Card Sort - Purposes and Uses Pg 1 - Print on Blue

Audit/corroborate district assessment results with independent measures / Example
The district looks for alignment between the constructs of teacher created assessments and measurement areas on DIBELs. / Your Example
Instructional self-evaluation (followed by course correction and/or reteaching) / Example
A teacher uses an Illuminate On-The-Fly assessment to help her determine what adjustments she needs to make in instruction. / Your Example
Standards-based grading / Example
Assignments in a teacher’s gradebook are categorized by prioritized targets. / Your Example
Evaluating eligibility for program entrance / Example
A district uses the AP potential score from a College Board assessment as a factor in recruiting students for upcoming AP classes. / Your Example
Evaluate readiness for next grade or course / Example
A school uses 3rd Grade M-STEP ELA scores to learn how well the K-3 ELA curriculum is preparing students for 4th Grade ELA rigor. / Your Example
Isolate educator/
institution effect on student growth / Example
A school data team uses NWEA data to learn how their students’ growth performance compares to national norms. / Your Example

Card Sort - Purposes and Uses Pg 2 - Print on Blue

Card Sort - Vocabulary - Print on Buff

FormativeAssessment / Example
After introducing students to a new concept, a teacher engages student groups in a problem solving exercise. He listens for keywords from each group to determine what he might do next. / Your Example
Summative Assessment / Example
A teacher administers the district’s end of Marking Period 1 assessment in Science and records these scores in a gradebook. / Your Example
Minisummative Interim Assessment / Example
A school administers the i-Ready diagnostic assessment in winter to understand how student learning in reading has progressed since the fall. / Your Example
Modular Interim Assessment / Example
Using Illuminate, a teacher administers a school created end-of-unit assessment in Algebra I to students. / Your Example