DEFINITION: This document outlines the rationale and the methodology by which the EHS Class of 1962 Board Members will manage and execute the “Class” scholarship program.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the Scholarship Program is to provide a one-time scholarship award for a selected high school graduate or trade school or college attendee. The high school graduate or trade school/college attendee must be in good standing, must be accepted by or currently enrolled in an accredited trade school or institute of higher learning, and any applicants must be a close relative of a member of the EHS Class of 1962. A close relative is defined as a child (natural or adopted), grandchild, niece or nephew. It is our desire and hope that a scholarship can be funded such that this program becomes an annual event.

SELECTION OF SCHOOL/COLLEGE: The selection of a college or school will be the sole responsibilityof the selected applicant so long as such selection is confirmed as an accredited institution of trade or higher learning. Once the choice is confirmed,then the EHS Class of 1962 Scholarship Committee will coordinate the transfer of funds to said institute’s registrar on behalf of the awarded student.

ELIGIBILITY: The winning applicant must:

A. Graduate high school with a MINIMUMof a 2.5 grade point average.

B. Demonstrate involvement in local community and/or charitable functions.

C. Be in good standing as a citizen and student with no record of drug, alcohol, or criminal judgments(s).

D. Demonstrate acceptance to an accredited institute of higher learning defined as a trade or vocational school; a community or junior college; or an institute which awards a bachelor’s, or higher, accredited educational degree.

APPLICATIONS - INSTRUCTIONS AND CRITERIA: Each potential winner must complete an application provided by the Committee. Such application will be utilized in the determination of the applicants’ eligibility and overall ranking for final selection. A copy of such application is shown at TAB A. Guidelines for the applicants’ selection criteria is at TAB B.

Applications must be completed and forwarded to the EHS Scholarship Committee NLT April15thof the applicants’ graduating year. Send applications to:

EHS Scholarship Selection Committee

ATTN: Jack Culberson

6000 Mandie Lane

Milton, FL32570

Applicants with questions may contact Jack Culberson at 850 932-6694 or visit the web site at


A. Maintain a good community and social standing.

B. Provide the Scholarship Committee needed documentation to determine continued eligibility and data on the selected institute of acceptance.

C. Provide the Scholarship Committee post acceptance feedback as to how efficient and convenient the scholarship process functioned. This can be as simple as a phone call.

THE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION: The Scholarship Committee will be composed of the 10 voting members of the EHS Class of 1962 Board of Directors. Valid voting will be in rule if a 3/5 majority of membership are present (physically or in proxy) and voting. The voting will be counted as one vote per member with the President of the Board voting only if needed to fulfill the quorum requirement or if there is a tie vote that cannot be resolved by committee compromise. Each Committee member will:

A. Judge each applicant in accordance with the eligibility and grading requirements as well as the application criteria as outlined in the above outlined paragraph on application instructions and criteria.

B. Act without prejudice and in a professional and expedient fashion.

DETERMINATION OF SCHOLARSHIP MONETARY VALUE: Due to the limited funds of the EHS Class of 1962 Membership the annual award will be a maximum of $500. Based upon the funds received in each year this figure could possibly be less; however, it is the desire of the Scholarship Committee that the Board push for the $500 award each year. It is also the goal of the Scholarship Committee to encourage the EHS Class of 1962 Board of Directors to increase this $500 annual amount as funds allow.

DONATIONS AND FUND RAISERS FOR THE SCHOLARSHIP FUND: The primary annual fund raiser for the Scholarship Program is the Class Picnic supplemented by the formal function held every five-year increment. The Scholarship Committee encourages each EHS Class of 1962 graduate/attendee to pledge or contribute one-time donations on behalf of the Scholarship Fund. Additionally, if groups can be organized for fund raisers, then donations from such fund raisers would be greatly appreciated and put to good use. Should anyone desire to donate, the following information is provided:

Send donations to: EHS Class of 1962 Scholarship Fund

ATTN: Class Treasurer

6000 Mandie Lane

Milton, FL 32570