Minutes of a Meeting of Brundall Parish Council
Held on Monday 21 August 2017 at 19:00 at the
St Laurence Centre, Brundall
Present :Chairman: Cllr J S Warne Cllr Kevin Wilkins (Vice Chairman)
Cllr F Thorpe, Cllr I S Walters, Cllr P Taylor, Cllr G Buckley,Cllr M Russell, Cllr G Abbott, Cllr G Nurden,
Cllr J Mickelburgh, Cllr J Warns
Parish Clerk: S Smyth
Cllr A Proctor (District and County Councillor – Brundall Ward) apologized.
Details / Action
The Chairman, advised everyone in attendance of the location of fire escapes and the procedure to be followed in the event of an evacuation.
The Chairman advised members of the public of the procedure for them speaking at Meetings of the Parish Council.
The Chairman advised members of the public that the Parish Council would be making a sound recording of the Meeting
2017-0122 / Apologies for Absence
Cllr R Price (holiday)
2017-0123 / Declarations of Interest
Disclosable (DPI) or Non Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (NDPI)
Cllr Buckley – item 12
Cllr Nurden – Planning items relating to Broadland DC
2017-0124 / Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s)
It was resolved by a majority decision with 4 abstentionsthat the Minutes of the Parish Council held on24th July 2017 be approved.
2017-0125 / Actions from the Minutes (Not on the Agenda)
2017-0117- Cllr Taylor reported that the contact for the 6yc group still has not given us a date to meet but he will further chase her.
2017-0126 / Public Participation
Cllr Proctor delivered his District and County report. Highways England have given their conclusions to the A47 improvements and it is hope these will go onto the maintenance plans in 2019-2021. The Airport Masterplan emphasises the importance of expansion for Norwich. An 11pm watershed is being considered but more detail is being sought. Re the Virgin Media exchanges Norfolk Highways have issued a fine regarding one issue. Andrew is enquiring why that and any future fines should not be given back to Brundall.His local member highways budget cannot be used for seating in bus shelters and so he welcomes any other applications from the parish if they involve matched funding preferably. A new BDC development is started at Rosary Road in Plumstead to provide more affordable housing. Flooding at Strumpshaw Road railway bridge is going to be rectified starting 2 October. However the road will be closed for 10 weeks. The Community at Heart awards are asking for nominations.
The Chairman asked about the Virgin Media works and if the finish was deemed acceptable. Does the County Council have any recourse to make VM make good the road/payment surfaces.Cllr Proctor said they do. Any complaints to NCC about the works must be within a 12 months period.
The Quantum Land planning application for the Land east of Brundall Memorial Hall has been lodged. Time extensions after the deadline of 8th September will be allowed.
The Clerk was asked to clarify points raised by the public indicating that QL had the parish councils support – the wording used in the Statement of Community Involvement saida meeting with the PC they had been “supportive”. The Clerk had checked back in the Minutes of that meeting and QL had been asked to change their draft wording to Positive or Accepting. The word supportive was misleading as it is clear QL have reverted to the original draft wording which inaccurately portrayed the PC’s view of the draft proposals.
Cllr Warns pointed out that the 6 drawings A1, A2.. B1, B2…. were confusing and it will be difficult to know what the Councillors will be asked to vote on. A member of the public urged councillors to vote in the best interests of the parish.
2017-0127 / Chairman’s Report
“One of the blights of modern life is vandalism and antisocial behaviour. Sadly we have our share of it in Brundall. Despite the efforts of many concerned residents to keep our village tidy we still see the evidence of antisocial behaviour. Rubbish wantonly discarded in public areas including fast food detritus, empty bottles, some broken and other hazardous articles. When thoughtlessly discarded on the recreational meadow, play areas or other public places, this presents a very serious risk of injury to our children and the welfare of all persons.
As residents will be aware, abuse of the youth shelter over a considerable time frame necessitated the Parish Council in closing it over the summer. However, in the last two to three weeks one of the security doors on the shelter has had the lock forced. Inside the shelter, there are broken alcohol bottles and food containers strewn about the floor.
What is extremely concerning is the threatening and abuse of a resident living near the recreational meadow by persons unknown when asked by them to quieten the noise emanating from the shelter. This behaviour by persons unknown to the resident in question is not to be tolerated. If any village resident is affected by, or sees antisocial behaviour or vandalism, do not put yourself in potential jeopardy by approaching those involved, telephone the police.
Myself, Cllr J. Warns and the Clerk have met with representatives of the Memorial Hall to address matters relating to the Shelter, recreational meadow and play area. As a first step, we have asked for a meeting with the local Police to seek advice on how we can begin to address this unacceptable behaviour. I am convinced it is at most a small number of individuals involved, what we mustn’t do is make a sweeping generalisation blaming all younger people”.
