August 5, 2013

The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00am. All members were present.


The Board discussed calendars; agenda topics of upcoming meetings with Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers on August 15th and August 23rd. Also discussed were constituent concerns and associated meetings.


Northwest Management, Inc. Area Manager Luke Machtolf requested authority to advertise for 2013 logging contractors

Also present was Public Works Director Sam Castro. Motion was made by S. Kiss to approve the advertising for logging contractors for this year’s timber harvest. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog and passed unanimously.


The Board recessed for lunch.


Public Works Update - S. Castro discussed an ER&R Surplus vehicle hearing and intent to advertise on August 7th and 14th, with a hearing scheduled for August 19, 2013. County Engineer Don Ramsey noted these vehicles have been replaced. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the advertising and the holding of a hearing for these surplus ER&R vehicles. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss and passed unanimously.

S. Castro requested authorization to purchase snow plow bits for the 2013 winter snow response. The competitive bid process has been completed and the request is to purchase from the lower bidder. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the purchase of plow bits. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss and passed unanimously.

D. Ramsey discussed cracking on structural beams on the West Branch LeClerc Creek No. 2 Bridge.

S. Castro discussed fiber installation at the Hall of Justice, and a request to run fiber to the IT building. Also present was IT Director Chad Goodhue who discussed the need for fiber expansion.

Also discussed was a clarification for the billing departments, expenses, revenue, 2013 projects and development of a written process regarding work done for other departments and/or funds.

Roads – Items discussed were: A call for bids regarding the Eagles Nest project, continuation of advertising and hiring of on-call road technicians and on-call mechanics due to work loads, slide off on Mystic Road and a site visit by the County Engineer.


Senior Design Construction Engineer George Luft and S. Castro participated in the Technical Advisory Group meeting wherein Jeff Lawler discussed the Boundary Resource Coordination Committee regarding Federal Energy Regulatory Commission funding entitlements. There is a requirement that a County Official needs to sit on that committee in order for the County to qualify for project funding. According to the FERC license agreement projects need to be road related and it was noted the County does have some qualifying projects.

D. Ramsey discussed the Highways and Local Programs Audit of Federal the signage project. M. Manus discussed signage for ATV travel on County roads. D. Ramsey noted funds for ATV signage will be available through the licensing process.

Buildings and Grounds – S. Castro discussed the development of a request for bids for the roof of the Sheriff’s building. He also stated a request from 911 Coordinator Steve West and Undersheriff Grant Sirevog’s request for Public Works to take over the POVN contract on Cooks Mountain.

Timber – S. Castro noted the moving forward to advertise for the 2013 timber harvest. S. Castro noted he has requested the clearing of the west property line for security at the Sheriff’s building. He also discussed Erosion Control for Design training for the Natural Resource Planner Todd McLaughlin, noting this is a State-accepted certification. The cost of the training is $400.00. G. Luft discussed the benefit of having in-house staff for wetlands mitigation, noting a considerable cost savings by eliminating the need to use a consultant.


Prosecutor Tom Metzger – Items discussed were: Department of Natural Resources burn bans and a history on the County’s burn ordinance. Also discussed was Rustler’s Gulch.

Motion was made by M. Manus for the continued payment of $15,000.00 to the CASA program for the fiscal year of 7/1/13 – 6/30/14. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog and passed unanimously.

Agreement No. 2009-87 regarding the agreement between Pend Oreille County and Pend Oreille Crime Victims Services to provide funding for the Youth Emergency Services Program was reviewed.


Public Comment Period –

There were no members of the public present.


Motion was made by K. Skoog to continue the meeting to August 6, 2013. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss and passed unanimously.

August 6, 2013

The meeting was continued. All members were present.


S. Castro noted yesterday the County’s bridge inspector Engineering Technician Tom McCaffrey identified an additional bridge failure which consists of a fractured beam. An assessment is being done today. In the event the bridge needed to be closed, detour options were reviewed.


Roads 2014 Budget Workshop - S. Castro and Public Works Administrative Assistant to the Director Teresa Brooks were present to discuss the planning the proposed 2014 budget. Also present were Data Processing Coordinator J. Shacklett and Auditor M. Nichols. Discussed and explained were budget line items and their budget preparation and process. T. Brooks discussed budget line details. S. Castro discussed projects and adjustments.


