

o  It is acceptable to compose a synopsis of general fundraising reports efforts to Matt Gooding. This synopsis’s may also be sent to Regional Service Councils but this is not required.

·  Next Community Partners meeting:

Date: 10/5/11

Time: 2:30 to 3:30

Call in number: 317-233-4668