Name______Class: _____
“A Raisin in the Sun” Movie Discussion Questions Score: ___/50
1. Walter is ______years old and married for ______years.
2. Walter claims that he has nothing to give his son except ______
3. Beneatha claims that ______is “the greatest” subject in school.
4. Walter tells his sister to be a ______or to get married and “shut up”
5. Lena says that Walter Lee is just like ______.
6. Lena states that some of the money is going to be put away for ______
7. Ruth refers to the tenement that they live in as a rat ______.
8. Lena claims that her dream was to buy a house in ______
9. Lena indicates that Walter always used to say things like “seems like God gave the black
man nothing but ______
10. Beanetha claims that she can never be serious about George because he is too
Answer the questions below using complete sentences (3 points each)
11. What is one idea that Beneatha does not accept?
12. Who does Beneatha believe makes miracles?
13. How does Lena compare her children to her plant?
14. At what location do Bobo, Walter, and Willie discuss the liquor store?
15. What does Asagai say is popular in Beneatha’s country?
16. What does Walter says “life is?”
17. How much money does Ruth give the lady for an abortion?
18. What does George say about the “heritage” that Ruth speaks of?
19. What does George call Walter Lee as he leaves for the show?
20. What does Walter tell his mother she did with his dream?
21. Who does Ruth speak to when she answers the phone? Walter’s boss
22. How many days has Walter been absent from work?
23. What is the first gift that Mama receives from her children
24. Why does Lindner say problems exist in this world?
25. What offer does Lindner make as the Youngers and Ruth listen to him?
26. What type of energy does Lena claim her children have?
27. Identify two of the takers that Walter refers to when he talks about the “takers and the
28. What does Beaneatha call her brother?
29. What two adjectives does Walter use to describe his family when he is talking to Mr. Lindner?
30. What positive news does Beneatha share with her family?