Weimaraner Club of Victoria Inc.
40th Anniversary Championship Show ~ 2012
Overall Comments
Thank you again for inviting me to judge at your show. It is always a privilege to judge your own breed and I did enjoy myself. Our breed strength is in our bitches, and my winners were of good type, well angulated with length of body allowing them to cover the ground with long strides and strong reach and drive. Throughout the classes there were a few warning signs on fronts (in my view the hardest thing to get in breeding and the easiest to lose) – shortness of upper arm resulting in more open angulation, shorter stepping gait and lack of reach, or looseness in the elbows evident on the up and back movement. I was generally pleased to see good length of body, a distinguishing attribute of our breed.
Thank you,
Rachel Stock
Weimaraner Long Hair
Class 3 (Puppy Dog)
1st AUST CH WALDWEISE COZ I CAN : Promising young dog, good coat, good bone, good prosternum and length of body, strong topline held on the move, well angulated front and rear, able to cover the ground on the move and moved true coming and going. Could be stronger in the rear and I would prefer a better flow of neck into shoulder. CC Dog, RUBOB
Class 5 (Intermediate Dog)
1st AUST CH GRAUSTURM VERY SIRIUS GREY : Good bone, well angulated rear, however front angulation not balanced with rear and as a result does not cover the ground as well on the move as the younger dog.
Class 11 (Open Dog)
1st AUST CH FELDJAEGER U R THE MAN : Good bone, pleasing head and expression, well ribbed back but slightly shorter in body and less angulation on rear than I would prefer, moves true coming and going. Res CC
Class 4a (Junior Bitch)
1st GRAUSTURM YASMIN ROYAL : Good coat, good length of body and bone, good rear angulation and tail set; crabbing on the move on the day.
Class 5a (Intermediate Bitch)
1st WEILANDER SHIFTING SANDS QND : Nice head, good bone, would like to see better lay back of withers and corresponding length of neck, good topline and tail set and strong rear end.
Class 10a (Intermediate Bitch)
1st AUST GR CH WALDWEISE Y WOULD YOU : Lovely typical Weimaraner, well balanced overall, well angulated front and rear, good length of body, effortless ground covering gait showing brilliant reach and drive. BEST IN SHOW
2nd AUST CH GRAUSTURM TAKE THE LEAD : Hard to compete with the winner in this class, this bitch was not as well angulated front and rear and could not cover the ground as well on the move.
Class 11a (Intermediate Bitch)
1st AUST CH GRAUSTURM THE DUCHESS : Nice shape bitch, well balanced, strong rear end, true coming and going on the move, just not the movement of the Aust bred bitch around the ring.
Class 1 (Baby Puppy Dog)
1st GRAUSTURM BLADE RUNNER : Lovely head and expression, good topline and rear end and great attitude in the ring. BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOW
Class 2 (Minor Puppy Dog)
1st BROMHUND BACK TO BASICS (AI) : Well balanced puppy, lovely lay of shoulders and flow of neck into shoulder, easy ground covering gait. Pleasing head and expression. RES CC
2nd WALDWIEZE DON’T ASK WHY (IMP NZ) : Stylish young dog, but shorter in body than I would prefer and did not have the smooth flow of neck into shoulder of 1st place.
Class 3 (Puppy Dog)
1st BROMHUND EXCLUSIVE VINTAGE (AI) : Lovely head and expression, well ribbed back with strong topline and rear end. I would prefer more lay back of shoulder and length of upper arm. Somewhat loose in the front coming towards on the move.
Class 4 (Junior Dog)
1st AUST CH GRAUHUND JUST DZINA JEANS (AI) (IMP NZ) : Well balanced, strong head, good flow of neck into shoulder, does tend to stand slightly east/west in front. Powerful gait, covers the ground well. CC, BEST JUNIOR IN SHOW
2nd SILKWIND TURN ME LOOSE TO BROMHUND (IMP USA) : Stylish young dog, but at 10 months of age quite leggy at this stage and needs to develop through the chest. Good topline and tailset, strong rear end, moves well, but did not demonstrate the power of the first dog on the day.
Class 5 (Intermediate Dog)
1st AUST CH FYRESIDE FLY ME TO THE MOON : Showed better reach and drive on the move than second placed dog. Would prefer more rear angulation
2nd AUST CH GRAYSVILLE AVANTE GARDE AT AMARIGE (IMP NZ) : Well angulated front, however loose in front and elbow, particularly coming and going on the move. Would like better balance of angulation front and rear.
