Matchday Experience Evaluation Form

Please complete this form as soon as you can after the match, whilst your recollection of the matchday experience is still clear. Once complete, please return this form to

This questionnaire is designed to follow your journey from arriving at the stadium to reaching your allocated seat. It also asks questions on any services you might use during the match and on the customer service you receive from staff and volunteers. Please only answer questions that apply to your own matchday experience, you do not need to answer every question.

Thank you for your participation.

Your Details



Date of Match:

Location in stadium including seat / wheelchair user space:

Email Address:

I wish to receive regular news updates from CAFE

I am happy to be contacted by CAFE for further information on my matchday experience

Arriving at the stadium

How did you arrive at the stadium?

 On foot By car  By taxi  Public transport

Other (please specify):

Did you encounter any difficulties onyour way to the stadium?

 Yes  No

If yes, please explain further:

If you arrived by car, did you have any difficulties in finding an accessible parking space?

 Yes No

If yes, please explain further:

If you arrived by taxi, were you able to be dropped off and picked up near to the stadium?

 Yes No

If no, please explain further:

If you arrived by public transport, what type of transport did you use?

Did you encounter any difficulties betweenleaving the public transport / parking area to reaching the stadium?

 Yes No

If yes, please explain further:

At the Stadium

How easy did you find getting to your accessible entrance point?

Was there signage directing you to your accessible entrance point?

 Yes No

If no, please explain further:

In reaching your seat, were you required to use a lift?

 Yes No

If yes, did you have any difficulties, please explain further:

Were you able to access the concourse area?

 Yes No

If yes, please explain how easy you found getting around the concourse area.

If no, please explain why you were not able to access the concourse area.

Did you purchase any food or drink within the stadium?

 Yes No

If yes, did you have any difficulties when purchasing food or drinks?

How easy was it to find accessible toilets in the stadium?

Did you have any difficulties in using the accessible toilets?

 Yes No

If yes, please explain further:

Did you find the accessible toilets clean?

 Yes No

If no, please explain further:

Did you find it easy to locate your wheelchair user space /easy accessseat?

 Yes No

If no, please explain further:

Did you have a good view of the match?

 Yes No

If no, please explain why:

Was your companion / personal assistant sat next to you or in another location?

 Yes No

If no, please explain further:

Was a dedicated audio descriptive commentary service (for blind and partially sighted fans) available?

 Yes No

 Only a club or local radio based commentary

Please provide any additional comments on the dedicated audio descriptive commentary /club or local radio commentary here:

Were induction loops (for deaf and hard of hearing fans) available at customer facing points e.g. concessions, ticket office and club shop, as well as in lifts and within the stadium bowl?

 Yes No

If yes, please state which area of the stadium these were available

Did you encounter any other difficulties during your matchday?

 Yes No

If yes, please explain further:


Please use this space to provide us with a brief overall description of your matchday experience:

Thank you for completing this feedback form. Your opinions are important to us and will help us to continue to improve access and inclusion for disabled fans on matchdays.

If you would like assistance in completing this form, or if you would like to receive this form in an alternative format, please contact CAFE via telephone on +44 (0) 208 621 2405 or via email on