LCDCC Minutes – Monthly Meeting – May 27, 2009
1. Call to Order – 7:05 pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Guest Welcome
4. Recognition of Elected and Party Officials
5. Approval of Minutes: 04/22/2009, E-Board Minutes 05/11/2009: M/S/Pass
6. Secretary’s Report
Resignations: Jason Hedges (CR29), Carrie La Seur (Mount Vernon North), Josh Hargraven (Associate CR31)
Election of Members & Associates:
Pat Burnsen (Marion 42). M/S/Pass
Motion to suspend the rules to allow for election to CR29 M/S/Pass
Cheryl Anderson (CR29). Tom Evans (CR-29) Anderson won election 30-7
Mert Bowers (Mount Vernon North) M/S/Pass
Josh Hargraven (Associate – Monroe 1) M/S/Pass
7. Treasurer’s Report:
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report. M/S/Pass
Executive Board approved sponsorship of Pride Fest booth for $50.
Executive Board approved prepaying domain name registration 5 years for $75.
8. Guest Speaker Carrie La Seur.
9. Election of Representatives to 2nd Congressional District Central Committee (20 persons):
Norm Sterzenbach gave a presentation on the duties of a 2nd District
Nominated: Harvey Ross, Joe Michalec, Michelle Ray-Michalec, Norm Sterzenbach, Kay Hale, Kelly DeVore, Brett Nilles, Suzanne Nilles, Joe Stutler, Mike Little, Ken Perry, Gretchen Lawyer, Sherri Webber, Nikki Russell, Mary Burke, John Powers, Rebecca Lane, DJ Arnold, Ebony Luensman, Amie Wickendahl.
Motion to pass slate by acclimation. M/S/Pass
Alternates: Lynda Waddington, Frank Reynolds, Kay Fisk, Jane Mchonahay, Rose Kelsey, Charles, Menge, Roy Porterfield, Joel Miller, Pam Reynolds, Noreen Tonkins, Bob King, Bob King, Rick Herren, Gassan Haloush, Renee Forsythe-Cristy, Clark Rieke, Sylvia Miller, Pat Bensch, Catherine Crist, Tom Schroeder, Pat Heinrich, Mert Bowers, Helane Golden, Josh Hargrafen, Will Ewart, Mike Robinson, Don Grey, Lynn DeNaples, Mona Hammon, Angel Carman, Alice King, Mike Wyrick, Sue Magner, Linda Langston, Carol Wickey, Harold Hensel, Bob Bromley, Shirley Pike.
Motion to pass slate by acclimation. M/S/Pass
10. Discussion of expenditures:
a. Fundraising Projects:
1. T-Shirts: LCDCC purchased 100 Made-in-USA shirts with Linn Dems logo, union printed $994.16. Motion to approve the expenditure. M/S/Pass.
Motion to replenish stock as needed. M/S/Pass.
2. Coffee Mugs with Linn Dems logo, $200.00. Motion to purchase. M/S/Pass.
b. Establish a Party-Building Line Item of $1000.00. Motion to approve. M/S/Pass.
1. Ice Cream Social is included in this line item.
c. Community Service Project to provide lunch for Habitat for Humanity Volunteers on June 13, approximately $300.00. Motion to expend. M/S/Pass.
11. Finance Committee Update
1. Linn County Dems T-Shirts for sale!!! White and Navy available… 1 for $20, 2 for $35
2. Pancake Breakfast was held Saturday May 2, 2009 at the Fairfax American Legion Hall, we had over 100 people come eat pancakes including Congressman Loebsack.
3. Habitat for Humanity project – We will be serving lunch for the volunteers on Saturday June 13th
4. Ice Cream Social – Sunday June 14th from 1 to 5 pm at Thomas Park Pavilion. Ice Cream and toppings will be available
5 DemStock Picnic – July 18 at Sally Williams’ Farm; time: 2-8 pm
Music/Food/Live Auction
Invited speakers include Gov. Culver, Sen. Harkin, Rep. Loebsack and US Senate Candidate Bob Krause
12. Announcements:
Joel Miller – would like the LCDCC to pass a resolution at our next meeting opposing the practice of elected officials recruiting candidates to run against other Democrats.
Nate Willems – updated us on his experience during his first year in the legislature.
Norm Sterzenbach – would like to see LCDCC sponsor 5 Young Democrats to participate in the Off-Year Workshops and will make a motion next month to that end.
13. Small Group Discussion:
Question 1 – Why are you a Democrat?
Question 2 – What community service projects do you want the Linn County Democrats to participate in?
14. 50-50 Drawing: $21.50 to Bret Nilles..
15. Adjournment – 8:38 pm.
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