Woodlawn ElementaryMediaCenter 5-16-16
Type ofmeeting:Regular MonthlyMeeting
Members Present: Bernice Bates,Tina Rice, Andrea Richards, Allyson Reynolds, Christie Sharp, Hillary Zimmerman, Jennifer Pierson, Mary Shelby, FarrahGuerrant, Mindy Barnett
Other Attendees: Liz Erwin
Section 1: OpeningBusiness/Welcome:
- Bernice Bates called the meeting to order at 3:35
- The agenda was approved with an amendment to the dates of interviews of the regular education teacher position(motion by Richards, second by Reynolds,consensus given)
- The regularly scheduled minutes fromApril 19th and the special called meeting from May 9thwere approved (motion byReynolds and seconded by Zimmerman, consensus given)
Good News Report
- K-PREP ended today
- Received Special Ed Grant
- Librarian hired
- New Council Members: Bernice Bates, John Elliott, Jill McNees, Allyson Reynolds, Lori Hundley, FarrahGuerrant
Parent Points: none given
Public Comment: none given
Section 2: State/School/Student Achievement
- Grades 3-5 MAP make-ups completed
Section 3: Planning and Program
- Program Review DRAFTs ready- must submit by June 1st
Section 4: Budget
- May Report (motion by Richards, second by Sharp (consensus given)
Section 5: Team Correlate Reports:
- No reports
Section 6: Kentucky Core Academic Standards
- Nothing new at this time
Section 7: Review
- PTO Report: Sonic Colts Cuisine Night was a stormy success!!
New Business/Old Business
- Special Education – full time position to hire
- Interviews: Wednesday, May 18th
- Regular Education Teacher to hire
- Interviews: Monday, May 24th
- Thank you to exiting members!
Next Meeting:
Regularly Scheduled meetings for 2015-16 School Year:
June 14th @ 3:30
July 13th @ 3:30
July 21st @ 3:30
*SBDM meetings will occur on the 3rd Tuesday of each month with the exception of accommodating for the start of school, Winter Break, and Election Day.
Meeting Place: WES Library
Motion to adjourn at by Barnett and seconded by Rice.
Team Minutes – Attachment A
Correlate Team:Safe & OrderlyDate:Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Members Present: Ellis, Ward, Matheny, Webb
Members Absent: Durr
Team Leader:Webb (Substitute Leader)
Secretary: Ward
Safe and Orderly will met on Tuesday, April 12th at 3:30 in Mrs. Ellis’s room.
Items on the agenda include:
- Discuss Hallway Expectation Survey
- The correlate reviewed the Hallway Expectation Survey and agreed to send it to the teachers to complete.
- The correlate will review the results of the survey during the next meeting and share findings with staff, along with recommendations.
Next Meeting Date 05-10-16
Correlate for High ExpectationsMinutes March
Attachment B
If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
Correlate Team:High for High ExpectationsDate:April 12, 2016 at 3:30
Team Leader: Christie Sharp
Secretary: Cheyenne Mills
Members Present: Christie Sharp, Mindy Barnett, Sarah Brown, Pam Burkett, Cheyenne Mills
Members Absent:
- Finish K-PREP motivational Rally
There will be 5 teams which consists of 1 teacher and 2 students from grades 3, 4 and 5. The team that wins will select a competition task for Mrs. Bates and Ms. Erwin (number of marshmallows they can stuff in their mouth, dance off between Bates and Erwin, race scooter boards, Oreo from forehead to mouth, etc.) Teachers: Elliott, Odell, Pierson, Zamrik, Matheny
- Assign testing partners– K, 1 2 with 3, 4, 5
Barnett – Matheny
Ellis – Morris
Everman – Hammond
Godbey – Mills
Reynolds – Elliott
Smith – Shelby
Dewolfe – Odell
McMann – Preschool
Shewmaker – McNees
Orberson – Pierson
Spatola – Zamrik
- Finalize end of year activities Awards day and send off
May 20 – Field Day
May 23 – Field Day Make up day
May 24– Good Faith Effort
May 25 – 4th & 5th Grade Awards @ 8:15 am
5th Grade Send off @ 9:30 am
Ask Mrs. York to be speaker
Goals for Next Meeting:
Meeting Date: May 10, 2016 at 3:30 in Mrs. Barnett’s room
Attachment C
Attachment D
Frequent MonitoringMinutes
April 2016
If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
Correlate Team:Frequent MonitoringDate: April 12, 2016
Team Leader: Andrea Richards
Secretary: Amanda Godbey
Members Present: Ashley Hammond, Jane Goatley, Sarah Shadburne, Amanda Godbey, Andrea Richards, Jennifer Pierson, Lindsay Spatola, Jennifer Pierson, Cyndi Wrenn
- Report card revisions were due this month. First grade presented their new report card. It has been modified to reflect the first grade common core standards.
