[Company Name] Noise Management Plan
[Company Name and Logo]
[Company Name]
Issue / Description / Approved By / Signed / DateTable of Contents
1 Description of Works 3
2 Contractor Details 3
3 Equipment 3
4 Noise and Vibration Predictions 4
5 Noise and Vibration Monitoring 4
6 Noise and Vibration Control Measures 4
7 Complaint Response 5
7.1 Procedure and recording of complaints 5
7.2 Community notification 5
8 Appendices 6
8.1 Site Layout Plan 6
8.2 Community Notification Leaflet 6
8.3 Community Notification Leaflet Distribution Area 6
1 Description of Works
Include a detailed description of works
- Location of works, include map of location in appendices or specify street addresses,
- Specific activities, only those activities identified in the NMP are permitted
- Justification for works
o based on more than a matter of convenience.
o detail the significant impediments that would arise should the construction work be conducted during normal hours and how conducting works out of these times will resolve these issues.
- Environmental Approvals/ applications (if applicable) and relevant conditions
- Commencement date and duration of works
- Schedule
- confirmation works are carried out in accordance with Australian Standard AS 2436-2010 Guide to noise and vibration control on construction, maintenance and demolition sites;
2 Contractor Details
Information regarding the contractor and relevant contacts.
Table 1.
Name / Position / Contact Number/s / Email3 Equipment
Include detail of:
- Plant type and number on site
- Confirmation that the equipment used for construction work is the quietest reasonably available
- Purchasing practices
- how that equipment will be used
- the duration of use of the equipment and/or period of works
- Maintenance and operation of machinery / equipment / vehicles
4 Noise and Vibration Predictions
- Consider all noise generating activities
- AS 2436 provides a technical framework to estimate noise from construction sites
- Equipment manufacturers may off predicted noise emissions
- Consider sound power level, vibration and the characteristics of the noise i.e. tonal, impulsive, low frequency that will result from the works
5 Noise and Vibration Monitoring
Include site specific information including:
· Who will conduct the monitoring activities
· Where will monitoring activities be e.g. position and location
· Frequency and duration of monitoring activities, (representative of the particular works)
· How monitoring activities will be undertaken e.g. measurement equipment
Depending upon the type of work, certain projects will require regular noise monitoring with specified machinery by a competent person e.g. noise meter and acoustic consultant.
6 Noise and Vibration Control Measures
This should be the most detailed section of a NMP and contains the essential measures that are being undertaken to minimise noise
Include control measures around the following:
· Site Planning, barriers and layout
· Equipment
· Work practices
7 Complaint Response
7.1 Procedure and recording of complaints
Procedure and reporting actions to include:
· Who is responsible for managing incoming complaints;
· How a complaint can be made;
· How the complainant will be kept informed;
· Record keeping procedures; and
· Investigation/Resolution process
7.2 Community notification
Identify :
· How that information is to be provided
· To whom notification will be provided include a map or addresses in appendices
· Provide example of notification leaflet in appendices include
o Brief description of works
o Where and when works are to occur
o How to lodge a complaint contact telephone number
8 Appendices
8.1 Site Layout Plan
8.2 Community Notification Leaflet
8.3 Community Notification Leaflet Distribution Area