D. Ramsey provided a bridge inspection update. Load restrictions and closure will depend on a bridge engineer’s report.


Buildings and Grounds 2014 Budget Workshop- S. Castro, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor James Batie T. Brooks and Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Teresa Deal were present to discuss the planning the proposed Buildings and Grounds’ 2014 budget. Also present were J. Shacklett and M. Nichols. Discussed and explained were budget preparation, budget line details, projects and adjustments.


Solid Waste 2014 Budget Workshop– Solid Waste Coordinator Beth Gillespie reviewed and discussed the 2014 proposed budget. Also present were: S. Castro, T. Brooks, J. Shacklett and M. Nichols.


The Board recessed for lunch.


ER&R 2014 Budget Workshop- Present were S. Castro, D. Ramsey, Fleet Manager Brian Egland, Fleet Accountant Tammy Scribner, T. Brooks, M. Nichols and J. Shacklett. S. Castro discussed the process used to identify budget needs. D. Ramsey discussed guidelines for replacement schedules of equipment/vehicles and operational needs.


Risk Management 2014 Budget Workshop– Present were: S. Castro, D. Ramsey, T. Brooks, B. Gillespie, J. Shacklett and M. Nichols. T. Brooks discussed her risk management training and certifications. D. Ramsey discussed the annual meeting of the Risk Pool, the annual premium, the county’s loss history, the property values program and associated premium, the workers compensation premium and a proposed 2014 budget.


Timber 2014 Budget Workshop- Present were: C. Castro, T. Brooks, B. Gillespie, J. Shacklett and M. Nichols. S. Castro discussed the proposed 2014 budget, line by line.


Motion was made by K. Skoog to continue the meeting to August 7, 2013

August 7, 2013

The meeting was continued and all members were present.


Community Development Director Mike Lithgow – Monthly Update. Items discussed were: year-to-date project planning revenue collection, year-to-date building permit revenue collection, Parks and Recreation upcoming town hall meetings, and various other projects.


Community Development 2014 Budget Workshop– Present were: M. Lithgow and M. Nichols. M. Lithgow reviewed and discussed the 2014 proposed budgets for Building, Planning, Public Facilities, Capital Projects and Parks & Recreation.


Information Technology Services 2014 Budget Workshop– Present were: C. Goodhue, M. Nichols and J. Shacklett. M. Nichols discussed the creation of the IT Fund. C. Goodhue and J. Shacklett discussed the proposed 2014 salary.


Motion was made by K. Skoog to advertise a hearing for notice of intent to surplus real property. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss and passed unanimously.


D. Ramsey discussed an emergency regarding the West Branch LeClerc Creek Bridge No. 2. Motion was made by K. Skoog for approval to proceed with emergency procedures to include by not limited to acquisition of engineering support services. Motion was seconded by M. Manus and passed unanimously.


Consent Agenda - Motion was made by S. Kiss to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by M. Manus and passed unanimously. The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, the minutes of the Board’s July 29, 2013 meeting and the following items:

Approval for Counseling Services to hire a Chemical Dependency Professional, effective August 19, 2013.

Investment Earnings: $6,971.47

Payroll Change Notices:

Public Works/Road Division

William Mathews, Road Shop 2, Temporary On-Call Maintenance Tech, $19.54/hr. Effective 08-05-2013


David Bower, Court Security Officer, Provision Hire, $18.00/hr. Effective 08-14-2013



8.01 D. Comins-Letter of Interest re Parks and Recreation Board

8.02 J. Carrasco, Seattle City Light-Seattle City Light’s 2012 Annual Report

8.03 Family Support Center Program of Rural Resources-The Advocate Aspect, August 2013


As of this date the Board approved for payment the following vouchers as listed and made available by the Auditor's Office:

Salary and Claim

Fund Fund Amount

Current Expense $ 38,026.33

Counseling Services $ 4,534.71

Fair $ 21,560.38

Road $202,256.44

Veteran’s Assistance` $ 386.12

Trial Court Improvement $ 2,955.06

Extension Education $ 590.68

Equipment R&R $ 13,986.12

IT Services $ 14,018.31

TOTAL: $298,314.15


Motion to adjourn was made by K. Skoog to adjourn. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.

ATTEST: s/______APPROVED: s/______Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board

Commissioners’ Minutes, August 5, 2013. Initial _____ Page 4 of 4