Course Syllabus
Course No. & Title: EEE 3394 Electrical Engineering Science I – Electronic Materials
Term & Schedule: Fall, 2017 MW 2:00 – 3:15
Spring #### TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor Info: Dr. Chris S. Ferekides
Tel: (813) 974-4818
Office Hours:
Catalog Description: The first part of a two semester sequence covering fundamental science topics in electrical engineering. This course addresses material science and quantum physics concepts, thermal and electrical conductivity, and semiconductors.
Course Objectives: This course provides electrical engineering students with a strong background in material science and quantum physics as these relate to electrical/electronic material and device properties and applications.
Semesters Offered: Spring & Fall
Course Prerequisites: CHS 2440 General Chemistry for Engineers; PHY 2048 General Physics I
Course Co-prerequisites: MAC 2283 Engineering Calculus III
Courses that require this as a direct prerequisite: EEE 3472C Electrical Engineering Science II – Electromagnetic
Level: UG Credits: 3
Text Info: S.O. Kasap, Principles of Electrical Engineering Materials and Devices, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-19-514251-9.
Reference (Supplemental Reading): None
Course Outcomes: ABET program educational outcomes a, e, g, l, m
1. To develop an understanding in elementary materials concepts (a, c)
2. To develop an understanding of the electrical and thermal conduction process in solids (a, c)
3. To develop an understanding of basic Quantum Physics principles (a)
4. To develop an understanding of the Band Theory of Solids (a)
5. To develop an understanding of semiconductors (a)
6. To develop the capability to solve problems dealing with electronic materials applications (a, c, e)
Test & Grading Info: There will be 2 mid-term exams and one final exam. No devices with wireless/optical communications capability (phones, calculators, etc.) are allowed during the examination periods. Several weekly quizzes (closed note and closed book) will be given in the class to be taken on line using a laptop, tablet, or smart devices, that require a LockDown Browser. A missed quiz will be graded zero. Make-up exams will be allowed at the instructor’s consent, only under special circumstances; appropriate documentation in writing must be provided. Suggested homework problems will be provided on a regular basis. A short team research project may be assigned toward the latter part of the semester.
** At the start of the semester a competency quiz – based on chemistry and physics will be available on Canvas for one week; you are required to score >=80% on this review else you will receive a 1 letter grade reduction in the course. You can take the exam as often as needed to achieve a score of >=80%.
Grading Breakdown:
Mid-term exams 56% (28% each)
Final exam 28%
Homework/Quizzes 16%
Grading scale:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 0-60
Course Topics and Approximate # of Lectures (26 x 75-min periods):
1. Material Science Concepts: Atomic structure and bonding; Thermally activated processes; Crystalline State and Defects; Solid Solutions/phase diagrams. (4)
2. Electrical and Thermal Conduction: Resistivity and Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity; Solid solutions and Mixtures; Hall effect; Thermal Conductivity. (5)
3. Quantum Physics: Photons; Electron as a wave; Infinite potential well; Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle; Tunneling; Hydrogen atom; Lasers. (5)
4. Band Theory of Solids: Semiconductors; Energy bands; Boltzman and Fermi statistics; Metal/metal contacts; Seebeck effect and Thermionic emission. (5)
5. Semiconductors: Intrinsic; Extrinsic; Conductivity – temperature dependence; Recombination; Diffusion and Conduction equations; Steady-state diffusion and continuity equation; Optical absorption; junction phenomena. (5)
6. Dielectrics: Capacitors; Polarization and Relative permittivity; Polarization Mechanisms; Dielectric Constant; Dielectric Strength; (2)
Specialization: This course is required for all Electrical Engineering majors.
Additional Course Features: Weekly review/help sessions are typically offered.
Final Exam Info: Scheduled Per Published Exam Matrix
Attendance: You must provide written notification by the second class period if you anticipate being absent from class due to major religious observances. Examinations must be taken as scheduled; requests for make-up exams and quizzes will be considered on individual merit.
Make-up assignments: Late work will not be accepted without prior notification (at least two days before the due date) and reasonable justification.
Academic Integrity
The faculty of the Electrical Engineering Department is committed to maintaining a learning environment which promotes academic integrity and the professional obligations recognized in the IEEE Code of Ethics ( Accordingly, the department adheres to a common Academic Integrity Policy in all of its courses. This policy is to be applied uniformly in a fair and unbiased manner.
University rules regarding academic integrity will be strictly enforced. It is not acceptable to copy, plagiarize or otherwise make use of the work of others in completing homework, project, laboratory report, exam or other course assignments. Likewise, it is not acceptable to knowingly facilitate the copying or plagiarizing of one’s own work by others in completing homework, project, laboratory report, exam or other course assignments. It is only acceptable to give or receive assistance from others when expressly permitted by the instructor. Unless specified otherwise, as in the case of all take-home exams, scholarly exchange regarding out-of-class assignments is encouraged. A more complete explanation of behaviors that violate academic integrity is provided at:
The minimum penalty for violation of the academic integrity policy stated in the preceding paragraph is the greater of an automatic zero on the assignment or a letter grade reduction in the overall course grade. Student(s) found in violation of the policy on an exam will receive a minimum penalty of an F in the course. All instances of policy violations will be recorded in a letter from the instructor that is kept in the student files held by the department; a copy of the letter will be forwarded to the appropriate (undergraduate or graduate) Dean's office. A second violation of the policy, irrespective of whether it was related to an exam or any other course assignment, will result in a course grade of “FF” and expulsion from the Electrical Engineering Department.
At the instructor’s discretion the penalties associated with the EE Department’s Academic Integrity Policy may be stricter, in which case further explanation is provided in the following.
Modifications to the Uniform Academic Policy: <none>
Property – you are not granted permission to sell notes or tapes of class lectures.
Students in need of academic accommodations for a disability may consult with the office of Students with Disabilities Services to arrange appropriate accommodations. Students are required to give reasonable notice prior to requesting an accommodation. Contact SDS at 974-4309 or
Standard Syllabus Prepared by: C. Ferekides
Date of Approval of Standard Syllabus by Area: