Guidance for Applications

Endeavour Grants

Health and Life Science National Research Network
The Health and Life Science National Research Network was funded as part of the Welsh Government’s Ser Cymru initiative. This pan-Wales Network aims to increase the quantity of research funding awarded to Welsh Universities as well as building long term research capacity. The Health Network is multidisciplinary and encompasses a broad range of Life Sciences research but its focusis drug discovery and development in areas of unmet medical need.
The Network will provide a range of funding opportunities aimed at supporting academics across Wales to identify new collaborators, develop research ideas and build long term research capacity with a view of maximising impact.
Applications will be reviewed by an experienced Management Board and judged against the following assessment criteria:
  • World class science: Primary parameter
  • In an excellent laboratory
  • In an area of unmet medical opportunity
  • Possibility of commercialisation
  • Potential to leverage further support from research funders (e.g RCUK or EU)
  • Collaborative: including within Wales, acrossacademic disciplines and with third parties such as industry, NHS or charities.
  • Timeline and Risk
In all cases the primary criterion will be research excellence and the applicant and/or host research group will need to demonstrate a track record of securing external funding as well as a clear strategy for submitting new research proposals thus contributing to the Network’s overall objectives. The Board expects to support proposals that strengthen areas of excellence in Wales such as oncology, neuroscience and infectious disease, but excellent proposals in other areas of Drug Discovery and Development will also be welcome.
1. Endeavour
In order to support the development of new research proposals and to build effective consortia, the Network will support a number of small projects to pump-prime research development activities. Endeavour funding will be highly flexible and able to support projects (with up to £3K)which can demonstrate that they meet the Network’s overall objectives. Additional funding may be made available in exceptional cases where projects can demonstrate value for money.
Potential uses of Endeavour Funding include:
-Hosting World leading academics to give lectures, seminars or presentations aimed at bringing cutting edge research to Wales.
-Holding ‘sand pit’ or similar events aimed at disseminating funding opportunities and building consortia in advance of major funding calls.
-Other Research Development activities consistent with the Network’s overall objectives
Proposals are expected to involve more than one university and can be submitted at any time.
Applications are invited from any university within Wales.
Application Process
Endeavour applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. All applications should be submitted inMS Word or PDF.Please submit to:
Allowable Costs & Duration
The Network will fund travel & subsistence, room hire and other directly incurred costs associated with delivering the project. Please note that the aim of Endeavour funding is to promote collaboration across Wales. As such Endeavour does not support direct research costs (consumables, staff time etc), which are supported via research projects.
Start/End Date
The project can start at any time of the year and we can be flexible on end dates.