Zombie Apocalypse!

Dear Citizens,

Military sources tell us that the possibility of a zombie outbreak is high, and we must start to prepare. You have been dropped into a country we have studied this year, so you must figure out where the citizens of this region need to go for the best odds of survival. Your time is limited: you willhave only 4 meetings to research your facts, decide your settlement location, and prepare your presentation. The groups will be made up of three to four members of your choice.

Our sources tell us that these zombies are the classic kind: Slow-moving and slow thinking but very, very persistent. They will try whatever they can to infect everyone they encounter.

This is not the time to go on attack but instead to defend and preserve.

Things to consider as you pick your place are:

  • You have to be safe
  • You have to have food and water
  • You have to have access to anything you may need
  • You have to be able to communicate to other safe places

To survive in the places, you also need access to




●Tools and Supplies

●Sanitation and Hygiene

●Clothing and Bedding

●First Aid supplies

Because a zombie apocalypse may last for many years, the area you pick has to sustain you and any other survivors for a long period of time. Consider the following:

  1. Finding a Place to Settle
  2. Through surviving you have met with other survivors, now you are trying to decide upon a safe place. Be sure to explain why you chose this location based off of climate, location, environmental issues, and natural resources.
  3. Things to consider researching are: Major cities, climate, elevations, major transportation routes, and main bodies of water, and anything else that may help you find the perfect spot.
  4. Building a Community
  5. With your group of survivors, you make decisions to build a safe and sustainable community. Be sure to explain how your government and economy is organized and be able to defend your reasoning.
  6. Planning for the Future
  7. Based on what you know about geography, and based on knowledge of the past, your community makes long term plans for survival and rebuilding a life. For this topic thoroughly describe the culture you would like to exist in your community.

Project Requirements

  1. At the end of the project, your group should have some form of report describing the location you believe would be best to build your post-zombie outbreak settlement. Your group should include a sketch of your settlement, descriptions of food and water sources, as well as a description of the exact location in the drop country. Don’t forget to include how you will defend the settlement and items you need to survive. Each group will give an oral presentation along with one of the following to support your zombie solution:
  2. Formal written report
  3. Oral presentation with 3D model of settlement (shoebox or Diorama)
  4. Poster
  5. PowerPoint
  6. Video(iMovie)
  7. Minecraft
  1. Createa map displaying 4 days of zombie attack data from the start of the outbreak. Include a short written explanation of why these identified locations are a high risk. Create a map of the zombie attack data and your map will include:
  2. Important map features (compass and legend/key)
  3. Identify major cities
  4. Show the spread of zombie attacks
  5. Show the connections between cities that help the zombie virus spread

Settlement Location:30 points total

  • Sketch or model of settlement (6)
  • Defense of settlement (6)
  • Food and water sources (6)
  • Exact location in drop country (6)- Use Google Earth
  • Backpack of survival supplies (6)

Zombie Attack Data Map:25 points total

  • Important map features (compass and legend/key)
  • Identify major cities
  • Show the spread of zombie attacks
  • Show the connections between cities that help the zombie virus spread

Presentation:25 points total

  • Information presented is organized and easy to understand
  • Original, accurate and interesting to the audience

Participation Grade:

  • 20 points (10 from Mr. Kirby, 5 from each group members)

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