Service Title


[Strike Bell to gather and quiet fellowship]

Good Morning, Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Salina. I’m XXX and I will be your Convener today.

We are glad to have you with us and we hope you will stay after the service for coffee and conversation.


Are there any other announcements?

[Pass microphone for other announcements]

(Optional) Announcements Plus – local UUFS information and happenings (Leadership driven)

UU Minute (optional: can change place in service)

Lighting the Chalice

[Light the chalice and read:]

Insert Chalice Lighting words here

Opening Words by L. Griswold Williams

Please join together in the opening words, found in the order of service, beginning with LOVE

is the doctrine of this church.

The quest for truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace,

To seek knowledge in freedom,

To serve humanity in fellowship,

To the end that all souls shall grow into harmony with the divine:

Thus do we covenant with one another.

First Music/Meditation

Let us stand and join our voices in song #XXX

Joys and Concerns

At this time in our service, we join with many other Unitarian Universalist congregations in sharing what is in our hearts and on our minds. If there is an event in your life which moves you this morning to joy or sorrow, to hope or gratitude, please come forward and drop a stone in the vase of water, so that its ripples and bubbles will remind us that what touches one of us affects us all. One of our joys is welcoming newcomers, if you are new to us today and would like to introduce yourself, please do so as you drop a stone of introduction.


Let us remember to hold in our hearts the joys and sorrows of the whole company of humanity, whether they are spoken and shared or silent and solitary.

[Drop an additional stone into the water and have moment of silence]

First Reading

Insert First Reading here

[Pause for a moment]

Offering (words by Brandon L. Lovely)

Let there be an offering to sustain and strengthen this place which is sacred to so many of us, a community of memory and hope, for we are now the keepers of the of the dream.

[Pass baskets while music is being played]

Children’s Time

Children of all ages are welcome to join us in the front for children’s time.

Insert Children’s Story Here

Sing the children out:

Go now in peace,

Go now in peace,

May the spirit of love surround you,

Everywhere, everywhere,

You may go.

Second Reading

Insert second reading here


Insert Sermon Here

Discussion – [pass microphone for questions discussion]

Second Music

Let us stand and join our voices in song #XXX

Closing Words

Please join together for the closing words, printed in the Order of Service:

On this day:

Mend a quarrel.

Search out a forgotten friend.

Dismiss a suspicion and replace it with trust.

Encourage someone who has lost faith.

Keep a promise.

Forget an old grudge.

Examine your demands on others and reduce them.

Fight for a principle.

Overcome an old fear.

Take time to appreciate nature.

Tell someone you love him or her.

Tell them again, and again, and again.

Extinguish Chalice.