Name: ______

Anatomy & Physiology

Identifying the Cranial Nerves of the Peripheral Nervous System

Label each of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves indicated by the leader lines in the figure below with the correct Roman numeral. Then color each nerve with the color listed.

Optic Nerve = Dark Blue

Olfactory Nerve = Red

Oculomotor Nerve = Yellow

Trigeminal Nerve = Dark Green

Facial Nerve = Light Blue

Hypoglossal Nerve = Light Green

Trochlear Nerve = Orange

Abducens Nerve = Black

Vagus Nerve = Pink

Vestibulocochlear Nerve = White

Glossopharyngeal nerve = Purple

Accessory Nerve = Brown

Function of the Cranial Nerves

Provide the Roman numeral of the cranial nerve(s) involved in each of the following activities, sensation, or disorder. Yes, some descriptions can be associated with more than one nerve; you must list all nerves that accurately describe that condition.

______1.Reading a page in a book.

______2.Smiling at a cute member of the opposite sex.

______3.Delivering information from the retina to the brain.

______4.Reduces the amount of light entering the eye.

______5.Blinking when you have something under your contact.

______6.Your mouth waters when you think of your favorite food.

______7.Curling your tongue.

______8.Your eyes watering when dust gets under your contact.

______9.Maintaining your balance while on a boat or roller coaster.

______10.Feeling pain when a surgeon puts screws into your forehead.

______11.Taking on the phone.

______12.Shrugging your shoulders.

______13.Tasting your favorite type of pizza.

______14.Swallowing a bite of your favorite pizza.

______15.Digesting your dinner.

Disorders involving the cranial nerves

Disorders involving the cranial nerves range from infections that may damage nerve fibers to serious injuries, cerebral strokes, or tumors that may produce paralysis and the lost of some sensation. Identify the nerve that is associated with each of the following disorders.

______1.Injury causes loss of pain and touch sensation in the forehead, along with the inability to contract muscles needed to chew food.

______2.Bacterial infection produces a dilated pupil, and a drooping upper eyelid.

______3.Cerebral stroke makes it difficult to maintain one’s balance. Sounds are louder on one side because the stroke paralyzed the stapes (ear) muscle.

______4.Syphilis infections causes nerve damage that results in blindness.

______5,tumor produces progressive hearing loss and dizziness.

______6.Damage to nerve produces protruding tongue, moderate difficulty in speaking and chewing.

______7.Injury to nerve causes difficulty in swallowing, loss of taste on posterior third of tongue, decrease in salivation.

______8.Fracture of ethmoid bone results in inability to smell; as a result food tastes flat.

______9.Unilateral (only one side) lesion produces hoarseness due to paralysis of the vocal cords. Patient has difficulty raising their shoulders.

______10.Lesions caused by a viral infection results in the inability to move eye laterally.

______11.Laceration (cut) to the neck produces inability to rotate your head.