Class 10 (Australian Bred Dog)
1st AUST CH GRAUSTURM POTTERS MAGIC : Well balanced on the stack, good length of body and wellangulated front and rear, with good flow of neck into shoulder. Best dog on the move in this class, showing reach and drive, however slightly high in rump on the move. Coarser type, I would prefer moreelegance and also less white.
2nd NAMBEAPARK MASTER JAGGER : Pleasing head and expression, well balanced dog, flow of neck into shoulder not as good as 1st, slightly wider in front.
3rd BROMHUND XCLUSIVE CHARM (AI) : Young dog in this class of more mature dogs, pleasing picture and moved out well around the ring, however showing loose elbows on the up and back, and angulation not as well balanced as 1st & 2nd.
Class 11 (Open Dog)
1st AUST CH BROMHUND IN THE KNOW : Well balanced, good length of body, pleasing head and expression.
Class 2a (Minor Puppy Bitch)
Strong class of young bitches
1st BROMHUND AFTER ALL : Well balanced bitch with lovely flow of neck into well laid back shoulders, pleasing head and expression, good length of body and topline, moved out well. BEST MINOR PUPPY IN SHOW
2nd BROMHUND BACK IN TIME (AI) : Good front assembly, good rear end, correct length of body and good topline, moved well.
3rd ARGENTAL DREAM IT DO IT : Nice style of bitch,slightly shorter in body than 1st & 2nd
Class 3a (Puppy Bitch)
Another nice class of bitches overall
1st WALDWIEZE DIRTY LIL SECRET (IMP NZ) : Stylish young bitch, good flow of neck into shoulder, good topline and moved out well with good reach and drive and true coming and going. BEST PUPPY IN SHOW
2nd WEISUP LAVA LUSCIOUS AT BROMHUND (IMP NZ) : Nice outline, with well balanced angulation and moved well.
3rd ELYZYIAN BORN TO BE GREAT : Good balance and also moved out well, slightly less elegant than 1st & 2nd
Class 4a (JuniorBitch)
1st AUST CH GRAUHUND JUSTA MIRACLE (IMP NZ) : Elegant bitch with a clean outline, good flow of neck into shoulder, strong rear end and powerful movement around the ring. Deep chest with underline quite tucked up.
2nd AUST CH GRAUSTURM XTRA XTRA : Good balance, less elegant andnot as strong on the move as 1st
Class 5a (IntermediateBitch)
1st AUST CH TREUGRAU BLACK STAHR : Substantial but elegant, well balanced bitch with good length of body, moved out well with good reach and drive, maintaining a strong topline.
2nd AUST CH BROMHUND NEW REVIEW : Very close between 1st and 2nd, this bitch also an elegant bitch, well balanced, with good flow of neck into shoulder, lovely head and expression and moves out well.
3rd AUST CH WALDWIESE A CAUSE FOR APPLAUSE : Good type, pleasing head, slightly shorter in body and flow of neck into shoulder not as smooth as first two bitches.
Class 10a (Australian BredBitch)
1st AUST CH BROMHUND FIRST CLASS (AI) : Lovely type, elegant moderate bitch with smooth flow of neck into well laid shoulders. Lovely front assembly, good prosternum but not overdone. Good length of body and well ribbed back with strong topline and moderate tuck on the underline. Good reach and drive on the move and true coming and going. CC, BEST OF BREED, RUNNER UP TO BEST IN SHOW
2nd AUST CH BROMHUND GEE WHIZZ: Elegant bitch, nice neck into shoulder, moves well, nice head and expression.
3rd GRAUSTURM TASSIE TREASURE : Pleasing head and expression, moves out well, true coming and going, not as elegant as 1st & 2nd.
Class 11a (OpenBitch)
1st AUST CH BROMHUND CENTRE PIECE : Well balanced bitch, correct proportions and angulation balanced front and rear. Moved out well with great reach and drive, maintaining a strong topline. Outmoved 2nd place on the day. RES CC, RUNNER UP BEST OF BREED, BEST OPEN IN SHOW
2nd AUST CH BROMHUND MADISON AVENUE (AI) : Very close between 1st and 2nd, this bitch similar type to 1st also well balanced, with good flow of neck into shoulder, lovely head and expression and also moved out well. Slightly flatter in croup than first.