Monday 30November2015 at 6.00 pm

Directorate / Business Support
Bob Dawe (BD) / Chair
Laura Quinton (LQ) / Vice Chair
Pam McGowan (PMG) / Treasurer
Chris Lambert (CL) / Head of Housing
Rev Phylippe Aaron (RPA) / Resident - Park View & Whitwick TARA
Gill Ashburn (GA) / Resident - Park View & Whitwick TARA
Annette Grant (AG) / Resident - Park View & Whitwick TARA
Dorothy Stemp (DS) / Resident - Park View & Whitwick TARA
Joan Cox (JC) / Resident - Coalville & Linford and Verdon TARA
Sue Carr (SC) / Resident - Donisthorpe
Graham Carr (GC) / Resident - Donisthorpe
Gloria Richardson (GR) / Resident - Greenhill & Greenhill TARA
Justin O’Brien (JO’B) / Resident Involvement Team Leader
Sue Ross (SR) / Resident involvement Officer
Diane Caffrey (DC) / Resident Involvement Administration Assistant
Glyn Jones (GJ) / Director of Housing NWLDC
Cllr Roger Bayliss (RB) / Housing Portfolio Holder
Clare Boden (CB) / Resident - Friends of Westfield TARA
Dorothy Lacey MBE (DL) / Resident - St Marys TARA
Pauline Inett (PI) / Resident-Ashby
Jeanette Collins (JC) / Resident - Greenhill & Greenhill TARA
Hilary Prime (HP) / Resident - Coalville & Linford and Verdon TARA
Roger Ludgate (RL) / Resident - Ashby & Willesley TARA
Kath Ludgate (RL) / Resident - Ashby & Willesley TARA
Linda Green (LG) / Resident - Coalville & Linford and Verdon TARA
Pam Lawman (PL) / Resident - Coalville & Linford and Verdon TARA
Mike Green (MG) / Resident - Coalville & Linford and Verdon TARA
Coffee & Networking
1. / Welcome, Introductions and Apologies
BD welcomed all to the meeting, apologies for the late start of meeting.
Lots of apologies as noted above
2. / Minutes of Last Meeting
Previous minutes agreed as accurate
Proposed SC Seconded PA
3. / Matters Arising from Last Meeting.
4. / Treasurers Report
PMG provided details of spend to date for TLCF.
It was noted that TARA grants were up on last year and this was due to the increase in the number of TARA’s this year these include Kegworth and Park View.
The Open Day this year the TARA socialising event and the notice boards contributed to the increase in spending from the Community Projects pot. PMG went on to say that the next treasurer’s report would be crucial as it will include the cost of the Christmas thank you events and the East Midlands Tenant Participation Forum costs.
JOB advised that we are still on target with the budget figures and there were no further training or meeting costs to be added this year.
PMG also enquired as to whether we pay Electricity Bills for TARA groups? JO’B advised that we pay for TARAs who have stand alone buildings i.e. Robins Nest, Other TARA usually use council owned buildings, so there are no charges for use.
BD asked if we contribute to Friends of Westfield who have use of a non council building. LQ advised that no contribution is received, and it is only a small charge per use.
BD suggested that the TARA should not be disadvantaged because of this and suggested that the TLCF assist in the payment for use of premises. Proposer BD, Seconded SC - Vote carried by members.
PMG also asked about contributing to the TARAs that host the monthly meetings as they should not be expected to be out of pocket as a result.
JO’B advised that the Resident Involvement Team do bring with them tea, coffee and biscuits, but often this is not used. RPA said it was a kind and thoughtful view, but it is not necessary to reimburse the TARA at Parkview as they are happy to provide refreshments. PMG asked if the meetings would return to the council offices. BD said this would happen if the numbers attending the meetings increased. JO’B added that it was nice to visit other TARA venues. LQ added that it was good to see what facilities were available to other TARA groups. It was agreed that TARA’s would use their grants to fund any refreshments they put on for the TLCF if they were hosting the meeting.
5. / Review of supported Housing Properties.
AH presented her report on the review of Supported Housing Properties.
Following ratification at TLCF in May 2015, and Cabinet in June 2015; Housing Management embarked upon the redesignation of schemes in Cherry Tree Court Moira, and Central Avenue Ibstock. In addition to the redesignation, a local lettings plan (LLP) was introduced in each area, specific to the location and prioritises applicants who are in employment or education to enable a more balanced community. The current position is that 4 properties in Cherry Tree and one in Central Avenue have been let using the local lettings plan. There are no further properties currently empty.
AH went on to say that as demand for support in these areas was low, the local lettings plans has enabled properties to become occupied and that things were going well, and hoping to keep them fully occupied. AH went on to say that one of the things that housing management did, was to carry out joint viewings for all vacant properties and this gave individuals a chance to meet prospective neighbours. The hope is that this can be replicated in other locations and consultations should be completed before April 2016. Areas for consideration are Mount Pleasant in Castle Donnington, Silver Street in Whitwick, Linford & Verdon Crescent and Hermitage Court.
