Nursing Conversion Chart
ABBREV. / MEANING / ABBREV. / MEANINGa / before / OD / right eye
as as / of each / os / mouth
ac / before meals / OS / left eye
ad / a to / OU / in each eye
ad lib / as desired _ / oz, / ounce
am / ampule
au / both ears / P / pulse
b.i.d., B, I. D. / twotimes a day / PO, o / by mouth
BP / blood pressure / c / after meals
• c / with / per / through or by
°C / centigrade; Celsius / re-o / before surgery
cc / cubic centimeter / .r.n, / as needed or required
caps / capsule / each, every
d / day / gd / every day
DC / discontinue / h / every hour
dr / dram / 2h, 2hr / every two hours
elix / elixir / 3h, 3hr / every three hours
et (&) / and / .i.d., Q.I.D. / four times a day
°F / Fahrenheit / god / every other day
fl dr, / fluid dram / q.s. / as much as required;
sufficient amount
gm, Gm, g / gram / R / respiration
grain / s / without
drop / sc, SC, sub g, SQ / subcutaneously
h, hr / hour / SL / beneath the tongue
H / hypodermic / SOS / once only if needed
Hs / Hour of sleep: bedtime / sol / solution
in / inch / stat / immediately X
IM / intramuscular / supp / suppository
IV / intravascular, intravenous / ss / one-half
IVP / intravenous push / susp / suspension
IVPB / intravenous piggyback / t, tsp / teaspoon
Kg / kilo am / T / Temperature, tablespoon
KVO / keep vein open / tab / tablet
L / liter / TBA / to be absorbed
lb / pound / tbsp , T / tablespoon / microgram / t.i.d.. T.I.D. / three times a day
mEq / millie uivalmt / TKO / to keep open
mg / mills am / TPN / total parenteral nutrition
rn,mx / minim / tr, tinct / tincture
min / minute / U, u / unit
ml / milliliter / ung / ointment
n, noct / night / via / by way of
no (#) / number / Wt / weight
NPO / nothing b y mouth / X, x / multiplied by
PPN / Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition / % / percent