West Suffolk CCG Community Engagement Group

Thursday 16 February 2017

The King Edward VII Memorial Hall, Newmarket

David Taylor (Chair)
Jo Finn, WSCCG Lay Member Jon Rapley
Jane Ballard Lesley MacLeod
Michael Simpkin
Carol Mansell
David Dawson
Peter Owen
Gill Jones
Anne Nicholls
Isabel Cockayne; Head of Communications, IESCCG and WSCCG
Hayley Charman; Communication and Engagement Officer, WSCCG
Kate Vaughton, Chief Operating Officer, WSCCG
Barbara McLean, Chief Nursing Officer, IESCCG and WSCCG
Marion Fairman-Smith
Chrissy Marshall
Graeme Norris
Item / Action
David Taylor welcomed everyone, thanked visitors for attending, particular welcome to audience. Able to see a meeting in process. Apologies had been received from Jon Rapley and Lesley MacLeod. The chairman outlined Newmarket facts. These included health census information – population of 18500, of which 16.2% are aged under 16, which is lowest percentage compared to other west Suffolk populations. Over 65sare 16.3%, one of the lowest again. Working age population is one of the highest. General perception of good health across Newmarket. (Source: Suffolk Observatory)
Jane Ballard asked to clarify comment under gluten free prescribing about families not receiving products on benefits. It was because the NHS is notresponsible for products.
Nurse training from BMcL. BMcL confirmed dropout rate for Suffolk and IHT is not higher than national norm, it is lower.
AN asked about no. of application rate being high and applications not being taken forward. BMcL not aware, there has been a change in nurse training as there is now no bursary – there has been an 18% reduction in nurse applications due to having to self-fund. Apprenticeship opportunity coming online later this year which would mean applicants are not paying for own training as it will be part of their employment.
IC confirmed there will be a social care representative at the next meeting. DD asked if they wanted notice of our questions – forward on questions to HC to send prior to meeting.
DD would like SCC to present then take questions. JF would like them to attend regularly. IC cautioned not to over tax officers and to be clear we are supporting each other. / DD/HC
3. / CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – David Taylor
DT reported from the Governing Body meeting around consultation and the development of the diabetes service (referenced in report). National ranking of WS diabetes service has improved greatly. DD involved in working group representing CEG, public and patients. DD commented on how service is hospital based and could benefit from being taking out to the community.
Feedback on consultation about MVA and IVF services, both CCGs refused changes and are keeping two service and MVA will be going back to tender. The public very much informed that debate, outreach service and focus groups shaped the decision, working together with stakeholders. JF and AN praising ‘proper’ consultation and that the public have been listened to.
PO interested in what we are going to cut and say no to.
IC on coproduction – it is not the only thing we should be focussing on in engagement terms and is part of a broader spectrum. DT commented that it is a very important tool, but not exclusive. PO asked what does coproduction mean?Good definitions of coproduction and how we can use it will be created with Healthwatch Suffolk’s support.
JF thanked Kate Vaughton for attending to speak to the Operational Plan. JF thanked CEG new member applicants (in the audience) for attending.
JF mentioned PPG workshop and CEG workshop plans, and the Patient Revolution date.
JF went to Lay Member workshop in Leicester, will provide feedback.
IC had produced a guide to involving engaging and consulting with your general practice population in service changes.Healthwatch Suffolk helped to design and shape.
JF invited Project Management Officer to next meeting.to outline the PMO function.
MS asked for copy of guide IC has written.
DD commented that it is important that we know the CQC role in GP. BMcL suggested a CQC representative coming along to speak to the group. / BMcL/IC
5. / OPERATIONAL PLAN – Kate Vaughton
KV referred to operational plan document in papers, which sets out the operationalisation of the first year of the five year Sustainability and Transformation Plan. It outlines what that means and how it looks on the ground. KV said the challenge is to manage the demand, how to we organise services differently and intervene earlier in a patient’s journey.
PO – why is Colchester on there we are west Suffolk? KV that operational plan refers to STP which is system wide, and said changes can be made.
IC system is operating together currently. Jan Thomas wants to talk about what future systems of care will look like at a future meeting. KV we need to aware of what is happening in Ipswich and Colchester.
DT raises point that document could benefit from being more specific when going out to general public. JF right to question it, easy to put plans on paper but harder to deliver.