PMG asked what would happen if the residents object.
AH advised that this was a consultation exercise for resident views, which would be considered, but we also need to look at the income of the business.
CL added that it is important to consult, but leaving empty properties is not an option. We have a budget reduction of 1% over the next four years. If we can’t let properties, we may have to sell and then we would have no say.
PMG said age groups are the reason for many objections.
AH said that currently only younger people with a support need are eligible to apply for accommodation, but through the introduction of a LLP, we have been able to attract considerate professional people who are bringing the community together. CL said that at present our own rules prevent people from living in a location of choice. We need to consider how we open this up; the business plan is about renting not selling. LQ added if we are not careful we could lose our affordable properties. LQ said she had been doing some research on mixed communities and the findings showed that allowing a mix of culture and ages increased community spirit and crime and ASB oftendecreased.She has witnessed the community interaction with older people and young children where she lives.
SR added that some of the TARA activities such as planting projects and dog fouling schemes,have increased the sense of community spirit as the projects have involved a mix of ages
BD concluded that the advent of LLP’s could resolve many of the issues with low take up of certain properties. BD thanked AH for her report.
6. / Funding Streams for TARA Activities
SR discussed the information available to TARA’s around where they might seek help and support with funding opportunities.
SR said she is happy to assist groups in researching funding opportunities. SR handed out information on some of the funding available, and what needs to be in place when TARAs apply for funding. LQ asked why certain pots of money exempt a group from applying for funding elsewhere. SR advised that funders have different criteria and it means that in some cases they want to be the only funder associated with a project. Others are happy to share project funding and many request fund matching. Fund matching does not have to be a monetary value; it can be volunteering hours etc.
PMG asked if there was a website available for TARA to search.
SR advised that there is no one place to find all the information and this is where she can assist TARAs to find funding streams.
BD thanked SR for the information and said it was a great shame that all the TARAs were not available tonight.
7. / Working Groups update
Information on current working group activities is attached to agenda for information.
JO’B reminded members that the Older Person WG has now been redesignated as an Older Persons Forum which meets quarterly.
8. / Forward Plan
No meeting in December. January meeting will concentrate on 16/17 Budget proposals, Benchmarking and the outcome of the review of Queensway House, St Marys Court and Wakefield Court.
JO’B is to share the findings of the recent TPAS health check and ask a member of TPAs to talk to the Forum, about the benefits of membership of TPAS. BD suggested this be moved to February meeting, and to extend an invitation to TPAS to attend.
9. / AOB
Employee Update
CL wanted to update the forum on employees.
TA currently on maternity leave, expected date of delivery is today.
Steve Everson is currently covering her post. Steve works Tues-Fri, so will not be available to attend TLCF, but will attend other working groups.
Senior management cover will be given by Glyn and Chris in Tracy’s absence.
BD asked that a card & collection be arranged from the Forum.
Forum meeting - Daytime
SC asked if the January meeting could be held during the day, and that St Marys TARA had offered to host.
JO’B advised that we had agreed to visit a venue twice, and that January would be held again at Parkview, but that a daytime meeting would be at the discretion of the Forum.
BD said this may exclude people who work, and the last time they had a daytime meeting only 6 people attended. BD said this could be put on the agenda for next meeting.
RPA brought up the issue of footpaths and verges within the local area and in particular the bad sate of repair. These affected disabled and elderly in the Coalville area. CL advised that many of the issues highlighted were the responsibility of the highways department within LCC, and that all instances should be reported. CL said that the legal position of a local authority was different if a problem was not reported to them, and asked that all problems be reported.
Friends Of Westfields TARA
LQ advised of their Christmas party being held in December. Forum members are welcome to attend, and there would be acover charge of £3 for the event. Anyone interested in attending can contact LQ for information. / JO’B
10. / Meeting closed- 19:35pm
Date of Next Meeting - Monday 25thJanuary 2016 Park View

Tenants and Leaseholders Consultation Forum

Action List

Action / Owner / Target Date / Action status
Invitation to TPAS to attend Forum in February / JOB / FEB 16 / Ongoing
Update forward plan / DC / JAN 16 / Completed