Chapter 4:17-5:
- Introduction
- Review
- History
- Chap. 1 – Blessings in Christ; Reception of Spirit, Prays for further Ephesian growth
- Chap. 2 – Revived from Death by Christ and Made Heirs.
- Chap. 3 – Paul discusses his sharing of the gospel of salvation and prays for growth through the power of the Spirit.
- Chap. 4:1-16 –
- Encouraged to walk in the Unity which is presented by the Spirit.
- Notes Everything surrounding Godliness is Unity.
- Christ Gave gifts of the Spirit so we would be united.
- The unity of the Word given should cause us to strive toward unity and growth in Christ.
- Introduction Chap. 4:17-32
- Vs. 17-19– Walk the Walk of a Christian
- This is a reemphasis of vs. 1-3.
- “Therefore” – Because of unity of the Word being given don’t walk like Gentiles.
- The mention of Gentiles is not Christian gentiles.
- Rom. 1:18ff, Ps. 81:11-12
- They turned from knowing God because they refused Him. He let them go.
- Vs. 20-24 – Being a Christian is the creation of a new man.
- You did not learn to live like the Gentiles by my teaching.
- “If indeed you have heard Him” was a way of saying: "As surely as you have heard him."
- Full meaning of this text is, I taught you Christ according to truth and what you heard has nothing to do with living.
- Vs. 22-24–Paul’s teaching said the new self is righteous and holy and based on truth.
- John 17:17
- 2Co 5:17 - Wherefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new.
- Vs. 25-5:2 – Characteristics of a New Man
- Vs. 25 - Falsehood vs. truth
- Vs. 26-27 – Righteous Indignation
- Psalm 4:1-6 – Evil is awful, Hate Evil!
- Don’t let that disgust become lax or Satan will cease the opportunity.
- Vs. 28 – Don’t steal, work! Blessings of working is sharing!
- Vs. 29 – Worthless speech vs. that which builds up.
- Col 4:6- Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer each one.
- Vs. 30 - aorist tense passive voice: meaning, this is read “were sealed”
- Talked about in Eph. 1:13 already. Seal was the visible manifestation of the holy spirit as poured out on the day of Pentecost. It was the fulfillment of Joel 2.
- This was a down payment with salvation or redemption in mind.
- The spirit is grieved when we ignore the teachings of the Spirit in the walk of holiness.
- Vs. 31-5:2– Sinful anger vs. love and forgivness.
- Bitterness ... is the settled disposition of one who is resentful.
- Anger ... is strong, sudden antagonism, explosive, potential murder.
- Wrath ... is like a roaring furnace, settled indignation.
- Clamor ... is yelling at others.
- Railing ... is "blasphemy" in the Greek, meaning "speaking against God or man."
- Malice ... takes delight in inflicting hurt or injury.
- Forgiveness and Love have nothing in common with these things.
- Christ was these things.
- Vs. 5:1 – “therefore”, Because christ was these things, be imitators of God.
Children are imitations of God.
Christ and Children walk in Love.