Learning Resources Supervisors’ Meeting

April 17, 2007

The Learning Resources supervisors met on Tuesday, April 17, 2007, at 3:00p.m. in Betty Linneman’s office. Those in attendance: Linda Bigelow, Tommie Collins, Kathy Henson, Betty Linneman, Sue Morgan, Loretta Ponzar, Allan Wamsley, and Amy McKenna-Jones (secretary).


Linda Bigelow updated supervisors on the following items:

New Arnold Facility

Linda reported that due to a death in the family, Dena McCaffrey, director of the new Arnold campus, had to delay her start date by one day. She will begin work tomorrow. Linda said the work crews are planting trees and shrubs at the new campus. They are close to being ready to put down the rock base which is needed before the furniture trucks arrive at the end of April. Furniture delivery is scheduled to begin on April 30 and will continue for approximately two weeks. The KI furniture will be delivered the week of April 30; Corporate Express is scheduled to deliver the following week. Once delivery begins, Linda will be spending the majority of her time at Arnold to oversee the project. Lois Underwood and Dena McCaffrey will also be on site during that time.

Betty Linneman asked if we wanted to offer COMPASS testing at the June 2 registration BBQ. Linda said yes, we want to offer as many services as possible at that time. Linda said registration will run from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.


Lynne Gibson has been hired as a part-time temporary receptionist at JCNW. She started work last Wednesday and will be working three days a week. Lois Underwood’s last day at Northwest is April 25. Kathy Henson has hired Kelly Almond, who will be working in the GED program at JCNW two days and two evenings each week. Kelly is a GED graduate and is now working on her master’s degree.

Program Review

The library is due for program review. Program reviews take place every five years and are done internally. Departments evaluate their goals, determine how well they have met their goals, and establish new goals. Allan Wamsley’s department will be up for review next year.

Performance Evaluations

Linda has appointments arranged with all of her staff on April 25, 26, and 27. Prior to meeting with Linda, each staff member should complete a self-evaluation using the form that Amy McKenna-Jones sent out via email. A review of goals set for the past year and new goals for the upcoming year should be included as well. This will give Linda talking points during her meeting with each employee. Linda reminded everyone that evaluations are due by April 30.

Flex Schedule

The flex schedule will run from May 21 – August 3, and all areas need to be staffed during flex time. Linda said we still have a calendar in STARS called “Staff Vacations” where staff should enter their flex and vacation time. Linda will be taking vacation days on Mondays instead of flex time.


Linda will be out this Friday attending a “Tobacco-Free Campus” workshop at OzarksTechnicalCommunity College. Sunday through Tuesday she will be in Chicago attending the Higher Learning Commission conference. Rick Turley will be the administrator in charge during that time since all of the other administrators will be out.

Registration Rallies will be held this Saturday, April 21, and Saturday, June 2. The rally on April 21 will be held from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at JCA and JCNW. The COMPASS test will be available at JCNW and JCH. The AssessmentCenter will be staffed until 3:00 p.m., and the latest time to begin testing is 1:00.

Departmental Reports

Northwest Facility

Tommie Collins said Lois Underwood will begin working at Arnold on April 30. April 25 is her last day at Northwest, and April 27 is her last day in Continuing Education. Tommie said registration is going well. As of 7 a.m. there were 86 enrolled for summer and 114 enrolled for fall. All of the staff at JCNW have completed their CPR/AED training. They are now selling CD’s instead of floppy disks at Northwest, and in the fall they are going to make flash drives available. They will pay the bookstore at the time the items are sold rather than paying for them in advance. AVS, the cleaning service at JCNW, has assigned a new person to clean the campus.


Kathy Henson said registration is going well at Arnold. At this point, enrollment for summer is down, but up for fall. Many students are registering for classes online. Tammy Walz spent several hours working at JCA to get a feel for operations at an off-site campus. Joyce Spiker, who has been Kathy’s right-hand person in AEL, has decided to retire June 30. Kathy is working on organizing the GED Recognition Ceremony. The ceremony will be held on May 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the Viking Room.

Distance Learning

Amy McKenna-Jones reported that a third online section of Personal Health has been added to the summer schedule.

IS/Academic Computing

Allan Wamsley said they are working on network policy modifications. YouTube is now available in SMART classrooms on the instructor computers. We will soon be able to do Flash video streaming. Allan’s office is in the process of planning for the equipment transfer from the current Arnold campus to JCH. The WebCT license is up for renewal. The Educational Technology Workshop will be held on June 28 and 29 at the Hillsboro campus. Two tracks, a Teaching and Learning track and a Technology track, will be offered with approximately 30 sessions available. Viking Woods is offering overnight accommodations to participants who need them.


Betty Linnemansaid exit exams are being offered from March 13 – May 3. This year they have more eligible graduates than in the past. There are 500 eligible students; thus far, only 150 have tested. Five more group testing sessions have been added to the schedule with a sixth date scheduled if necessary. Betty is working with Sandy Nappier regarding students who are taking the Work Keys exit exam. Betty said she has staff scheduled to arrive at 9:30 a.m. for the April 21 registration BBQ. The COMPASS test will be offered on a walk-in basis. Students may begin the exam no later than 1:00 p.m. with staff scheduled until 3:00 p.m. Exit exams will also be offered by appointment that day. On March 24, 17 candidates took the GED test. On April 14, 116 students took the ACT test. Northwest hours on Fridays are 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Betty sent out a Professional Tutoring Survey. Sixty-nine percent of respondents were aware of the service. Of the students using the service, 15 out of 18 thought it was very helpful. An announcement will be posted on STARS to remind students that this service is available. A new LearningCenter brochure has been sent to all three campuses. They are in the process of updating the LearningCenter website. Betty said a staff meeting was held on April 12. Eighteen attended the general meeting, and nine instructors had an instructor meeting and presentation by Sandy Zak. The EPA test and Work Keys Observation Test is now offered at JCA and JCNW. Betty pointed out that the 9:30 a.m. Saturday COMPASS test was left out of the printed schedule for JCNW.


Sue Morgan reported that this is National Library Week and National Poetry Month. Lisa Wolfe and Lisa Pritchard collaborated on making changes to the library website. It now has a poem of the day, a video clip of the day, links to books in the library, and a link to “Poet in the House” featuring our own John Pleimann. Poetry books are on display as well. There is an Earth Day display upstairs and information about Earth Day on the library website. The website will highlight a different topic each month. A new books list is posted along with a currently popular book list. Loretta Ponzar said the new laptop zone is going over well. There are four tables with a power strip down the center so students have access to power. Laptops are also available for checkout. Library staff have seen 6 or 7 students at a time making use of the new laptop zone. Blinds will be installed on the picture window in the library to reduce the glare on computer screens. Sue said they will be hiring an adjunct librarian to work at the new Arnold campus beginning in mid-August. Sue and Loretta attended a conference in Columbia on “Millennials.”


Next Meeting Date

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 8, at 3:00 p.m.

There was also agreement that the June meeting would be held on June 12, not June 5 as originally scheduled.

The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.

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