Cllr Russell advised we could ask the Rector or the Curate to mediate and intervene especially as the Curate has a lot of experience with youth work. Cllr Thorpe was disappointed with the police response to reports made about Cremer’s Meadow vandalism. Cllr Abbott said he had had a much better experience and found the police to have responded quickly when reporting an issue.
It was suggested that a meeting of the police and community representatives be set up with Cllr Buckley offering to also attend as well as the Rector/Curate and some other Councillors. / Chairman/
Cllr Buckley/
Parish Clerk/
2017-0128 / CDROB reports
Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the land at Berryfields
The Vice-Chairman reported that no further news had been received to date.
Update on the project on the land east of Brundall Memorial Hall
The Vice Chairman referred to the planning application now lodged and is in the public domain. He has not had a chance to fully appraise the 76 documents online nor has the sub group or Council had any further dealing with the developer or Broadland DC. However a meeting with the CIL officer is planned for 22nd August. The Chairman said our advisers will be asked to look over the application give us a brief on their findings in order for the Council to prepare a response to Broadland Planning.
2017-0129 / Planning
- 20161483 192 houses on land at Berryfields – no further news
- 20170271PlanningAppeal for 78 The Street (Café) Removal of conditions 3 and 4 of planning permission 20160064 –
It was resolved to support the removal of Condition 4 with a proviso that there is NO Smoking in the rear areas and that the emergency access via Brundall Pet and Hardware is kept as emergencies only
- 20171288 39 Strumpshaw Road Replacement Dwelling and swimming pool. Supported
- BA/2017/0162/FUL – 18 Hoboroughs Dyke. Replacement quay heading cut back current land area, dredge and deposit on site . Supported
2017-0130 / Staithe’s Lane
The Chief Planning Officer, Cllr Walters reported that following site visits which had been carried the land registry documents could not be obtained for all the properties in the land. A finger post could be installed to refer to public access down the land. The Clerk was requested to ask solicitor advice on access down the lane so that the Council has clarity to further act. / Parish Clerk
2017-0131 / Report from Land Management Committee Chairman (Cllr Bob Price)
There has been a lot of activity behind the scenes with both the Parish Clerk and myself meeting to progress approved matters and having site visits with various interest parties
1. Bus seats: These have been ordered for Cucumber Lane and opposite the Chinese Take away. I think they will come under budget. Discreet enquiries have failed to get sponsorship but this is not yet a lost cause as a formal approach needs to be considered.
2. Cemetery: It would seem that that despite the best intentions of all concerned especially the effort put in by the Friends of Cremer’s Meadow, the previous laying of utilities in the ground will not allow the installation of the landscaping as thought. The Clerk has unearthed (excuse the pun) documents which indicate that planting near the buried services is not allowed. So this needs rethinking.
3. Countryside Park/Allotments: Site meetings have been held with organisations in connection with resurfacing to the entrance and with regards to methods of enhancing the entrance security. At the time of doing this report no quotations have been received but they are due and the Parish Clerk may be able to update you. In any event they should be available for the next LM meeting to consider and report back.
2017-0132 / Finance
Bills for payment for August 2017– approved £11720.86 and for the Chairman and one other to sign the Schedule Approved with a majority and 2 abstentions.
Cllr Buckley reported the very kind donation of £2500 from Mr and Mrs Cable for improvements to be made in Cremer’s Meadow. She also reported the recent kind donations from Mrs Cremer and from the Co-op. The Friends of Cremer’s Meadow would like to use the donation for works to a dipping platform and for a 2nd notice board. Whatever is suggested by the Friends requires a ratification by the Land Management Committee. The Clerk was asked to send a letter of thanks to Mr and Mrs Cable. Te Clerk has already arranged a thank you in the Yare Valley Voice magazine, / Parish Clerk
2017-0133 / Clerks Correspondence
The Clerks Correspondence was presented:
Broads Plan letter
Drainage at Strumpshaw Road railway bridge – notification of works starting 3rd October.
2017-0134 / Items for the next Agenda Annual Meeting of the Parish Council –25th September2017 (Main meeting date)
QL planning application 20171386
Broom Boats application 20161483
2017-0135 / Date, time and venue of next Parish Council Meeting
25 September2017- 7pm at the St Laurence Rooms
Meeting closed at 8.45pm
Signed as a true record ……………………………………………..…….. Date …………………………
Payments for Aug 17
Parish clerk costs / 3,510.12
Grass cutting monthly contract / £526.44
Cemetery / £17.25
Annual Fees / 90.00
Street Lighting / £628.96
Handyman / £408.00
S016 / £4,898.37
Repairs and Renewals / £1,195.52
Telephone / £96.34
Office expense / £83.16
Cremers / £30.50
C Park / £36.11
Rent / £41.67
Hol pay / £158.42
Total expenditure August 17 / £11,720.86
Donation for Cremers / £2,500.00
Cemetery / £125.00
Total Income August 17 / £2,625.00
Minutes of the Meeting of Brundall Parish Council Held 21 August 2017 at Memorial Hall Lounge, Brundall