Before completing this application form please read the notes on the back page.

Please complete all sections of this form using a black ballpoint pen or black type in BLOCK CAPITALS.

Incomplete forms and enclosures may delay the processing of your application.

A. Proposed Programme of Study

Please indicate which Semester you are applying for: A September (Semester 1) A March (Semester 2)

B. Previous Contact with Dundee

/ (see note 2)
Are you currently, or have you previously, been a student of the University of Dundee? / Yes A / No A / Matriculation No.
Have you previously submitted an application to the University? / Yes A / No A / ______

C. Personal Details


(see note 3)

Surname / Family Name / Title : Mr / Miss / Ms / Mrs / Male / Female (Please circle)
First / Given Name(s) / Date of Birth (dd / mm / yyyy) / d / d / / / m / m / / / 1 / 9 / y / y
Name by which you would like to be known: / Previous Surname:
Permanent Home Address / Employmen t/ Other Address
City / City
Postcode / Postcode
Country / Country
Email / Email
Telephone Numbers
(including Area Code) / Tel:
Mobile: / Telephone & Fax Number
(including Area Code) / Tel:
Which is your correspondence address (letters from the University will be sent to this address) : Home address A Employment/Other address A
Nationality: Country of Birth:
Area of Permanent Residence:
If you have given a home address in the UK/EU, how long have you been resident in the UK/EU? ______Years.

D. Additional Information

1 / Disability : The University encourages applications from students with disabilities and special needs and is keen to provide appropriate support for study and/or accommodation. If you have a disability, special needs (including dyslexia) or medical condition, please tick the appropriate box and enclose further details where necessary:
A / 0. No disability or awareness of additional support requirements / A / T. Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Asperger Syndrome
A / 1. Specific learning difficulty (e.g. dyslexia, discalculia) / A / 6. Mental Health difficulties
A / 2. Blind or partially sighted / A / 7. Unseen disability (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, heart condition)
A / 3. Deaf or Hearing impairment / A / 8. Multiple disabilities – two or more of the above
A / 4. Wheelchair user or Mobility difficulties / A / 9. Other disability – please provide information on separate sheet
2 / a) Are you registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council or another Regulatory Body? / Yes A / No A
d) Expiry date ______
E. Current Employment Details
Name of Current Employer
Current Employer Address
Telephone Number / Fax Number
Present Place of Employment
Position Held :
Do you work :Part-time A Full-time A / Number of hours ______
Number of years in present post? ______
F. Supervising Mentor Details

Mentor Details - Mentors should have experience of mentoring registered staff and must be active of the Mentor Register , on the same part of the NMC register as the student mentor. Supervising mentors are requested to consult the mentor support material on the School website at www.dundee.ac.uk/nursingmidwifery/

Your mentor’s Name
Position and Grade
Do they work in:
(delete one) / NHS Independent Sector
Base & Specialty
Work base Address
Telephone Number / Fax Number
G. Line Manager Details
Do they work in:
(delete one) / NHS Independent Sector
Work base Address
Telephone Number / Fax Number
H. Qualification Details
Please state below your highest qualification, starting with the most recent.
attended / Start
Date / Completion Date / Award Obtained including Level
(e.g. BA Level 10) / Subject/Programme/Module title and Grade/Score
(as appropriate)
I. Other relevant academic or professional qualifications
Please list below any other relevant academic or professional qualifications, including qualifications in progress, starting with the most recent.
Awarding Body / Award Title/ Level / Number of Credits (e.g. RN) / Date of Award/Registration
J. Access to Computer and Internet Facilities
In order to gain access to programme/ module information, it is essential to have access to a computer and to be able to access the internet.
K. Supporting Documents
You are required to provide photocopies of your Qualification Certificates. We reserve the right to ask to have sight of the original documents.
All applicants are required to provide one passport-sized photograph, which will be used to produce a Student ID card for you.
Please tick the relevant boxes below to indicate which copies of documents you have enclosed with your completed application form.
A / A passport photograph (see note 12 for more details) / A / More information on your disability, if applicable


Declaration of Good Health & Good Character (Post Qualifying)

Please read carefully before signing

Registered nurses and midwives and allied health professionals undertaking recordable qualifications are required to complete a self-declaration of good health and good character prior to entry to the programme and on return from withdrawal from the programme and at the end of the programme, prior to being signed off. Failure to declare any changes in your status relating to health or character, or failure to complete this declaration, may result in you being unable to continue your studies.

By signing this declaration you are declaring that you are of sufficiently good health and good character to be capable of safe and effective practice. This would include any convictions since your last declaration

Signed:………………………………………………………..Name(please print): ………………………………………………….

L. Declaration
I certify that the information given on this form is true, complete and accurate. If I am admitted to the University, I undertake to observe the University’s Ordinances and Regulations.
Data Protection Act 1988. The personal information provided by you on this form will be used for the purposes of processing your application, monitoring your student career, and for general market research. For market research, the information will be used to produce aggregate statistics and will not be used in ways that identify any individual. The information you provide will be used for no other purpose. In signing this form you consent to the information which you provide being held and processed by the University of Dundee, in electronic and manual formats, for the purposes specified above.

For the purpose of Programme Evaluation, we would like to contact employers regarding the effectiveness of the programme. Do you agree to the University contacting your employer? Yes No

You may withdraw your decision at any time

I agree to inform the University immediately if I decide not to proceed with my application.

Once you are matriculated, may we release your contact details to other students on the Programme/ module?

/ Yes A / No A
Signed: / Date:
This form can be returned by e-mail to the following address:-

OR by post to:
Undergraduate Division
School of Nursing and Health Sciences
University of Dundee
11 Airlie Place


Scotland. UK