Williams Park Neighbors
Board Meeting Minutes
January 21, 2016
The regular meeting of the Williams Park Neighbors was called to order at 7 pm on January 21, 2016 at the Bentley home by Keith Bentley, WPN President.
Keith Bentley; Lee Friedman; Myrna Evans; Robyn Phillips; Beverly Denny; Jeremy Fort; Jill Huitron, Susan Bentley; Lem Ward; Suzy Miller
Approval of Agenda
The Agenda distributed prior to the meeting was approved.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the previous Board meeting that were distributed prior to the meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Myrna Evans presented the status of the WPN accounts. Detailed report is available upon request.
Here’s the summary of the quarterly Treasurer’s report:
Balance as of Sept 9, 2015 / $12,730.54Deposits / $ 1,030.60
Withdrawals / $( 3,157.52)
Balance as of Jan 20, 2016 / $10,603.62
Myrna also provided a three-year summary of WPN’s spending by month. This is the first time that the organization has had a report summarizing income and expenses over 3 years. Summary report is available upon request.
From the analysis performed, Myrna noted the following:
§ The annual ad fees collected for the WPN Memo don’t cover its production costs. Ad fees are $100 for 4 ads. Options were discussed. Ads are limited to the current number, 9. Keith Bentley shared that this was discussed at last Board meeting and the Board had decided that extra newsletter content was well worth any extra expense for printing and mailing. It was agreed then that the number of ads, annual rate, format and distribution process are acceptable. The Board has negotiated a good copy rate with the local Office Depot, including a business account.
§ It was noted that the WPN Memo ad fees are annual and due in full no later than March 1st of the calendar year, which is prior to the first Memo publication. Jeremy Fort will collect the Ad fees.
§ Overall the organization is financially sound and now has a better basis for making future financial decisions.
Traffic Calming Update
Since Stephen McQuade couldn’t attend, Keith Bentley provided the update.
§ Board members met with Eric Randall and Teri Anulewicz in late December regarding the traffic calming proposals including the sequencing of the lights and preventing the blocking of the intersection at the railroad lights. Eric and Teri were to get back to WPN in January. Since they haven’t gotten back as of the Board meeting, Stephen will follow up. He and Stephen will continue to be persistent.
§ The missing Roswell Street sign is still an issue. The city reported that they have the sign but it has not been reinstalled.
§ The proposal to reduce the Roswell Street speed limit is under consideration. It has to be approved by the Georgia DOT (Dept of Transportation). Stacy Evans has reached out to her contacts at the DOT to try to move the proposal forward.
§ Mike Jones has been named the new City Administrator.
Committee Reports
Membership: On behalf of Leon McElveen, Keith Bentley reported that membership is up 12% since Feb 1, 2015. A total of 268 households are members. Annual dues of $20 continue and are renewable after March 1st.
Security: Wendy Admundson could not attend but sent a written report. She noted that the Smyrna neighborhood watch program seems to have lost its momentum. Ever since Officer Cason left that role, we have not had any liaison meetings. Thenewlead-Officer Defense sendsout an occasional release/update but that's about it. Wendy hasn't heardmuch about crimes in WPN—not sure if that means there hasn't been any or its just not getting reported. Jeremy Fort discussed the two ramshackle homes at the end of Elizabeth Street that continue to have issues with illegal trespassing, vandalism, etc, but are considered nuisances. Not much can be done by Smyrna police at this time.
Beautification: Robyn Phillips reported no new items. There are two bushes to replace at the neighborhood entrance at the monument. That will be done later in the spring. There is a need for a plan for improvements at Whitfield Park. Keith Bentley raised the need to look at refreshing Durham Park. The last time it was done, the City of Smyrna provided funds. That is unlikely to be available again. Robyn will follow up on both items with the idea to have a plan ready to implement in March or April. Jeremy will help with Durham Park plans.
Adopt-a-Mile: Lee Freidman is assuming the chair of this committee. Mike Engel is moving out of the neighborhood. The Adopt-a-Mile is scheduled for Sat, Jan 23rd. However, it will likely be postponed to the following Saturday, Jan 30th, due to weather. Lee will let the Board know so it can be broadcast to WPN members. Lee noted that the Keep Smyrna Beautiful, the Adopt-a Mile organization, not WPN, sets these dates. There will be a drawing for a $10 REV gift certificate for all participants. Clean up areas include Hawthorne, Roswell, Matthews and Spring St.
Communications: Casey Clavin was unable to attend but noted to Keith Bentley there was nothing to report.
Social Events: Becky Friedman was unable to attend but noted that the next event is the Easter Egg Hunt on March 26th at 2 pm. The spring event is set for May 14th.
Hospitality/Welcome Bags: Beverly Denny reported that she would organize an effort to assemble and distribute them. Becky Freedman, Melissa Downey and Susan Bentley have all volunteered to help. She does need updated membership applications.
