Meeting Minutes: KPNA 9/13/05

  1. Call to Order: Nels Pierson, 7:01pm
  2. Officers Report
  3. Secretary Report: Jen Mulvihill. No objections to August meeting minutes. Minutes approved.
  4. Treasurers Report: Kellie Threinen. $427 in KPNA budget, updated after National Night Out.
  5. President’s Report: Dave Edmonson.
  6. Sewer troubles reported on 2nd St. NW. Giving specific details to the city would aid in timely repair.
  7. Greek Festival for Greek Orthodox Church was held on W.Center St. KPNA donated a tree to the event. The event will be held in the neighborhood again next year with greater publicity.
  1. Imagine Kutzky Report: Dan Ellenbaum and Chris Flood
  2. Citizen’s Council membership structure presented. Citizen’s Council is made up of members of the KPNA to advise Imagine Kutzky
  3. Imagine Kutzky neighborhood boundaries explained. The boundaries for the Imagine Kutzky project are wider than the current boundaries for KPNA.
  4. Motion made by Dan Ellenbaum to change the KPNA boundaries to match those of Imagine Kutzky. After discussion, motion was tabled until a further date.
  5. Neighborhood Home Photo Inventory to be completed within the next two weeks. Properties will be photographed and maps will be created to determine rental properties, potential redevelopment cites, etc. Inventory will also be used to evaluate current value and potential restoration value.
  6. October KPNA meeting will be implementation of the Imagine Kutzky plan,
  1. Police Officer’s Report: Officer Lowry
  2. Report of increased activity around 4 1/2 St. Auto theft, garage break-in.
  3. Citizen concerns for Officer Lowry:
  4. Center St. ally between Center St. and 1st St. SW, between 11th and 12th Ave. Reported concerns in this area include, man sleeping in a Lincoln, late 80’s Camarro with loud tires, suspicious man in black clothing.
  5. A questions was asked about the stabbing on W. Center St. Officer Lowry reported that the stabbing was an isolated incident between two people that knew each other.
  6. Other concerns voiced to Officer Lowry include loud motorcycles and backyard bonfires.
  1. Recognition on City Officials
  2. Marcia Marcoux, City Council Chair in Ward 2. Ms. Marcoux introduced herself and gave information about the Roads to a Bright Future program and upcoming election on October 4th.
  3. Mike Podoulke, County Commissioner. Mr. Podoulke introduced himself and encouraged a yes vote on October 4th.
  4. Daryl Hildebrant, Neighborhood Watch. Mr. Hildebrant reported that a neighborhood watch representative was added in Kutzky Park. Community Emergency Response Teams training will be the first Tuesday in October and will run for seven weeks for those interested.
  1. Committee Reports
  2. Communication Committee: No new updates.
  3. Neighborhood Watch Committee: Dave Edmonson. A contact sheet for block captains is still in the works.
  4. Redevelopment Committee: Kellie Threinen. Tuesday, September 20th at 7pm there will be a meeting for those interested in forming a for-profit redevelopment group.
  5. Social Committee: Jen Mulvihill. Plans are in the works for an outdoor movie night. Details to follow as known.
  6. Fundraising Committee: Nels Pierson. No new updates.
  1. Old Business
  2. Updating of constitution. Discussion tabled.
  1. New Business
  2. Question raised about replanting of dead trees.
  1. Adjourn: 8:25pm