- There was some discussion about DRA. All members of this committee will survey their grade level for suggestions to the following questions:
-Should there be caps for the DRA at each grade level? If so, what suggestions do you have?
- Teachers involved in scrimmage testing reflected on this year’s test. Those that used the old scrimmage tests liked them and felt like it was a good review for students. Accommodations for students went well. Overall, teachers felt that it was beneficial to take time to do the scrimmage tests. It provided the teachers knowledge about what content needed to be reviewed.
Next Meeting Date: May 10, 2016 in Amanda Godbey’s Room @ 3:30
Attachment E
The Home/School Relations Correlate met April 12, 2016 in Kathy Shewmaker’s room.
Those present: K. Shewmaker; S. Herron; W. Ross; K. York; C. Smith; L.Gardner
Team Leader- Herron
Secretary- Smith
Other Business
- FRC:
*4/9-Super Saturday Child Care Training was held at the BC Extension Office- 45 in attendance and earned 6 hours of state-mandated training by the Boyle County CECC
*4/21- FRYSCKy Regional Mtg/training – hosted by Boyle/Danville all day
*4/25 Happy Feet Volunteers will be here to measure students for new back-to-school shes. 50 students will be provided for this year! Liz has started her list- If you would like to refer a student in need of clothing or shoes, please email or stop by FRC. This is always the case – If you ever have any concerns about a student, Liz will investigate the need and take care of it.
*4/29- Volunteer Appreciation: “Behind the Scenes Heroes!” Super snacks for our Super Heroes! Available all day at school. Please feel free to bring a snack to share. Liz is looking into T-shirts for these amazing folks!
**May 3rd- Reschedule of 3rd-5th Family Literacy Night – 6:30 (During Book Fair week)
*4/22&4/29 - 5th Grade Career Cafe- Speakers from 4 different career fields will rotate for classrooms for 15 minute sessions.
2. PTO:
- Upcoming Fundraisers:
*Square One Art-distributed this week
*Identity Cards -The plan is to move to next year's school registration.
*Teacher Appreciation Week May 2-6
*Colt Cuisine Night at Sonic- May 12th 5-7PM Teachers will car hop and PTO will help, too.
* Field Day on Friday, May 20th. PTO will request parent volunteers needed to help with the event.
3. Other business:
* Spring Scholastic Book Fair! “Buy One- Get One Free!”
-Shop May 2-6
* The correlate began reviewing the school's H/S Notebook. Stacie suggested we all review the material and come prepared to make revisions at our next mtg.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 @ 3:30
*We will make revisions to the Home/School Notebook and submit it for review.
Attachment F
Correlate for BCLA
If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
Correlate Team:BCLADate:April 12, 2016
Team Leader: Liz Erwin
Secretary: Liz Erwin
Members Present: Betsy Everman, Jill McNees, Allyson Reynolds, Kelly Odell
Registration dates:
- Monday July 25th
- Thursday August 4th
- 3-7
- Open Registration
- 2 nights
- 15 open slots 3:00 PM-5:00 PM, 15 open slots from 5:00 PM-7:00 PM
- Teachers sign up for 2 hour shifts for one of the nights (work based on the PD schedule)
- In the gym
Next Meeting Date: May 10th