Happy Hour: Jill Huitron was pleased to report that all but the July slot is covered. She is getting good response from new members. It was suggested that we try to find someone in Whitfield Parc to host the July event to raise WPN’s profile in that development.
Open Issues
Brassfield Ad Discussion: Myrna asked the Board for guidance on how to post the arrangement WPN has with the Brassfield’s and their event business. Currently, the Brassfield’s don’t pay the annual ad cost of $100. They charge WPN $100 per event for the Bounce House, etc, and even provide logistics assistance. This is a significant discount off their standard rentals. There is no posting for this arrangement. Myrna asked if there were other options for this arrangement with the Brassfield’s that would enable a better accounting. After limited discussion, the Board agreed that the arrangement would continue as is as long as the Brassfield’s were amenable to it. The annual WPN Memo ad fee would be comped, noting it in either the journal entry or in the comments section of the report spreadsheet. It was also agreed that the Brassfield’s would be asked to provide an invoice or receipt for the $100 charged to WPN for their rental fees. In doing so, the $100 check can be booked against the invoice/receipt. (Note: This topic was an “Old Business” topic, but discussed during the treasury report)
WPN Flags: Sales of the flags have gone fairly well. Have 20 left. Need to sell 10 more to break even. WPN members are looking for pole options. 21 flags at $40 each have been distributed.
Website Manager/Wild Apricot Software: The Board is looking into upgrading the WPN website and to include a Members Only section that will include the ability for members to pay annual dues. We have no Website manager and the site hasn’t been updated in some time. Keith Bentley has learned that there are two possible WPN members who could assist – David Rice or Jeff Ferguson. He’s going to contact them.
Myrna Evans and her husband Larry are working on getting the existing web site functional. Myrna will get back copies of the Memo from Casey for posting. Myrna and Larry will also post board meeting minutes. (Keith Bentley added note: Adobe Dreamweaver software was used by our previous web master to add items to the website).
Myrna has also been looking into how to replace the site using the Wild Apricot software which would enable members maintain their own contact information among other added functions. She is looking into building the data model. The software costs $50/mo. Suzy asked about other options like a Web Hosting/Management service that specializes in HOA/Community websites. Myrna was concerned about the cost of such a service. It could be $75-$100/month or more. Suzy raised concerns about the security and liability for WPN of a WPN built and managed commerce site. It was agreed to continue to investigate options.
Sign Toppers for Whitfield Park: There are three entrances to the new Whitfield Park development, and there is only one WPN sign topper remaining. Keith will investigate if three more can be ordered or if there’s a higher minimum.
Hawthorne Roundabout: The roundabout is still in the City plan. We have not yet been able to confirm the timeline with City Planning.
New Business
Development Review Committee: Lem Ward chairs the new Development Review Committee. The intention of this committee is to create and publish a WPN Board sponsored document that will be provided to potential developers, investors, and City of Smyrna planners. The committee will:
§ Create development principles for Williams Park
§ Serve as a liaison with developers
§ Prepare proposed changes to the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan
§ Propose changes to the Bylaws to speak for WPN
Lem distributed the proposal, which was approved at the September 2015 WPN general assembly meeting. It will be posted on the web site with the other documents presented and discussed at the Board meeting. The Board authorized Lem to move forward.
WPN Member Participation/Volunteer Campaign: During the discussion regarding membership and event participation, the Board discussed the need to increase the number of volunteers, both from existing and new members, for various WPN events such as the social events, Adopt-a-Mile, etc. We can use the application form to see what members are interested in, but it’s not in a database form. Suzy Miller volunteered to create that. She’ll get with Leon to get the applications then update her address excel to include volunteer and community interests by person and household.
Jill Huitron and Jeremy Fort suggested that we proactively sign up volunteers at each event, starting with the Easter Egg hunt. That event is well attended by the newer and younger neighbors. There should be a table staffed by WPN Board members along with something like a sandwich “sign up” board for each volunteer opportunity. The Board and core volunteers will contact the newly signed up volunteers in advance of the event to confirm/encourage their involvement. Jill and Beverly volunteered to set up the sign up sheets at the Egg Hunt.
February 23rd WPN General Assembly: Keith Bentley asked for suggestions for a speaker. Robyn suggested we ask Mike Jones, the newly appointed City Administrator, to speak. Keith will follow up.
Change of Officers: Beginning in 2016, Lem Ward is Vice President and Suzy Miller is the Recording Secretary. Continuing officers are Keith Bentley, President; Liz Davis, Corresponding Secretary and Myrna Evans, Treasurer.
Next Meeting
The Agenda for the Spring Board meeting will be published one week prior to the meeting. The next Board meeting will be at 7 pm on April 13, 2016, in the Bentley home.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm by Keith Bentley, WPN President.
Minutes submitted by: Suzy Miller, Recording Secretary
Approved by:
WPN Board Meeting Minutes 1.24.2016 5