DD said “Thei” newspaper reviewed STPs across the country and found that a large number of community hospitals going to be closed (but not in this STP).
PO commented that this five year plan only had two years of finance. KV clarified that the STP is a five year document and the Operational Plan is a two year plan for WSCCG. ANsaid the government does not give the information/money every year so we can’t predict more than two years.
KV operational plan says that it is year 18/19.
Nursing training element covered earlier.
Work equality monitoring – monitoring the equality of services provided
Whole team who looks at patient experience, feedback, complaints – feeds into CCG. Vital signs website area of best practice of EEAST service. BMcL would summary of patient experience/ performance report be useful to feed into CEG meetings? CCG are there to scrutinise services we commission.
DT in taking up offer would like help in talking through the report as at GB, they are very complex so that the group can learn and understand. Two way conversation would be very helpful.
MS asked for finance headlines every meeting.
Care homes – BMcL discussed care homes, not just older residents but care at home, younger people needing care at home. Excellent work in Suffolk around care homes.
Special education needs and disabilities (SEND) – legislation released in 2013, used to be called statementing in schools – where pupils need extra support. Education health and care plan is replacing Statementing. Requirement to move young people 0-25years. CQC inspection on Monday 12 December. Suffolk found not to have made sufficient progress. Comms and engagement statements have been prepared for stakeholders. Working with NHS England for support. Announcement due soon when report is published.
DD as governor of school, 73 of 850 identified of having SEND or are at disadvantage. Asked Barbara to send report to all schools and ask that there is a governing body item. Encourage schools to give feedback and discuss.
JB how long does process take? BMcL in a period of transition – will give timescale as action. Part way through transitioning from Statementing (local authority led) and being driven by local authority to meet timescales. Would be useful to have on a page!
JF suggested that we should consider in CEG members workshop if we need to provide more engagement support on this. / BMcL
KV gave a brief update on financial situation to present. There has been a lot of work that has gone into contracts and making sure we are getting the right service for the right cost. Particular points to note were working with health and social care and prescribing successes. Praise to financial team. Members were pleased with the decision on MVA and IVF funding.
GJ would be concerned if the MVA service funding was cut. KV commented that there is potential to get more for the same cost from service in next procurement.
DT asked who picks up WSH overspend. KV it’s added to their next year’s deficit.
KV do we have a link to the WSH patient forum? JF no but the idea has been toyed with but not pursued actively.
DT need to find the right way of linking with WHS patient forum without confusing the public and issues.
KV to look at CEG equivalent at WSH.
Chrissy - May 6 WSH cancer user group forum.
KV Lesley has offered to have more detailed 121 conversations re finance if required. / KV
JF introduced the paper and its purpose. Need to think about future event. How can it be improved?
KV to work with IC on putting more figures into report.
MS asked to be informed abouttransport updates from report at future meeting. / KV
DT suggested the feedback comes earlier on agenda.
GJ diabetic foot care report from HWS signed off, due soon. Working on STP and supporting CCG with STP engagement. Working with GP Federation and Suffolk Primary Care and domiciliary care and care homes. Looking at social prescribing modules.
AN low priority policies, thank you for responding. Email from Andrew Hassan, wife is dentist, NHS England have written to all dental practices in Suffolk to say that all secondary dental services at WSH are going to cease with a week’s notice. Major reduction in service, should be subject to consultation. Seven day notice is unacceptable.
GJ – patients with appointments, patients already on a course of treatment will be completed but no new referrals. Due to be finished August. New referrals will have to go to Norfolk/Ipswich/Addenbrookes. No consultation is required. KV chasing and will send original letter to AN and update when more information is available.
CM – local area coordinator scheme working well in parishes’. SCC funded. Connect scheme.
JB – Scheme has started in forest heath.
JF – due update on Connect from Martin in June. / HC
10. / AOB
MS –as patient of WSH hearing, appointment date incorrect and didn’t flag up. KV to follow up with EMT director. / KV
Grahame – very interesting discussion would be so pleased to try and help.
GP Five Year Forward View
STP update (Accountable care organisations and Connect are part of STP)
Project management in CCG
Social Care