The Bylaws of the Student Council of CentralChristianCollege of the Bible
Draft 2 - Revised 4/7/08
The Student Body is comprised of all full-time and part-time students enrolled at CentralChristianCollege of the Bible. The Student Body exists to minister to the spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social needs of Central’s students; to encourage personal excellence; and to contribute to the development of programs that accomplish the mission and objectives of the College.
The Student Council exists to coordinate student organizations and represent the students before the faculty and governing bodies of the College. The Student Council Executive Team is comprised of an elected student body president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, class representatives (one per class), one commuting student, and one multi-cultural representative.
Identity, Functions, and Duties of the Student Council
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Student Council of Central Christian College of the Bible. The short name shall be "StuCo."
Article II. Purpose
A. Aims of the Student Council
The Student Council coordinates student organizations and represents the students before the faculty and administrators of the College. Student Council facilitates the collaboration of student-leaders to minister to the spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social needs of the Student Body; to encourage personal excellence; and to contribute to the development of programs that accomplish the mission and objectives of the College.
Article III. Membership
A. Qualifications and Eligibility
Student Council members must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA,be enrolled in at least eight (8) credit hours each semester to be eligible to be a representative, maintain good academic and disciplinary standing, display character and behavior consistent with Biblical principles,demonstrate spiritual transformation, and support the mission and objectives of the College.
B. Duties
Members are to pursue God in their daily walk with Him, attend Student Council meetings, represent the student body in meetings, make their constituents aware of events, promote unity in Christ in the student body, collaborate and coordinate ministries with other members, help in the coordination of collaboratively sponsored events, and attend Student Council collaboratively sponsored events.
C. Representation
Regular membership of the Student Council shall consist of the following:
1. Student Council Executive Team (see article IV)
2. The designated student leader of each student-led organization officially recognized by Central’s Student Development department. Student leaders continue as members of the Student Council during the period in which they function as the leader of a recognized student-led organization.
3. Student Development will provide a roster of eligible members for each Student Council meeting.
4. Residence Assistants
Article IV. Officers
A. The officers comprising the Student Council Executive Team shall be:
1. President,
2. Vice-president,
3. Secretary,
4. Treasurer,
5. Class Representatives (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior),
6. Commuting Student Representative, and a
7. Multi-cultural Representative.
B. Qualifications & Eligibility
The officers shall have the same qualifications as members as stated in Article III, section A. All candidates for office for the following year will be approved by the current officers and Faculty Advisor, as stated in section D of this article.
C. Duties
The officers shall have the same duties as members as stated in Article III, section B, as well as the following specific duties for each office:
1. The President shall preside at meetings, develop agendas, delegate responsibilities to members, promote teamwork and collaboration, and be a liaison between the student body and administration.
2. The Vice-president shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President, coordinate all StuCo action teams, and assist the President in various ways according to gifting.
3. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of attendance and minutes of all meetings, maintain an archive of StuCo records, and ensure clear communication between StuCo and the Student Body regarding announcements for events.
4. The Treasurer shall prepare a budget for the school year, keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements, and complete check request forms in advance of the date needed.
5. The Class Representatives, Commuting Student Representative, and Multi-Cultural Representative represent the corresponding student groups, promote the activities and purpose of Student Council, and facilitate the involvement of each group in the ministry of the Student Body described in the Preamble.
6. All officers will participate in all formal student leadership training as offered and requested by the Student Development department.
D. Elections
Each spring the student body will select the officer team for the following school year. At any time, nominees or candidates can drop out of the race if they so desire. The process will be:
1. Nominations for president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer will be taken from the student body. Nominations for all other officers will be taken from the part of the Student Body that they represent.
2. The Faculty Advisor and a few other faculty and staff will screen the nominees for satisfactory academic and disciplinary records.
3. The officers and Faculty Advisor will screen the nominees for exceptional character and maturity.
4. Officers will explain the expectations of becoming a Student Council officer with each of the nominees.
5. Nominees will declare their intent to run for office and officially become candidates.
6. Candidates will complete a brief interview with the officer team.
7. The current officers will create flyers to promote all of the candidates. These flyers will include photos, biographical information, and quotes from the candidates.
8. Student Council Day in April shall be the day of elections. The officer team will decide whether to do elections via ballot or an online method. If elections are completed via ballot, a provision will be made for absentee voting. The Freshman Class Representative will be elected during Fall Orientation.
9. Two full-time College employees will oversee the tabulation of the ballots.
10. The new officer team will be installed by the outgoing officers during Honors Chapel at the end of the semester. They will immediately assume their duties as officers on that day.
11. The new officers will be provided with resources and training to facilitate a smooth transition into the new school year.
E. Vacancies
Anyofficer may be removed from Student Council because of failure to meet the requirements for Student Council membership, unbecoming conduct, or not fulfilling his or her duties. Only the Faculty Advisor has the right to dismiss an officer.
When the office of President is vacated, the Vice-president shall become President. When the offices of Vice-president, Secretary, and/or Treasurer is/are vacated, such offices shall be filled by an election of the Student Council from its membership. When all other offices are vacated they will be filled by an election of the part of the Student Body which they represent.
Article V. Faculty Advisor
The Vice-President of Student Development of Central Christian College of the Bible shall serve as the Faculty Advisor of the Student Council each academic year.
The duties of the Faculty Advisor shall be to attend all meetings of the Student Council when possible, approve of action team members and duties, assure proper decorum at each meeting, and act as liaison between the administration of the College and the Student Council. The Faculty Advisor will serve as an ex-officio member of the Student Council Executive Team.
Article VI. Organization
A. Meetings
1. The regular meetings of the Student Council shall be determined at the beginning of each school year at a meeting called for that purpose.
2. Special meetings may be called by the President of the Student Council or the Faculty Advisor when the occasion demands such, or when requested by a majority of the Student Council members.
B. Quorum
A quorum must exist in order for business to be conducted in a Student Council representative meeting. A quorum of the Student Council shall consist of a simple majority of the regular members.
C. Action Teams
Temporary committees, also known as "Action Teams," may be appointed by the President of the Student Council to accomplish the ministry of the Student Body. Each team shall be led by a member or officer of the Student Council. The Vice-president will oversee the collective work of the Action Teams and ensure communication between them and the Student Council as a whole. These teams coordinate the planning and execution of events sponsored for the Student Body.
The Executive Team shall consist of the President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Class Representatives (one from each class), commuting student representative, multi-cultural representative, and Faculty Advisor (see Article 5). They will formally meet at least once a month during each semester to evaluate the strategic issues and progress of the Student Council.
D. Business
The actions of the Student Council, by virtue of the responsibilities of the College Administration and the designated desires of the Board of Directors of Central Christian College of the Bible, are subject at all times to the approval of the Faculty Advisor of the Student Council and the Administrative leaders of the College.
E. Parliamentary Authority
The Student Council shall conduct the business and activities of the student body in accord with the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Article VII. Amendments
Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by the Student Council and may become a part of such by receiving a two-thirds vote of the full Student Council, the approval of the College Administration, and a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Student Body.
Article VIII. Publication
These bylaws shall be published and made available to the Student Body each year. A description of the purposes, functions, and membership of the Student Council will be included in the Student Handbook.