

Section 11.1 - DNA: The Molecule of Heredity

1)  What are the two objectives of this section according to the section preview? (p.281)




2)  Define the following terms:

Nitrogenous base______

Double helix______

What is DNA?

3)  DNA controls an organism’s traits through the production of ______. (p.281)

4)  Different parts of your body contain protein including your ______, ______,

and ______. (p.281)

DNA as the genetic material

5)  Read the paragraph under the heading “DNA as the genetic material” which starts on p.281 and continues to p. 282. In your own words, summarize the findings of Hershey and Chase.

The structure of nucleotides

6)  DNA is a very ______molecule. It is considered a ______made of repeating ______

called ______. (p.282)

7)  What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide? (p.282)

8)  What are the 4 nitrogenous bases? (p.282)

9)  The “backbone” of DNA is composed of ______and ______? (p.282)

The structure of DNA

10) Read the section titled “The structure of DNA” on page 283. In the space below, draw and label a DNA double helix, the model proposed by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. Label nitrogenous bases, phosphates, deoxyribose sugars, A, C, G, T, hydrogen bonds, strand 1,
strand 2.

The importance of nucleotide sequences

11) Although all organisms contain ______made up of the same four ______, the

difference in ______of the nucleotides leads to the variation. (p.284)

12) “The closer the relationship is between two organisms, ______

______.” (p.284)

Replication of DNA

13) Define “DNA replication”. (p.284)

How DNA replicates

14) Read the first paragraph under “How DNA replicates”. Find the sentence that provides evidence that DNA must follow pairing rules when it replicates. Copy that sentence below. (p.285)

15) “Each new strand formed is a ______of the original, or ______strand. (p.285)

16) Using your answer from question 14, what would be the complementary sequence for the sequence GTTAAC?


Section 11.2 – From DNA to Protein

17) What are the two objectives of this section according to the section preview? (p.288)





18) Define the following terms:

messenger RNA ______

ribosomal RNA ______

transfer RNA ______

transcription ______

translation ______

Genes and Proteins

19) DNA controls the production of ______. Some proteins are key

______like the filaments of muscle tissue. Other proteins are

______of cell function like enzymes. (p.288)

20) Name 3 ways RNA is different from DNA.


21) Summary of transcription: ______strand à ______copy. (p.290)

22) Transcription takes place in the ______of the cell. (p.290)

RNA Processing – you can skip this!

The Genetic Code

23) The Genetic code converts the mRNA language into the language of proteins. The “alphabet” of DNA, and therefore mRNA, is made up of four types of ______, while the “alphabet” of proteins is made up of twenty ______. (p.291)

24) Define codon: (p.292)

How many codons are possible? ____

How many amino acids are coded for by these codons? _____

Is there redundancy (“exceeding what is required”) with the genetic code? YES NO

25) Practice using the CHART OF CODONS!!! (p.292)

What does UUU code for? ______

What does CAC code for? ______

What does GCA code for? ______

26) Read the paragraph in the second column on page 292. In your own words, describe what is meant by a universal genetic code. Also, what does the universal genetic code provide evidence of?

Translation: From mRNA to protein

27) When a language is translated, meaning is conveyed. When DNA is translated (with the help of RNA), the code is turned into something meaningful. What “language” is the code converted into? (p.293)

28) Draw a transfer RNA molecule (see page 293). Include the labels in your book.

29) What does tRNA transfer? (p.295)

30) How does each tRNA molecule “know” what codon to attach to? (p.295)

31) The translation process is complete when a ______is reached.(p.295)

32) Lastly, the protein must ______into its complex 3-D shape. (p.295)

Watch the video at

1) During transcription, What is the “yellow chain snaking out of the top” of the turquoise blob at time 1:06?

2) Out in the cytoplasm, what is the turquoise and purple blob shown at about time 2:20?

3) What specific protein is made is this video?