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The Oakdale Tourism and Visitors Bureau (OTVB) is a citizen-based collective dedicated to the promotion of tourism activities in beautiful Oakdale. By promoting our western heritage and small town charisma, we focus our messaging on the unique themes that our community is known for.
The purpose of the Event Sponsorship Program is to support and provide incentive for community events held in Oakdale, CA, which contribute to a diverse, vibrant and strategically balanced tourism program. These guidelines are intended to ensure our sponsorship investments help us to meet the tourism goals for the upcoming year. It is an effort to guide experiences in the right direction and to ensure alignment with the City of Oakdale growth plans.
Priority for funding will be awarded to organizers who bring a substantial amount of visitors to the City, increase awareness of Oakdale to our defined markets and/or increase visitor spending. We welcome applications from tourism-related For Profit and Non-Profit organizations, as well as individuals or groups interested in undertaking tourism-related initiatives. We hope that these sponsorship guidelines will encourage people to develop new experiences for our visitors.
Eligible Events---
Event proposals should be in alignment with the OTVB brand. Chosen events should complement, diversify and fall in line with the local events calendar. The event Project Plan should demonstrate planning relevant to scale of the event. The proposed budget for the event should be realistic and include evidence of other support (i.e. fundraising, sponsorship, use of volunteers, in-kind support etc.). Environmentally sustainable practices for the event should be adequately addressed. The event aims and outcomes should benefit the Oakdale community socially and economically, and should be considered achievable. Event organizers should be able to show compliance with all City of Oakdale event requirements. Applicable forms can be obtained from City Hall, 280 N. 3rd Ave.
There are three main categories in which funding may be provided:
Sports- Sporting events which attract visitors to Oakdale.
History/Culture/Arts- Tours/Events that showcase and highlight Oakdale's rich culture, history and potential arts.
New Experiences- A unique tour/excursion that enhances visitor experience and gives them something to do while in the area.
Funding Limitations---
Sponsorships are competitive and may be awarded in varying amounts, but no more than $1,000 for any one event. OTVB will not cover the full cost of an event or requests for permanent funding. We will not cover ongoing administrative, plant or equipment costs. OTVB reserves the right not to process an application where an organization has failed to meet its obligations under a previous funding agreement, such as the provision of a statement of income and expenditure.
Ineligible Event Criteria---
· Event applications submitted after the deadline
· Events that have already commenced or are completed
· Events held external to and not for the benefit of the Oakdale area
· Events that do not align with the goals of the OTVB Tourism Plan
· Events that are primarily for individual or commercial profit
The following categories of events are ineligible:
· Meetings, Conferences, Promotional or business exhibitions
· Professional development activities, Tradeshows or Expos
· Charity galas, Balls and fundraising dinners or cocktail parties
· Religious, Political or Government agencies including schools and school agencies, (parents groups, booster groups, etc.).
Sponsorship Agreement---
Successful applicants will be required to sign a funding agreement which will detail acknowledgement of OTVB reporting requirements. Any request to vary the conditions as contained within a funding agreement must be negotiated prior to any agreement being signed.
Funds Disbursement and Reporting---
If the event application is successful, funds must be appropriately utilized within nine months. Once the event has taken place, it is the applicant’s responsibility to submit a Post Event Summary no more than 30 days after the event. As a provision of accepting the investment, awardees must provide adequate proof that the funds received were used as intended.
OTVB reserves the right to request an independent audit if the financial information of the report is not sufficient. Where an organization does not meet its obligations under the funding agreement, OTVB reserves the right to decline future requests for funding.
Application Process and Deadlines---
Requests for sponsorship funding should be submitted by completing the official OTVB Application along with the required documentation. A detailed budget must be included with the application. Applicants are encouraged to make a short presentation to the OTVB at their regular monthly meeting. Applications for 2015 event funding are due by the third Monday of each month at 5PM PST. These sponsorships will be considered for disbursement by the second Monday of the following month.
For questions and/or an application, contact:
Pam Dumas, OTVB Administrator
(209) 345-9264
I, the undersigned, declare by my signature that I have read, understand and agree to the rules and requirements associated with submitting an application for event sponsorship with OTVB.
ADDRESS ______
Rev: 12/4/14 BTOTVB