Application form

Your Details:

·  Full Name

·  Presenters names (maximum of 3)

·  Postal address

·  Email

·  Telephone

Nick Cooper

Nick Cooper, David Kuhns

Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry

Plymouth Science Park

Plymouth PL6 8BU


Please indicate which session you are applying for

Thursday 7th July 2016 – 2 hour workshop

Workshop Details

Physician Associates Workshop -

Workshop description (this will be used on ASME’s website for delegates to decide in advance which workshop they would like to attend)

Physician Associate (PA) programmes are growing at a rapid rate in the UK and Ireland and there is an enlarging community of PA Educators, some attached to medical schools and some within university departments of health studies.

PAs work to the medical model and under the supervision of doctors and will have an impact on the workforce as they provide additional ‘medical’ care in the workplace facilitating educational opportunities for junior doctors.

As new graduates emerge there will be an expanding community of practice and many PAs will be involved in educational activities in Higher Education or at the ‘coalface’.

ASME aims to provide support for educators within this evolving professional group and the workshop will explore current provision of PA programmes but also start to develop networks to facilitate the community of practice.

Explain the ways in which you will ensure your workshop will be interactive/encourage participation from workshop attendees?

Group work to identify needs of those involved in PA Education

Please list the objectives of the workshop, indicating knowledge, attitudes and skills that participants should gain from it.

-  to develop an understanding of the role of PAs as an emerging professional group in clinical practice

-  to identify the needs of PAs in pre-qualification and CPD

-  to recognise and plan the development of a community of practice

Please outline what educational methods/interactive learning methods will be used throughout the workshop (or prior to the workshop if you intend to issue any instructions prior to the commencement of the conference).

Interactive discussion

What relevant background and personal experience do you have in this area? e.g. Workshop facilitator, medical, dental or healthcare education in general, previous work on this topic?

Course Director PA Programme


List the proposed outcomes of the event, e.g. what materials will be produced for distribution (Powerpoint slides, handouts, reports etc). What are the benefits to ASME, your institution and/or to the medical/healthcare community?

How will the event be evaluated?

During the event informally and Survey Monkey later

Please supply bibliographic references in support of your submission

Ross N, Begg P, Kuhns D (2012) The case for the physician assistant. Clinical Medicine 12: 200-6

van Vught AJAH et al (2015) Analysis of the level of general skills of physician assistant students using an objective structure clinical examination. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 21:971-5

Please detail the maximum number of participants the workshop will be able to accommodate: 30

Preferred layout of workshop room (i.e. cabaret style, theatre style, horseshoe etc)

Cabaret Style

What AV equipment will be needed? (Included in each room will be a laptop/computer, audio speakers, data projector, screen & flipchart.)

As above

Will you be bringing any extra equipment?

(Please note we need to know in advance what equipment will be brought as this has a bearing on the room that is allocated for your workshop. It will not be possible to accommodate late information and requests).