Grade 10
January 2014
Title Author Subject Category Call #
James Bond / Fleming, Ian / Spy stories / Action / F FLE24 Declassified (series) / Cerasini, Marc / Terrorism / Action / F CER
Bourne, Identity, the (Ludlum books) / Ludlum, Robert / Suspense / Action / F LUD
Patriot games / Clancy, Tom / Terrorism / Action / F CLA
Code zero / Follet, Ken / Space flight
Suspense / Action / F FOL
Divergent (series) / Roth, Veronica / Identity
Courage / Dystopian / F ROT
Maze runner, the (series) / Dashner, James / Amnesia
Labyrinth / Dystopian / F DAS
Droughtlanders, the / Mac, Carrie / Segregation
Brothers / Dystopian / F CARR
Hunger games, the (series) / Collins, Suzanne / Survival / Dystopian / F COL
Ender’s game (series) / Card, Orson / Fantasy / Fantastic / F CAR
Golden compass, the (series) / Pullman, Phillip / Kidnapping / Fantastic / F PUL
Lion the witch and the wardrobe, the / Lewis, C.S. / Fantasy / Fantastic / F LEW
Hobbit, the / Tolkein, J.R.R. / Fantasy / Fantastic / F HOB
How to be a hero on earth 5 / Payne, Rob / Friendship
Teen agers
Fantasy / Fantastic / F PAY
Monsters / Fantastic / F RIO
Robin Hood / Rhead, Louis / Legendary character / Folk / F RHE
Sword in the stone, the / White, T.H. / Knights and knighthood / Folk / F WHI
Game of thrones / Martin, George / Folk / F MAR
Pillars of the earth / Follett, Ken / History
Suspense / Folk / F FOL
Robin Hood / Green, Simon / Legendary Character / Folk / F GRE
Sherlock Holmes
(books by Doyle) / Doyle, Arthur Conan / Suspense / Mystery / F DOY
Playing for the Ashes
(George books) ??? / George, Elizabeth / Mystery / F GEO
Kinsey Millhone mystery / Grafton, Sue / Suspense / Mystery / F GRA
Firm, the / Grisham, John / Suspense / Mystery / F GRI
I am the messenger / Zusak, Markus / Self esteem / Reluctant / F ZUS
Book thief, the / Zusak, Markus / Death
Jews / Reluctant / F ZUS
Song of Kahunsha, the / Irani, Anosh / Orphans
India / Reluctant / F IRA
Chanda’s secret / Stratton, Allan, / AIDS
Africa / Reluctant / F STR
About a boy / Hornby, Nick / Children of divorced parents / Reluctant / F HOR
Bleachers / Grisham, John / Sports / F GRI
Million dollar baby ??? / Toole, F.X. / Sports
Blind side, the / Lewis, Michael / Sports
Non Fic / Sports / 796.332 OHE LEW
Seabiscuit / Hillenbrand, Laura / Race horses / Sports / 798.4 HIL
Fever Pitch / Hornby, Nick / Authors
Non Fic / Sports / 796.332 HOR HOR
Batman begins / O’Neil, Dennis / Science Fiction / Super / F ONE
Spider man / David, Peter / Science Fiction / Super / F DAV
I am number four (series) / Lore, Pittacus / Extraterrestrial beings / Super / F LOR
Shattered / Walters, Eric / Homeless persons
Genocide / F WAL
Son of the mob / Korman, Gordon / Mafia / F KOR
Chanda’s secrets / Stratton, Allan / Kidnapping
Orphans / F STR
City of thieves / Benioff, David / Survival
Siege, 1941-1944 / F BEN